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Keeping it honest one tweet at a time. Independent. Dual degrees. Political agnostic.
Oct 6 12 tweets 4 min read
Jefferey Epstein would be proud: P. Diddy's alleged abusive "parties" were an open secret in Hollywood for years.

"Astonishing Video Resurfaces Of Ex-Porn Star Telling Cops He Was Diddy's 'Sex Slave' As THOUSANDS Of Abuse Allegations Mount Against Rapper"… Protecting kids has inexplicably become controversial.

In 2023, a Democrat-controlled California legislature stonewalled legislation that would have created felony charges for repeat *child* traffickers:…
Oct 4 8 tweets 2 min read
Colorado Judge sets dangerous precedent to lock up Democrats should they attempt to validate a future election outcome; slaps a 9-year sentence on a Mesa County clerk for the "crime" of opening the books to Trump officials in 2020:… When the Courts are used to obstruct efforts to validate one way or another *if* fraud took place, it CREATES conspiracy and election denialism.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. The ruling makes clear that demonstrating even a *valid outcome in an election* is a crime.