Ying 颖 🌾 Profile picture
🌼she/they/28 🌼artist and fic writer 🌼wangxian hours 🔞 minors DNI
3 subscribers
Aug 24, 2022 127 tweets 19 min read
Has anyone done the bottom!ji with yiling laozu era wwx.... but its modern au ceo wwx lol I'm asking for me. I want it
Feb 5, 2022 39 tweets 7 min read
Just thinking of assassin for hire!wwx being hired to infiltrate and eventually kill lwj after befriending him.... and the both of them hiding the fact that they're Well Aware Of the others task but still they can't stop being drawn to each other No plot just thinking of the final moment where lwj wakes up to wwx leaning over him, the needle point of his dagger trembling over lwj's Adam's apple -

And wwx looks up and meets lwj's calm gaze and he's caught, the ruse is up- there's no way to explain this betrayal away
Dec 10, 2021 100 tweets 17 min read
Man wangxian who grew up in the Chinese community always seeing each other at weddings and events- whose parents always tried to make them get along because free childcare if children play together while the adults play mahjong Who HATE each other because on wwx's part lwj is the guy- u know, the lingling who plays piano grade 8 and scores perfectly on his tests and never talks back to his parents
Dec 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Man lwj prolly only so tall because economic position allowed for early childhood nutrition.. the interest in tall men was an interest in rich men!! Which means wwx... probably a little short... Au where wwx was never on the streets and got adequate nutrition and grew up to be big and broad and squishy and lwj goes 👀😳🥺
Nov 3, 2021 89 tweets 14 min read
Ok ok ok but like...au where jc doesn't manage to distract the wen soldiers and they BOTH get captured- both of them get their cores crushed and tossed into the burial mounds Theyre both crushed and broken and clinging to each other- two brothers alone amongst the dead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," jc is saying, over and over again.

Wwx only screams himself hoarse, and is silent after that.
Oct 11, 2021 94 tweets 15 min read
I'm. Post-war era lwj as a clerk with his typewriter and glasses and tweed suit.... wwx as his mysterious and probably scandalous neighbour who keeps night hours Lwj sees him in passing, because he gets up early to start his commute, and wwx is just getting home, rumpled and lips smeared with lipstick.
Oct 11, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
That said had a physical training session yesterday and I literally cannot sit down without wincing so I am Thinking about wwx post workout acting like this and complaining that he can't sit properly after Saturday... And lwj.. hearing him say "God, [insert PT name here] really wrecked my ass, godd I can't even sit" and having the biggest misunderstanding and being all sad horny grip about it
Oct 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Hmm more jc brainworms bc like I know jc is very pretty and cute but also like... what if he's so dour and grumpy so his clothes are all kind of... dour and grumpy like sure they're silk purple brocade but somehow... somehow they're so boring And one day!!! One day somebody is fed up with it or one day he dons something less ceremonial cause he's gotta take care of some ghosts or something and he wears those leather vambtaces and the little waist belt and the boots and the tight robes that show off his butt
Oct 10, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I want jc and wwx to have to go undercover as ladies to uncover some Intel with jyl and like... despite wwx enjoying it way more jc is surprisingly RLY GOOD AT IT He sits properly, arches his brows and is basically a spitting image of yu ziyuan that everyone is just like "guniang. Please excuse us for being in your way"
Sep 26, 2021 25 tweets 4 min read
Okay but wwx masquerading as mxy, playing up the cutsleeve thing so hard he ends up as a concubine And somehow keeps falling upwards into higher and higher status despite trying to get kicked out of gusuLan's flower garden where all the wives and concubines etc are allowed to live
Sep 18, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
Thinking about like... cultural daoism today like I had this conversation with my Chinese teacher a few weeks ago About how in Western media there's often the good guy bad guy, the lone good taking down the big bad, and to the chinese mindset that might feel.. strange
Sep 17, 2021 48 tweets 6 min read
Sep 17, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
Thinking about young Wei Ying kneeling down in the hall at Lotus Pier, still in his ragged clothes, still stinking of dust and the market, eyes cast down as he hears yu furen shouting at Jiang fengmian "I will not tolerate this disrespect, Jiang fengmian! Who are you husband to? You want to bring another woman's child into my house? You expect me to be a mother to your dead flame?"

Wei Ying hears it all clearly. He tries not to flinch.
Sep 16, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Lrt literally I would give my soul for a whole ass movie done with that art direction rather than the more mainstream 3d it ended up being... like!!! Its possible u guys just showed that it was possible to take the whole history of Chinese art- consolidate it into a visual style Not that I don't love 3d but!! God I wish executives weren't such cowards
Sep 16, 2021 67 tweets 10 min read
For some reason I was minding my own business and my brain decided it rly likes the idea of nmj and Jiang cheng ..? In another world where jgy dies early and nmj therefore is left to live his life and be hot and irritable in qinghe
Sep 15, 2021 179 tweets 27 min read
Wei Wuxian flaps his wings once, twice, and then he soars a little, feathers ruffling as they skim the cold mountain air. Gusu sure is cold, he thinks, as he spots a nice little roof for moon watching. He slows as he descends, and the only sounds he makes are the clack of his sandals against the tiles of the roof, and the gentle clink of his jars of wine he’d procured earlier.
Sep 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I know tengu are Japanese but like... idk I like winged guardian deities instead of straight angel demons for that asian flavour u know (not that I'm not down for angel demon wangxian u know I am hmm) But like tengu are so... u know?!?!? U get robes and metal shod wood sandals that do the clack when they descend, avenging from the sky
Sep 14, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Hmmm I love oblivious wwx but today I am Contemplating wwx squirming in his seat flushed and feeling laviscious and indecent because he keeps ogling the pristine second young master Like!! Idk maybe wwx had a Defining Moment in yunmeng where they were all swimming in the lakes and the then first disciple grabbed at his shoulder and said "not bad, you're a natural now" and wwx had to swim a little longer till his boner went down
Sep 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I am thinking of yunmeng silk season and all the jiang kids helping out because it's important to know the main export of yunmeng and just... all of them concentrating and pulling apart silkworm cocoons.. idk it makes me happy to think about Also while I'm here silk headcanon I know a lot of people view silk as really satiny and soft but the silk I always envision Lan robes in is this lovely textured slubby silk...
Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Also thinking of wangxian and like.. seasonal motifs We have lotuses and snow but also I am thinking of when the cranes fly south and when there are ducks in the fields and dragonflies in the summer
Sep 12, 2021 19 tweets 3 min read
Still thinking of secretary lwj.. what if they're just very respectful and use scent blockers all the time cause this is a workplace of course and they're all very professional about it And then idk don't @ me I'm on kdrama brain rn but something something coffee spills and wwx has to strip his shirt off and scrub down and lwj has to go take his clothes to the dry cleaners