Grayscale Profile picture
Black and white photography, bookmarking activity associated with a book and fiction blog, a little flash fiction and poetry, and snark when called for.
Jun 6, 2023 24 tweets 13 min read
@old_literature I've been away for a few years. This was not by choice, but rather, as a result of the actions of a corrupt admin.

After I got gaslit about the harassment I got from the neo-Nazis on this site, I did a fact check on the claims of one of the trolls involved in the gaslighting. @old_literature First, he claimed to have written a memoir about his time in a concentration camp. Then, as that story fell apart, he claimed to be the writing coach of the author.

That wasn't true, either.
Feb 4, 2019 14 tweets 6 min read
@BillAicher Maybe, maybe not. Offhand, I can't think of any writers with sexually suggestive avatars. Maybe I just haven't run into them, yet.

But to be blunt, this subject makes me uncomfortable. I think that when writers snipe at each other, this takes us to a unproductive place. @BillAicher I think we've all heard of "Tall Poppy Syndrome," before. Social media sites seem to do a lot to help it along, and once it gets going, personal, creative growth is the one thing that isn't being encouraged.