celia Profile picture
reluctant endometriosis warrior. destigmatizing periods. honorary gynecologist. dog mom. “takes pictures in bathrooms and likes abortion” 🇱🇧 🇺🇸
Joshua Cypess Profile picture ACAB - Mee Myselfani 🇵🇸 free Palestine! Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 24 5 tweets 1 min read
My hottest hot take to rile up the goddesses: Periods do more harm than good for our bodies and unless we’re actively trying to get pregnant, for the majority of us, there’s absolutely no need to have one. The problem is so many people are just bio-essentialist assholes that think (wrongly) our periods do something for us, but the reality is, they usually just tell us we’re not pregnant. If you see us as only baby-makers, I can see why you’d have a problem with this.
Aug 12 5 tweets 1 min read
I’m not an expert on political appointees but because of my work in housing, I’m familiar with the HUD appointees for the NY regional office. It’s a perfect example of the difference between the Biden and Trump admins. 🧵 The HUD regional administrator appointed by Trump was Lynn Patton - Lynn had no federal government experience, no housing experience…no qualifications. Literally - she planned weddings. It was a gift appointment.
Aug 4 4 tweets 1 min read
I regret to inform all of you in order to shit in a public women’s restroom, you will be required to provide your karyotype testing at the door to a TERF from England named Joan, who took one genetics class in high school. Joan will review your test. Check your id. And then determine if your test was done appropriately. Only upon receiving a stamp in your shit passport, are you able to use a women’s restroom.
Jul 1 6 tweets 1 min read
As someone who is EXTREMELY good at shopping, telling a fat person how easy it is to find clothes because they can just go to (insert plus size store here) is just so fucking insulting. Finding clothes as a fat person is stressful, frustrating, and often embarrassing. Sometimes, you just buy the biggest size online and hope to fuck it fits. (It doesn’t). Don’t even get me started on the biggest size in-store - because you hope it’s just oversized enough to fit you normally.
Apr 23 5 tweets 1 min read
Homelessness should not be criminalized! People experiencing homelessness need HOUSING. The majority of unhoused persons are:

1. Youth aging out of foster care (especially Black & Brown lgtbq+)
2. Seniors priced out of housing
3. Persons with severe & persistent mental illness. No, unhoused persons would not “rather” live in a tent outside! They’d rather have safe & adequate housing with the amenities and services they need to thrive.
Apr 2 11 tweets 2 min read
I’ll be glad to, John!

In order to get officially diagnosed with endometriosis, we must first endure, on average, 10 years of being dismissed by medical professionals who tell us things like “just diet & exercise” & you’ll be in less pain - even at our thinnest/most fit. 1/ 2/ were often told that the pain is in our heads or it’s “normal” to have periods cramps - even though for the majority of us, our pain is near-constant & debilitating.

About 2 years ago, I finally brought up to my gynecologist I often had pain during sex/inserting tampons
Aug 16, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
The most annoying thing about this whole “what is a woman” shit is that it doesn’t fucking matter what a woman is because every single woman has a different definition of what that means to her! And yeah, a lot of it is FEELING. Even for me - a cis woman. I just AM a woman. I shouldn’t have to explain it to you. You know why? Cause what makes up my womanhood is going to most certainly be different from yours!
Jun 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a Lebanese nose and Lebanese brows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Image For the record - what I DO NOT HAVE is dainty white woman features. I have big legs. I have hips. Eyebrows. Hair. Olive skin.

