NO! SLEEP! 'TIL! BUCKFAST! Profile picture
Birmingham UK | Against Oppression & Fascism | Pronouns : FUCK / TERFS No Longer here, on Xodus.
Mar 9, 2024 23 tweets 6 min read
1/ Someone making up stuff i never said on the internet, shocker.

So here's context ; There's a concept within Russian Nationalism ( "Gayrope"/ "Gayropa") which explicitly attacks the western values such as tolerance & respect towards LGBTQ+ people...
Image 2/ The Russian campaign to portray the west as morally decadent and corrupt are well documented. It is part of the Russian attempt to destablise the west ; it is also documented that Research Internet Agency started to use social media accounts and bot farms to influence the
Mar 21, 2023 23 tweets 18 min read
@WandaAuntie @MamaCalves @KatysCartoons @jk_rowling 1. to clarify - The (parody account) bit is because Musk said "comedy is now legal on twitter" & specified you had to put parody account in the name if so. That refers solely and exclusively to that, nothing else.

It does not mean that any of what i said was a parody. @MamaCalves @KatysCartoons @jk_rowling 2. That interpretation is a wilful disortion and misinterpretation of what i said. Absolutely NOT what i said in the slightest and don't put such words in my mouth.

i tried to make as clear as I can. So let me clarify, ok?
Mar 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm absolutely out of the U2 game / fandom right now.

1. Quality control on the package for SoS - the lyric sheet has easily noticeable / correctable spelling errors / americanisations in the packaging. 2. Absurdly limited vinyl editions, only available at one location , one football game, on one day. Hugely collectable, and inaccessible to thevast majority of fans. It'll turn up overpriced by scalpers on the secondary marktet.Excessive, greedy, and exclusionary.