Sergey Toshin Profile picture
Ranked as the #1 hacker for Google Play Security Rewards Program. The founder of @OversecuredInc Android and iOS vulnerability scanners
dy9bala Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
An almost universal way to theft or overwrite arbitrary files on #android is sharing activities. You can find them in AndroidManifest.xml. They handle android.intent.action.SEND. Use the PoC from… (ctrl+f "EXTRA_STREAM") and test 4 scenarios: 1. Send a Uri to an internal file using file:// scheme (direct or using a symlink)
2. Send a Uri to an internal file using a victim app's internal content provider
now grep private file contents on SD card
Aug 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

You must love #Android deeplinks! They are the easiest way to get bounties
1. Decompile an app with jadx
2. Collect all deeplink handlers from AndroidManifest.xml, they look like <data android:scheme="airbnb" android:host="d"/> 3. Grep among all sources and resources a pattern from a handler, in this case, airbnb://d
4. You could find a lot of hardcoded urls like airbnb://d/openurl?url=https:// That's much simpler than learning app's sources