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But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell? No mortal comprehends its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living.
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May 18 18 tweets 4 min read
1. Hannah Cox once again has no idea what she is talking about when it comes to Christianity.

Let’s talk about this.

Cox is identifying and underscoring the emerging, growing and very real drive between conservative Christians and secular “conservatives.” 2. What this means in practice is that you must be committed to the secular liberal order, but the “good” kind and not the freaky “woke” kind.

The real danger in the minds of secular “conservatives” is this idea of “fundamentalism.” What is meant by this?
May 14 13 tweets 3 min read
1. The future will belong to religious zealots of one form or another. Why? Because every society at its heart is driven by a core religious impulse.

Part of the problem that New Atheism faces is that Old Atheism (public neutrality) is an exhausted cultural/religious force. 2. This idea that we would set aside religious belief in the public sphere, run things based on a utilitarian ideal of doing “what works” is not really working anymore. These public agnostics were fine with people keeping their religion in the closet as a private satisfaction.
May 13 12 tweets 3 min read
1. This video is a case study in why women cannot be trusted as moral agents. If an upright morality is going to be maintained you as a man need to rise above your base passions, resist temptation and be the one who does what is right not what feels good. 2. Let’s walk through this in all it “glory.” First off, when a woman invites you back to her place and tells you she isn’t having sexual with you, she is flat out lying to you and to herself. Don’t be “cuddle guy,” like the video. You establish boundaries and be the man.
May 13 14 tweets 3 min read
1. You will often hear me talk about “frames.” A frame determines the shape and parameters of a discourse.

One such frame is that of “growth.”

We are told that societies must “grow.” The economy must “grow.”

The line must go up.
thedeepdive.ca/canadas-secret… 2. But why is this the case. Well, if we are not growing, we must be shrinking. Shrinking seems bad, even to me. No one wants a diminishing society.

So we pursue growth as an end. Especially when we look at global metrics like Gross Domestic Product.
May 11 25 tweets 5 min read
1. Because there is so much confusion surrounding the layers of issues regarding equality, one of them being the teaching of humans as the image bearers of God, let’s talk about this and clarify things theologically and philosophically. 2. Just so everyone is clear, the definition of equality that I use is that for two things to be equal they must identical and interchangeable in any way that you could describe, analyze or categorize them. It means absolutely identical in all ways. Why so rigid?
May 10 36 tweets 8 min read
1. Let’s talk about this. Nobody likes a hateful person. Few of us want to be hateful people, me included. It’s corrosive to your spiritual and emotional wellbeing. I remind people regularly that in the friend-enemy divide, you do not have to hate someone for them to be “enemy.” 2. There are multiple layers to this. Lyman argues that “racism” is on the rise as a signaling mechanism to indicate to others that a person is willing to take on unpopular opinions and hold the line. That they are down for the fight.
May 9 10 tweets 2 min read
1. How to say, “I read Tolkien but understood nothing” without actually saying, “I read Tolkien and understood nothing.” 2. These types of takes reveal more about the reader’s biases than they do about the actual text of the LOTR. This story isn’t about Christianity or paganism. It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of the technological society.
May 9 18 tweets 3 min read
1. Daniel, like many regimevangelicals, has no understanding of how things actually work. They have bought into the myths and mythos of liberal democracy and this is hurting the church and its witness in society.

They believe that culture is downstream from ideas and law. 2. This dovetails with the belief in maintaining the freedom of the individual, the individual’s free will, their ability to choose the gospel freely.

As a result, people like Daniel convince themselves to be optimistic, celebrating the legal framework there on paper.
May 7 5 tweets 1 min read
1. The true ideology of our age, the one unifying way of thinking about all problems, societal, governmental, business, and often religious, is not liberalism or conservatism, free market libertarianism or socialism, but, rather, that of technique. Image 2. Technical thinking underpins it all. There is but one solution for all problems that we face: a technical solution of some sort or another. When you have two competing policy frameworks, the thing that binds them together and makes them the same is they are both policies.
May 6 4 tweets 2 min read
1. It is our tendency to value the individual over the group, the community. Bonds should be voluntary and free, not involuntary. Yet, those tight knit, suffocating communities are your best defense against propaganda. You are more free of mind here. Why? Image 2. Because in a real community you have real people to push against. You need boundaries to establish an identity. You have to push against something in order to establish yourself as yourself. Image
May 6 7 tweets 3 min read
1. “Thus all modern propaganda profits from the structure of the mass, but exploits the individual’s need for self-affirmation; and the two actions must be conducted jointly, simultaneously.” Jacques Ellul. Image 2. “Readers of the evening paper, radio listeners, movie or TV viewers [or TikTok users] certainly constitute a mass that has an organic existence, although it is diffused and not assembled at one point. These individuals are moved by the same motives, … Image
Apr 29 4 tweets 1 min read
1. People don’t realize that the real money is not made in actually making things, but financializing the making of things. What this means is that the point is not to sell you a car, appliances, a house, etc., but to lend you the money so you will pay them interest. 2. Did you realize that the banks make most of their money on the first half of an amortized house loan? And the most of that in the first five years? Most people move every seven years. That means you are never actually buying a house. You are giving the banks money.
Apr 28 5 tweets 2 min read
1. I don’t usually comment on older posts, but this one is instructive.

