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But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell? No mortal comprehends its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.
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Jul 24 7 tweets 2 min read
1. This is an excellent point made by @extradeadjcb. Those who run the system don’t lead and they are not sovereign. They are experts at navigating and manipulating the system. They are elite managers. They are not leaders per se. Image 2. Jacques Ellul argued that within the technological society, presided over by the administrative state that propaganda, this thing that we know as “The Narrative,” actually fills the role that the charismatic, sovereign leader used to fill.
Jul 24 14 tweets 3 min read
1. I get why guys like this are crowing, but his analysis is based on false assumptions that all the people groups to whom the west have handed off technology, that a torch is being passed to them. It is not. All of what you see everywhere comes from the west. 2. There are many who have the ability to receive and use western technology, who can steal and iterate from western technology, can imitate the technological society, but ask yourself, did any of these cultures come up with a technological society on their own?
Jul 18 21 tweets 4 min read
1. Some thoughts on the Home Depot Lady firing.

The main argument against is that this is pretty harsh. She is a relative nobody who needs this job. We should be looking to punish the big fish and not the little guy.

Take the win. Trump survived an assassination attempt. Image 2. The problem with this argument is that this is not how it works. How many of us "little guys" were called into HR because someone noticed a social media post of ours? How many of us self censor at work, with friends, on social media because we know, that if we don't...
Jul 16 6 tweets 3 min read
1. The last few days of political news has been wild, but has largely now left me feeling empty and depressed.


Trump is not a perfect candidate by a long shot, but in the moment of being shot, he rose to the occasion with raised fist and the shout “fight, fight, fight.” Image 2. Trump is a condensed symbol. They hate him because you love him. His effectiveness or lack thereof is beside the point, really, especially when you understand how the administrative state works and wields power. They hate him because they hate you.
Jul 7 25 tweets 4 min read
1. In order to properly work through the whole “racism” question, we have to understand that it emerges as a product of modern, liberal industrial society. Almost every aspect of the discourse is abstract, manufactured, a product of propaganda for political purposes. Image 2. Christians are especially easy to manipulate on this issue because of the injunctions to love your neighbor as yourself, the parable of the Good Samaritan, and even the call to love your enemy give unscrupulous people the opening to use these teachings for propaganda purposes.
Jul 6 8 tweets 2 min read
1. This is not the correct understanding of NT teaching. When the great host gathers before God, they are not described as one people, with one tongue, under Christ, but rather a gathering of every nation, tribe and people and language. Each distinct and yet one. 2. The gospel is always incarnational. Christ was an actual person who was born in a specific time to a specific people chosen by God to be the recipient of his promises of salvation.

It is true that the gospel breaks down the dividing wall of hostility between people.
Jul 3 9 tweets 2 min read
1. The problem that mass immigration thrusts upon us is that it defies reality, that is, the way that people act when left to themselves. The vast majority of people do not sort themselves out into “diverse” communities. When left to themselves they sort into affinity groups. Image 2. What this means is that people can handle “diversity” to a point. As long as they still feel comfortable in their own community, that they are among the”their people” (however that this is defined…race…ethnicity…education…income…etc) they will stay. But if that changes:
Jul 2 8 tweets 2 min read
1. The modern parliamentary form of “democracy” is generally portrayed as a kind of neutral, empty vessel into which political content is poured. The truth is that “democracy” as we know it is a system which grew up with in order to give expression to liberalism. 2. If you read the brochures, in theory democracy is supposed to give expression to the “will of the people.” But what if it is the will of the people to end “democracy” and be ruled by a right wing dictator? This is fundamentally illegitimate. I theory it should be allowed.
Jun 28 4 tweets 1 min read
1. What the current situation clarifies is the situation Jacques Ellul highlights in “The Political Illusion.” “The experts” and the administrative system they built is the true power. In the battle between “The Swamp” and Trump, the Swamp clearly won and is in firm control. 2. Biden is the Swamp, the Deep State candidate. A figurehead. The administrative state, the bureaus, the lobby groups, the think tanks, the advisory groups, these are the people in charge. It is a multi-node network of power that is global in scope.
Jun 26 9 tweets 2 min read
1. One must remember that there is no plain meaning of the text. Words and their meanings are separate. This is how subtle lies and the twisting of meaning work. “Did the Lord really say…” is as old a deception as there is. Often there is a lot of shared “received wisdom.” 2. In many ways a received text can be a short hand that reminds everyone of the things we all know. In terms of Biblical texts, Leviticus is like this. You get the sense reading that there is a whole lot the reader is supposed to know already before reading.
Jun 25 12 tweets 3 min read
1. Most of us are barely aware how much we have been shaped by foundational liberal ideas.