This is misogyny, racism, and transphobia all wrapped up in one little shit bow.
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Not a single one of you cis women transphobe bigots can provide me an actual example THAT HAPPENED TO YOU of a trans woman being “innapropriate” in a “woman’s space.” I don’t want a link to the same article we’ve seen before from your shitty websites. I don’t want random video. Seriously - have you ever asked these bigots if this happened directly to them? I have. It hasn’t. Literally. They talk about cis men literally flashing them IN PUBLIC and continue to blame sexual violence on trans women going to the bathroom.
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I can 100% guarantee that when I met my husband 17 years ago didn’t give a flying fuck about his fertility. “hey baby what’s your sperm count?”
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The problem with the “what is a woman?” question isn’t that it’s hard to answer, it’s that it’s a stupid fucking question. Even before all this fear-mongering bullshit, it was a stupid question. Do you know why? Because every single woman would give you a different answer. If you want me to say “adult human female” I’m gonna tell you to fuck off because that is NOT what a woman is TO ME.
Apr 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“we can always tell” -cis woman bigot edition. “We can always tell” - I don’t really care but I’m gonna shart around your mentions all day edition
Apr 17, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
calling me a man/telling me I have “manly features” is just another way to enforce “white” standards of beauty. I’m not looking for validation from bigots, cis men, & lady defenders who wouldn’t know a beard trimmer or deep conditioner if it slapped them in the scraggle beard. Not a single person in my mentions making comments about my appearance and body and fashion and facial features has ANY room to talk. Please, for the love of god, worry about those highlights and not the penis you claim I have.
Apr 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Super stoked to get yelled at by a dude while I was walking both of my dogs alone - because my dog peed…on a patch of dirt at the literal curb because it was NEXT to a fenced off patch of plants. 🥴 He told me there was a sign and I said, yes, it says “clean up after your dog.” And he said: which means you shouldn’t let your dog go on the plants.


My poor dog has peed there for 8 years. The neighbors HAVE dogs.
Apr 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Honest to god this woman is bizarre. I’ve been back since this morning and this woman who claims to have me muted is seeing my tweets? You can block me. You can switch to your “following” tab. OR, just admit you troll my TL, Kim. I’m honestly so intrigued at the way she’s this committed to this delusional obsession.
Apr 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I’ve was banned when the “cis women getting called men” thing was really kicking off & I want to say that I’m an extremely femme/feminine woman by all traditional AND non-traditional standards. What I’m NOT, however, is a dainty white woman with dainty white woman features. Transphobia/GCs go hand in hand with fatphobia and white supremacy. To claim I’m not feminine because of things about me that are actually VERY feminine, all boils down to the fact that I’m not dainty enough. I’m not white enough. I’m not thin enough. I’m not “trad” enough.
Apr 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
👋 👋 I’m back after a 7-day suspension for….calling the woman who repeatedly misgendered me, called me fat, & insisted I was a man a tw*t. Gotta love that “careful” review from twitter that lets people repeatedly & viciously harass you & then suspends you for fighting back. Image my mentions are still full of numerous people calling me a man because of my “big hands” (I guess they don’t understand how perspective in pictures work) and my mustache - my melasma - something that’s inherently linked to female hormones. Transphobes are vicious, evil people.
Aug 29, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Johnny Depp - a proven abuser - being at the VMAs making jokes is exactly why abuse victims don’t come forward and why the toxic culture of intimate partner violent persists. The entertainment industry is truly irredeemable. FYI - I’m just blocking abuse defenders in my mentions. Y’all can fuck all the way off.
Jul 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I can just show you a picture of my used tampon or the toilet paper during my extremely heavy periods if you want to know the contents of the uterus during a miscarriage/abortion. But you want to show me pictures of supposed fetal remains but you don’t want to see what it almost always looks like?
Jul 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
when you ban abortions, you ban abortions. It doesn’t matter if you miscarry or have an ectopic pregnancy when the treatment for those “good” abortions is the same as the “bad” ones.

Everyone suffers. I don’t care if you don’t “think” it’s the same but the procedure to treat a miscarriage is the same as the procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. People who miscarry can be given the abortion pill too. If that doesn’t work, they might need a d&c. SAME. PROCEDURE.
Jul 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Literally no one said that. What we said:

1) the medical term for a miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion (true)
2) a DNC (sic) is the term for a surgical procedure to remove the contents of the uterus. This surgical procedure is used for both spontaneous & election abortions. I’m sure this woman will QT me AGAIN sic her followers on me, and that’s totally cool. They don’t show up in my notifications anyway.

But really - I’m sorry you and your followers are too dumb to understand the meaning of words. Feel free to keep obsessively QT-ing me.