Pragmatism Profile picture
PhD student in Mathematics (Probability) with a degree in Physics. Political centrist. I've been known to cook.
Mar 3 9 tweets 2 min read
@IFTTT @fitbit Hi. I just tried to reset my password and saw this ...

"We are down for a bit of maintenance.
We’ll be back up and running again shortly. Visit for further updates.

OK ... aren't you guys working out of San Francisco? It's 2:38 pm, here, meaning @IFTTT @fitbit ... that it's lunchtime in San Francisco, right now (12:38 pm). I totally respect the fact that you guys are out getting a meal, right now, and I hope it's delicious.

But lunchtime is the middle of the work day.
Aug 7, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
@mmpadellan Compare this to what @mmpadellan was saying about those same vaccines when Trump was president.

He wasn't wrong then, but he is a hypo crite, now. @mmpadellan Inserting his current Twitter handle into the form on this page

I found the OP's Twitter id: 1640929196

That's the ID for @mmpadellan. It won't change for his current account, no matter how many times he chooses to re-brand himself.
Aug 7, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
@mmpadellan For the record: @mmpadellan's tune completely changed after Biden was elected.

When somebody flip flops from opposing a vaccine to demanding that people take it just because a different president is pushing it, obviously this isn't about Science for him. @mmpadellan If he should decide to delete his tweets and change his handle, as users have been known to do after being caught talking out of both sides of their mouths, you can find him using a feature offered by Twitter, which I explain here.

It's a good feature.
Jul 12, 2021 17 tweets 7 min read
@CSTbreaking I probably should mention the "conversation" I just got in, because I'm still being attacked over it, here. @CSTbreaking What I said was that while what was done to the student was quite horrible, and that it could not be defended in any way, that the whole thing was so avoidable. He took one of the worst possible routes to campus, going through the long and deservedly infamous Washington Park.
Jul 12, 2021 7 tweets 7 min read
@_kkibum @threadreaderapp @RealCandaceO As I've already pointed out, I also have a degree in Physics, but please do go on putting your over-confident ignorance on display, little middle school student, because even if you don't quite get it, the more you post, the more you're helping make my point for me. @_kkibum @threadreaderapp @RealCandaceO How do you suppose real grown ups, who've really lost everything they've spent so much of their life building (not to mention a few loved ones who died from neglected non-Covid conditions) are going to react when they find out who really got the push for lockdowns going online?
Jul 10, 2021 30 tweets 12 min read
@_centrists_ This, alone would have been reason enough for what I'm about to do.…

At this point, Twitter is little more than a shady propaganda site with some useful idiots on board, helping to create the illusion that this place has a real community. @_centrists_ Count the people who've already had tweets censored or accounts locked or even suspended because they went against the "consensus" that the company manufactures through its censorship, however, and one should quickly see that there is nothing of the sort.
Jul 9, 2021 26 tweets 14 min read
@_kkibum @RealCandaceO Sigh. There has already been a death toll from these "safe" vaccines. @_kkibum @RealCandaceO I could try to explain to you the dangers of thinking that a single source settles anything, but you don't seem smart enough to understand.
Jul 9, 2021 50 tweets 40 min read
@KingPin0382 @j_nobbs @RealCandaceO I see you have absolute faith in propaganda, as long as it is presented in digital form.

Whether you're capable of understanding this or not, not enough time has passed for the long term side effects to be known, even by those known to be honest sources of information. @KingPin0382 @j_nobbs @RealCandaceO The CDC is demonstrably not an honest source of information, as one can see just by going to an archived copy of their mask mandate page, and watch them implicitly make the incredible claim that asthma doesn't interfere with breathing.
Jul 9, 2021 89 tweets 51 min read
@KingPin0382 @RealCandaceO Hi, Per. I don't know who "you guys" refers to. I've been consistently calling Trump a blithering idiot, a threat to all mankind and a symptom of so much that has gone wrong with American Society ever since I stared at a TV screen in shock and horror at the 2016 election results. @KingPin0382 @RealCandaceO So, if I say that the nitwit who threatened to put Chicago under military occupation was being irresponsibly stupid when he set up Operation Warp Speed and let an experimental medical procedure get fast tracked past normal testing protocols for the sake of Covid, why the shock?
Jun 28, 2021 8 tweets 8 min read
@LydayBrenda @bmlfowler @RepMontague @POTUS "I also understand that my rights end where another person's begin."

Wrong. At the time the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written, something far more virulent than Covid (Smallpox) was in general circulation. Let us note that no lockdowns occurred, then. @LydayBrenda @bmlfowler @RepMontague @POTUS The notion, however popular, that the founding fathers couldn't have foreseen the possibility of a "pandemic" requires an incredible degree of historical ignorance to maintain.
Apr 11, 2021 26 tweets 15 min read
@nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ No go, Nancy. You don't get to shift the blame for the government's actions from the government to the people whose arms the government is trying to twist. @nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ The government was perfectly capable of not doing the things it did, and continues to do. If it wasn't, these wouldn't be "unprecedented times," now would they?