The first is our belief in “solutions.” We have this sense that the vast majority of what is wrong with the world is “out there” and that it is within our power to fix them. Image 2. This dovetails with our belief in technology, that progress is real and that there is no problem that we cannot solve if we just put our minds to it. This leads to the secondary belief that we can engineer social and political solutions to our problems. Image
Jun 15 17 tweets 4 min read
1. This short clip of @BruceFrank1 is a condensed case study in how managerial Christianity creates “regimevangelicals” by using God language free from actual content. The goal is to see people “…come to surrender to the Lordship of Christ.” 2. You might be thinking, “That’s great, that is what we should be doing.” Personally, I don’t disagree.

This is why these types of phrases are so slippery. They become adept at rattling off all the right phrases.

So what does this mean?
Jun 14 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Matthew 5:28

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

Let’s talk about this whole idea that it is ok to identify as a homosexual without actually acting on your desires.

This is a moral psy-op. Image 2. If I were to tell you that I identify as an adulterer but that I don’t act on my adulterous feelings and inclinations, the obviousness of this self-deception is inherently manifest. You cannot harbor feelings or desires for other men’s wives innocently.
Jun 7 14 tweets 6 min read
1. The fundamental problem with the idea of “regime change” or the “circulation of elites” in our current moment is the problem of the “medium is the message.”

Sure, you can change the channel on the television, but you know what? You are still watching TV. Image 2. The fact of the television is more important than the show you are watching. No matter which show, you are a couch potato with a three second attention span.

The fact of the administrative state in all its manifestations is more important than its content. Image
Jun 6 12 tweets 3 min read
1. It’s surprising that Hanania can say this with a straight face. He supports mass immigration because it’s good for Richard Hanania. He doesn’t care that it is disastrous for you.

When you hear people say that immigrants come to “take jobs Americans think are beneath them” … 2. … what Hanania means is that they will do these jobs for wages that are the functional equivalent to slave labor.

White upper middle class liberals like @RichardHanania are able to maintain their lifestyle largely because they are willing to use slave labor to do so.
Jun 2 20 tweets 4 min read
1. While it is true that not all men are wired exactly the same, when we talk about men as “spiritual women” or totally feminized, this is what we mean. It is unfortunate, but this male is expecting his other male friends to act and behave like women. Let’s talk about this. 2. As I have been talking about in my recent series on Walter Ong’s book “Fighting for Life: Contest, Sexuality and Consciousness” the pizza topping friend gave a perfectly normal male reaction. This is not to say that men never share emotions or never should share emotions…
May 30 11 tweets 2 min read
1. This is so maddening.

The Trudeau liberals start massively increasing immigration numbers. This begins to spike demand in housing. In 2017 they should have been raising interest rates, but they were kept artificially low, causing housing prices to skyrocket. Image 2. In 2020, they decide to shut down the Canadian economy, creating a shock that slows economic activity, thus allowing them an excuse to keep rates low. Then to compensate for the shut down economy, they flood the market with money doubling and tripling down on easy money.
May 29 19 tweets 4 min read
1. One of the points of mass immigration (I say this as a second generation European immigrant myself) to America, Canada, and Europe, is that “complexifies” and “probelmetizes” the whole notion of national identity and this is part of point of immigration. A thread. 🧵 2. In many ways, since at least the end of WW2, our elites have been driven by an urge to try to ensure that the “nationalism” upon which they blame the two World Wars never happens again. So how do you do this?
May 29 18 tweets 4 min read
1. This is a good question. The short answer is that, yes, every homosexual is groomed. But we have to understand broadly how grooming works. Grooming does not mean necessarily that a single person seduces another person directly. It may not be personal at all. 2. Let’s begin at the beginning. The effects of sin create certain moral weaknesses within us that could very well manifest themselves physically, but this does not mean that this was God’s intent for us (we were not created this way). We are all born with certain weaknesses.
May 21 26 tweets 5 min read
1. John Ehrett writes a breathless critique of Carl Schmitt’s “friend-enemy distinction.” The piece (do read it) is problematic. He fixates on a couple of points and unfortunately misses the point of Schmitt because he challenges the idea that above all Christians are “nice.” 🧵 2. First off, if you want people take seriously the idea that your critique is about more than Schmitt is icky because he was a Nazi, best not to spend the first four paragraphs of your piece telling us this. Just saying. Saul Alinsky didn’t care, and neither should you.
May 20 4 tweets 1 min read
1. “The woke are more correct” wins again.

If you are going to church because it is supposed to excite your passions, you have effectively made church and worship into merely another material satisfaction. Basically, your worship service is just another orgasm. 2. So what is the whole point of worship? As a people we are to literally come into the presence of God. It is not feelings or emotions, as these are transitory and fading. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am also.” Are you in communion with Christ?