Alice Evans Profile picture
Writing ‘The Great Gender Divergence’ with @PrincetonUPress. King’s College London
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Mar 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Have we passed peak intelligence?

In international tests, student scores for reading and maths sunk to a new low.

US teens are struggling to concentrate & evaluate information.

The excellent @jburnmurdoch

Warning: this thread is dark 🧵 Image What's going wrong?

US 18 year olds increasingly say they have trouble concentrating and learning new things

As you can see, that line was stable till 2013

What caused the sudden spike? Image
Mar 8 23 tweets 7 min read
Did I steal or bribe my way to an advance copy? 😛

Saturday is for book reading on the sofa!

Especially if it’s Malika Zeghal’s new opus with @PrincetonUPress Image Zeghal constructs fantastic data sets on religiosity over time

As you can see, over time, the Turkish government is now spending a much higher share of GDP on religion Image
Feb 15 7 tweets 3 min read
Male-female friendships are a under-rated driver of gender equality.

When women can fraternise freely, they can share ideas, gain respect, & build empathy with men who care about their wants & welfare.

Countries with high male-female friendships score better on equality 👇 Image Even controlling for religion, education, age, marital status, immigration status, gender, and employment status,

Societies with more mixed gender facebook friends express stronger support for gender equality

- at university
- work
- politics
- equal rights Image
Jan 28 10 tweets 3 min read
Labour market economists have been obsessed with the question of whether technology will replace market demand for human labour.

But my question is different:

What if tech replaces NON-MARKET DEMAND.

And that’s precisely what we see: surging solitude. Image Personal online entertainment (podcast bros, online gambling, video games, TikTok games) are so addictive & engaging

They are outcompeting real world connections and interactions.

They are displacing non-market demand for socialising.…Image
Jan 27 4 tweets 1 min read
Online connectivity has radically impacted culture

1) Digital tech erodes establishment control. We can now curate personalised echo chambers - eg anti-vax.

2) Rising singlehood and smartphones mean we seek validation from online tribes, who don't observe our behaviour.

🧵 Image Online connectivity enables individuals to forge tribes with ideological allies across the world, while paradoxically spending more time alone. Image
Jan 26 9 tweets 2 min read
Calls for higher fertility must grapple with the challenge that cultural persuasion is now much harder

When tech was more primitive, we watched similar content

So shared expectations about pathways to status

Meeting in person, we sought social approval.

No longer!!

🧵 (1) Moral policing works in 3 ways:

- Humans seek status & social inclusion,

- so pay close attention to peers and successful individuals. They emulate others in their tribe.

- dissidents may be shamed, stigmatised & ostracised.

But such policing is now much harder..
Jan 18 12 tweets 4 min read
What do a US 20 year old & a 60yo have in common?

They spend about 6 hours a day alone.

Is the rise of solitude hurting our mental health?

New graphs by the great @jburnmurdoch Image Young US men are increasingly spending time alone. Image
Jan 16 8 tweets 3 min read
In the 20th century, we marshalled technology to eliminate one of the major barriers to women's advancement and autonomy.

But one world region struggles to make that transition. Image Between 1950 and 2020, China reduced female teenage fertility rates from 84 to 12 births per 1000 females aged 15–19 annually and India from 144 to 17 per 1000.

But this same reduction has not been achieved in Sub-Saharan Africa. Image
Jan 14 15 tweets 4 min read
I have updated my priors.

Take-home exams should end.

No academic can truly ascertain talent, and distinguish this from AI.

Thinking otherwise is either naive or misplaced hubris. Previously, I tried to set tough questions that outsmarted Generated AI.

In August 2024, I wrote this 👇…Image
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
US corporations going anti-woke really encapsulates cultural evolution.

Also applies to Mughals, Ottomans, & CCP.

