Russ Cox Profile picture
Go Hacker. Mistake maker. (he/him)
Feb 23, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I wasn’t going to say anything, but since ZDNet has republished the AWS “Sustainability with Rust” blog post, a short thread about why that post is misleading (at best) about Go. 1/ First, the “really interesting study a few years ago” has obvious problems. To start, it was published in October 2017, using Go 1.6 (Feb 2016), on an Intel i5-4460 CPU (Q2 2014). That’s forever ago. 2/
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
My 7yo just looked at my computer screen - I was in the middle of a long GitHub issue reply - and asked:

Are you doing work? (Yes.)
Why aren't you writing programs? After lunch, neither the wired nor wireless network in my son's "school" room were working.

Obvious common failure point was the router.
Unplugged the router's power and finished the school day with weaker wifi from downstairs.
Jul 2, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Thanks @goinggodotnet for this open letter about try. I wanted to share a few brief thoughts. 1/ The top three pain points for Go users, in surveys and direct feedback, have been consistent for a number of years. They are: package management, generics, and error handling. We are working on all three. 2/
Jul 26, 2018 54 tweets 46 min read
@mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer This is an absolutely fair criticism - we have not handled the community process around dependency management well. The core Go team was not involved early or often enough for that process to lead to a smooth landing. As tech lead for Go, that was my fault, and I apologize. @mattfarina @Crell @sdboyer Ever since I wrote “go get,” we on the core Go team hoped the community would take care of dependency management. Keith Rarick's goven and then godep, and Matt Butcher's glide, and Dave Cheney's gb all seemed like promising steps toward a solution.
Jul 25, 2018 29 tweets 12 min read
@sdboyer I listened to your talk. You are clearly still quite frustrated and upset about all this generally and with me in particular despite our many hours of conversation. I am truly sorry about that. I know how that feels, and it sucks. @sdboyer One recurring theme in your talk is the inability to write down incompatibilities, but that's not off the table for Go modules, as we've discussed.