Far deadlier things than Covid have circulated in the past, without such denials of civil liberties following.
Apr 11, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
@Lizeth_J97 @MargeThompson2 @nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ Hi, Lizeth. I live on the near north side of Chicago, in one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in the US. I only wear the mask when I'm forced to do so (eg. while shopping). Over a year later, I still haven't been infected, and neither has anybody else in my family. @Lizeth_J97 @MargeThompson2 @nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ Certainly, this is not from the lack of exposure. We had street people displaying every symptom who took a perverse pleasure in violating the personal space of anybody in their vicinity.
Apr 11, 2021 9 tweets 10 min read
@HelloMiakoda @wayfarervintage @nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ "The rate at which it went up slowed."

As does the rate for everything else infectious. "Herd immunity" is a thing, whether you like it or not.

Also, it doesn't really answer the question. Let's get to why your "science" isn't just wrong, but makes you look kind of dumb. @HelloMiakoda @wayfarervintage @nancy46846175 @marcgoldstein_ The mechanism by which a mask would prevent the transmission of anything is mechanical. A droplet either does pass through it, or it does not.

The droplet doesn't know what it's carrying and neither does the mask.
Apr 1, 2021 24 tweets 10 min read
@_centrist_ Wishing it wasn't April 1, right now, because a trial that matters is happening as we speak. There are things that need to be said, but if one says them now, what are the odds that some edgelord is going to show up, go "good prank" and get others to think the same. @_centrist_ But let's be serious about this - when a cop has his knee on a man's neck for what turns out to be over nine minutes and that man dies, how is that a surprise?

Who could survive that, and why are we hearing fentanyl being used as a defense in a clear cut case of murder?
Mar 21, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
@bayesianboy @cogitoergodum Hi. I have a small present for you. I hope you'll enjoy it. This is Post Feet Paul's twitter ID


Yes, he's back. Lucky us. Lucky everybody. @bayesianboy @cogitoergodum He thought that he was being clever, because after he set his tweets to protected, he changed his Twitter handle, briefly creating the illusion that he had deleted his account. What he forgot to do was delete the tweets that some of us had responded to.
Feb 27, 2021 7 tweets 8 min read
@internetarchive @TVNewsArchive @tracey_pooh @gitlab That's nice. Meanwhile, the Internet Archive is failing to capture simple webpages. Consider this one, for example.…

It's a simple thread unroll from Thread Reader App. Now take a look at what happened when I saved it.*/https://…

. @internetarchive @TVNewsArchive @tracey_pooh @gitlab Supposedly, this page has been saved twice, but when one goes to either of these supposed snapshots of the page, what one sees is this ...
Feb 27, 2021 9 tweets 12 min read
@metaphrenology @TweetPro13 @Fern26430103 @twCyborg @BW Other cities don't get to set their own laws, completely independent of the workings of the legislatures of the states. @metaphrenology @TweetPro13 @Fern26430103 @twCyborg @BW What you seen to be saying, Mr. Fowler, is that Washington should get a political privilege larger cities don't - having two senators - so it will go on enjoying another privilege those cities don't (the level of autonomy enjoyed by a state).
Feb 27, 2021 7 tweets 11 min read
@SwtBeat @TweetPro13 @Fern26430103 @metaphrenology @twCyborg @BW No, he was given a specious argument, not a reason. This is the reality of politics: any given segment of an electorate won't get everything it wants. It has to compromise with the rest of the electorate. @SwtBeat @TweetPro13 @Fern26430103 @metaphrenology @twCyborg @BW What you're saying is that if the city of Washington becomes part of a pre-existing state, it will lose some of its autonomy.

Yes, it will. So what? The city of Chicago loses some of its autonomy by being part of Illinois. Should we get two senators, too?
Feb 25, 2021 31 tweets 24 min read
@claire9219 @twCyborg @BW Except there's a good reason for enhancing the political power of large, sparsely populated regions like Wyoming. If this was not done, the more populous states would be able to use the less populous ones as colonies, to be used and abused. @claire9219 @twCyborg @BW This is not a grim hypothetical situation, either. Something very similar has already been seen to happen at the state level, when there is proportional representation.
Feb 24, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
@TexasFirefight3 @Lauren32486 @la_rockestrella @USMarshalsHQ Calm down, Tex. The US Marshals are not going to come riding in to help you overthrow President Biden. If you have enough of a death wish to go on that foolish crusade, you're on your own. @TexasFirefight3 @Lauren32486 @la_rockestrella @USMarshalsHQ Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office in March, because at the time, that was when presidents were sworn into office. January 20 didn't become the date for that until 1933.
Feb 24, 2021 12 tweets 9 min read
@PersianChickk @john_sipher Please, just stop.

The US Marshalls were doing a "this day in history" tweet, because the history that happened on this day was history that their office played a role in. They got President Lincoln into Washington, safely. @PersianChickk @john_sipher Any claim that tweet is support for any sort of insurrection is anachronistic for reasons that the office cites.

March 4 was the old inauguration day. Lincoln was sworn in on schedule. The schedule just changed in 1933, 72 years after Lincoln's election.