1) Ruling group gains power & believes X

2) Other organisations seek prestige & patronage so adopt X

3) Advancement within those institutions now depends on X Image All major Wall Street Banks have quit industry groups that focus on climate. Image
Jan 11 11 tweets 4 min read
Coupling and Fertility are Falling.

In Finland, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey and the US, both are going down.

Superb column by @jburnmurdoch

A must-read for anyone interested in why fertility is falling, and how to respond.

🧵 Image From the 1960s, US fertility fell primarily due to fewer births AMONG COUPLES.

In that context, pro-natal bonuses might raise fertility.

But today, the major contributing factor is FEWER COUPLES. Image
Dec 7, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Lovers share their hopes & dreams.

Living together, they share stories about their days, and learn about different perspectives.

If 50% of young Americans are single, this may have social implications - potentially less empathy between men & women.

Graph by @jburnmurdoch Image While some blame the apps, or other matching frictions,

I'm not so sure.

Pew Data suggests that half of singles are not looking for relationships. Image
Dec 3, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
“If we exclude the tech sector, EU productivity growth over the past 20 years would be broadly at par with the US” - Draghi

Fabulous article 🧵 Image “Failure to [boost competitiveness] could jeopardise our ability to generate the wealth needed to sustain our economic and social model” - Lagarde Image
Nov 27, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Abused women around the world tell me that they are staying “for the sake of the children”.

I suspect that this has been a major driver of patriarchy,

The mother wants a loyal provider so endures violence. She is strong for her kids.

Exit, voice and loyalty - Hirschman. Afaik, @gabydesch is the first to empirically quantify and test this major driver of patriarchy.

So I very much appreciate her contribution.
Nov 23, 2024 26 tweets 10 min read
India’s female labour force participation has surged!

@TheEconomist has a new article on this phenomenon: is it dodgy data, economic distress, or is the government empowering women?


We need to disaggregate this data, separately analysing RURAL + URBAN

BIG THREAD 🧶 Image (2) So the Economist considers whether this is just dodgy data (counting household work), economic distress, or government schemes to support female entrepreneurship.

It features the brilliant @amitbasole…Image
Nov 22, 2024 57 tweets 19 min read
“What is noticeable about the prophetic literature even in its earliest surviving phase is the emphatic connection it makes between sexual misconduct, more often than not on the part of women, and infidelity to the God of Israel.“ Image “Women could not be considered in the likeness of God..

That was reflected in the architecture… The hierarchy of the six sacred spaces only allowed women access to the sixth and outermost ‘court of the women’.

Women from Eve onwards were catalysts for male faithlessness” Image
Nov 15, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
"Strong Democrats" have, in the past 10 years, swung away from the median voter on cultural issues

New analysis by @jburnmurdoch 🧵 Image "Democrat political elites" culturally diverge from the median voter

Research by Alexander Furnas (@zfurnas) and Timothy LaPira (@timlapira).…Image
Nov 12, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Americans, especially men, have fewer close friends Image 66% of US men wish they spent less time online Image
Oct 30, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Fertility is plummeting globally.

Yet, the discourses around this big challenge are peculiar. Crudely:

1) Misogynist blame from conservatives
2) Speculations, sometimes ideological/ tenuous grasp of evidence
3) Silence & reluctance to engage from many progressives, due to (1) Personally, I would like to avoid both (1) & (2).
Oct 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Birth rates are plummeting,

The UN and other forecasters keep missing the mark

Fertility in Latin America has dropped off a cliff.

Do we need to update our models?

Asks @jburnmurdoch Image Nose diving in South Korea & Colombia

Yet forecasts are rosy! Image
Oct 14, 2024 27 tweets 8 min read
.@DKThomp & @RichardvReeves discuss:

Are young men falling behind and shifting right?

This is an important issue & I welcome more studies,

But some of the claims in this podcast seem empirically dubious.

Let's assess the evidence!

🧵🧵… Let's agree on the descriptive trends:

a) Women are much more likely to go to university.

(Graph by @jburnmurdoch) Image