Rian Stone | Forbidden Imagery Profile picture
New! Gonzo Movie Review https://t.co/tqVktAuXUd | Sincerity, and by extension, anti BS | the OG Red Pill Hipster
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Sep 19, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This should settle the male space argument for good

All it took was 2 tweets of banter from the guys and every homosexual and woman started up with the crocodile tears and fainting couches.

If you wanna be in a male space you need to handle a little shit without crying like a bitch Exhibit a.

Brandi says male spaces have a hard time to attract members and guys are crying about being whiny bitches.

Of course that is because every male space gets some asshole who brings their girlfriend and ruins it for everyone.
Jun 6, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The reason women complain about men liking younger women is because it's cutting them out of the dating world.

It's not a moral argument, it's an attempt to shame the economics of sex into favorable outcomes Image It's not just talk, Image
Apr 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I don't think women realize how much professional and personal trouble women have been to most men's lives. My first ship, 30 people in my department over the first 3 years

Every guy had an allegation against them, 4 separate incidents and only 1 was even close to meritorious... She didn't want to hear about a co workers sexual exploits during sea watches, that's fair.
Jan 23, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Spitz has found that infants deprived of handling over a long period will tend at length to sink into an irreversible decline and are prone to ... intercurrent disease ... emotional deprivation can have a fatal outcome
The most favoured forms of stimuli are those provided by physical intimacy I think about the RP concepts of delayed adolescence and the damage of physical deprivation combine to explain a lot of the rise in what is called antisocial behavior in men and over socialized behavior in women.

Men become animePFP trolls and women become clout chasing hoes
May 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The redpill will never be attractive, and anyone trying to make it look cool is either lying or naive

This is a fundamental fact. Know why? It's because everything about attraction is covert. You can't call yourself high value without presenting as low value.

Women hate sales, women love marketing.

Proclaiming status is being a slimy used car salesman, not a high priced luxury
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
You think this because you're stupid. It's not your fault.

When someone starts looking up and away like that it means they are making stuff up. When they check the chat before they speak it means they are fine tuning audience pander. Bragging about a science/psych education yet handwave away SSRI's and the replication crisis it means you're either ignorant, or willfully deceptive

When you screw up the premise of a 1000 year old philosophical concept in order to sound horrific it means you react, not think
May 16, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
We've talked a bit but for y'all, here's a small primer on contracts as a Freelancer. Even for small projects and small amounts they are useful. It's not about a weapon to sue if they reneg it's about expectations and timelines.

Even if you trust the artist or client, contract. Write it down. Often an email is sufficient.
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The reason Twitter is so retarded is because you're watching a marketing funnel. Twitter is a top funnel activity. The only goal is to get you to remember the brands name, and possibly link to a middle funnel activity mid funnel activities show expertise. In my example, showing various red pilled mental models over the years and talking about the tools.

You rely on source amnesia, since most people forget why they remember your name. This is why the accounts with the least dignity are biggest
Apr 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Ladies, ima be 100:

If taking you out to dinner, intellectual debates, marrying you, treating you like princesses and your other Twitter ideas worked, we would be doing it

We tried, it didn't

The red pill would talk about 5 ways to build a white picket fence

Don't be mad because you don't like what you respond to, we are playing the game with the rules YOU gave us. And the day you respond to 'I have a good job, am a good father and will worship you and provide for you' is the day red pill guys will pivot to doing that.

But you don't like it, you don't want it, and deep down

you know that.
Mar 9, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I'll throw out a thread for guys who are truly clueless:

Your dating life sucks because you suck. You don't suck at everything, you may even be good at many things. you just suck at the things that matter.

This here is why he can't understand what everyone is telling him.
Image Sexual strategy is 2 things:

1 Be Attractive
2 Don't be Unattractive

1 is the self improvement stuff. working out, being fit, eating well, shave your balls, moisturize. the first pillar in my book praxeology goes into autistic detail on this

It's easy, women like to hear it
Feb 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
For women, a harsh truth:

If you're not married when you hit 30, it's reaching a certainty that you won't be after 35. This data is 10 years old, you see the trendline.

To date, the best feminine strategy, if you want a marriage, is to check out dating as early as possible > As these changes become evident, it is very likely that we will see a power shift in the “marriage market” as the husband shortage for marriage delayers becomes obvious.

This is why "where have all the good man" hating content is on the rise
Jan 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you want to do a podcast I have some advice.

From a guy who has done one for 3 years, over 150 episodes:

First, commitment. If you can't show up 95% of the time don't waste people's time Second, stop talking about the news. Everyone does it and I guarantee you'll not be more interesting than Bill Burr.

Third, if you can't carry a 2 hour conversation, your guests won't either.
Jan 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Something interesting I noticed from a branding perspective

Brand popularity is a myth. The only thing the fuck trophy tweet did better was get 2x the quote tweets of angry/happy people.

You'd think that with all this drama surrounding it there would be some big spike or drop ImageImage It was all just manufactured content. I see why people do. To me it's an annoyance, taking me away from doing my work.

But if you have no content, you have to create some to discuss. I understand why daily wire retweeted some internet nobody now

I wonder if audiences even care?
Dec 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Share this with Canadians you know

This is horrific. I'll have some excerpts below on the most ghoulish stuff... thenewatlantis.com/publications/n… There are so many euphemisms it's crazy.

It's like a Carlin routine Image
Nov 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
So every nerd here knows about the 80/20 rule (small group of men having the majority of the sex)

But what they don't know is that it's not some immutable fact, it's that 80% of men self sabotage and pretend they aren't:

↩️ Every 20% of men getting all the sex isn't one group worldwide, it's 80% of each social matrix

What's a social matrix?

Every social group is a separate one with different heirarchy and some overlap.

The Chad at the office isn't the Chad at the bar isn't the Chad on instagram