Kira Profile picture
retweeter & occasional writer | (N)SFW | multishipper
Feb 3, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
#UshiSakuAtsu thread inspired by the day 5: "Are you jealous?" prompt of SakuAtsu Week 2023
tw: NSFW, dirty talk The music was booming and the lights were blinding. Kiyoomi was relying on the glass of whiskey he was sipping from to dull his senses enough to have a good time.
Jan 12, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Here we go, my first ever thread! 🫣

#sakuatsu emergency set for @fucksakuatsu because they came up with this idea. It was MSBY's long-awaited match against Schweiden Adlers.

Of course, Atsumu looks forward to every game and faces every opponent with respect and fervor.