Shenvi’s argument here accepts the regime frame and supports it. This is key. He is a regime supporter.

The question he asks is, “How will CN support the regime’s goal to eliminate all racism.”
Image 2. By accepting the regime framework that good people work to end racism, this creates a necessity towards developing “solutions” to end racism. If you challenge the premise, you are a racist and a bad person. If you challenge regime solutions, you are bad person.
Apr 27 13 tweets 3 min read
1. The problem with women in politics, in the office, and entering into right wing political spaces is just this point:

It is perfectly acceptable for a man to be mean to a man, or a woman to be mean to a man, a woman to be mean to a woman.

But a man cannot be mean to a woman. 2. A is not supposed to bully a woman. He is not supposed to make her cry.

A man is expected to use his strength, his more forceful character and voice, his capacity for violence, to protect a woman.
Apr 26 6 tweets 2 min read
1. "There Is No Fixing What Is Wrong." My latest. I make the argument, drawing on both Joseph Tainter and Jacques Ellul, that the problems we face will never be fixed and the continued attempts are hastening the end of our civilization. Links below: 👇🏻 Image 2. The written version: seekingthehiddenthing.com/p/there-is-no-…
Apr 25 14 tweets 3 min read
1. Let’s talk about this. Here is the key pull quote:

“They give no credence to the guiding principles of limited government and instead are happy to use big government in order to win.”

Erickson doesn’t mean any of this. It’s a word salad of fine sounding phrases. That’s it. 2. First off, his “peace through strength” means having a large enough armed forces to impose peace on the globe. Does anyone reasonably believe that this stated goal is compatible with “smaller government?” It’s not. It’s a tell Erickson is lying to you and also himself.
Apr 22 5 tweets 2 min read
1. This the tension between men and women generally and a big part of what is wrong with today’s society. Traditionally, there is the balance between “can this man protect me?” and “will he use that same ability to hurt me?”

This delicate balance is upset in the modern world. 2. This tension is why women are drawn to the indirect and veiled use of violence operative in the democratic “rule of law” and proxy style use of power operative in administrative state styles of governance, rather than the the direct use of violence.
Apr 22 10 tweets 2 min read
1. This is an excellent question. The answer is no. That said, generally speaking, societies are default conservative. They preserve the carefully worked out current order and the traditions/institutions that support that order. But… 2. … all societies must adapt in times of crisis. So a small pocket of liberals are necessary to draw from when needed, but if your whole society liberalizes you end up in social dissolution.
Apr 22 5 tweets 2 min read
1. The “sensible right” is not a thing. They are merely just less liberal than the so-called “sensible left.” While there is still much wealth, power and prestige to be found in the center and its broadly liberal consensus, it is spiritually dead and is formalist. 2. The real energy comes from the religious right and the religious left (what Kisin calls the “woke” left and right). The center is dead and believes in nothing but the system itself, maintaining it for its own sake.
Apr 21 23 tweets 5 min read
1. Some thoughts on the Twitter-women-drifting-leftward-because-of-toxic-male-behavior thing.

My basic thought is that Twitter, especially right wing Twitter, is of all the social media platforms, the most male coded. This is because it allows and encourages agonistic behaviour.
Image 2. Twitter gives you direct access to other people, including many of the well known and successful media figures. But more important than access, is it allows you to spar and do verbal combat with them directly.
Apr 20 11 tweets 3 min read
1. Joel Berry is what philosopher Augusto del Noce would call a “past-utopian.” It is the mirror of the “future utopian” vision of Marxists and progressives. Basically, the current order is rotten and needs to be swept away to RETURN to a past of heroic men and pure ideas.
Image 2. Berry is politically uninformed enough that he isn’t aware that this is the same basic posture towards the world that Fascism takes. Sweep away the present order and instantiate the heroic past of the nation when its ideals were pure and its men heroic.