Sergio Orozco-Echeverri Profile picture
Early modern science, philosophy and nature | Frances A Yates @Warburg_News | Professor @filosofiaUdeA | PhD @UoE_STIS | Editor @Estud_filos
Jun 30, 2021 17 tweets 11 min read
@AnnalsOfScience just published an article I wrote with my colleague @smolinab1 as part of our research on a chronological and cosmographical Tratado composed in the New Kingdom of Granada (c.1696) 🧵(1/17)… The manuscript presumably entitled "Treatise on astronomy and the reformation of time" is housed in the @BibliotecaNalCo. Using other sources (@ArchivoGeneral @Banrepcultural), we read this Tratado as part of the #earlymodern globalisation of Spanish cosmography (2/17) Heading of Sanchez's first ...