Sports Journalist. J school / RTA Instructor. Wife. Mama. Sr Contributor @CBCSports
'Bend It Like Beckham' Scholar. (she/her) @BurnItDownPod @TorontoMet
Dec 7, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
My daughter (20) has been playing football for 15 years. She joined a team of good friends - 6 v 6 - for the indoor season.
Her entire team is Black and Brown Muslim women. All of them played competitive soccer. Some wear hijab some don't. They are a VERY good team.
They are unlikely any team in the league because of what they look like. At first people glance twice but when they play, their pasing, shooting and synchronicity speak for them.
They are at the top of their tier. They range from 20-27 years of age.
Dec 6, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Every year on December 6th, I pause.
Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I breath.
Was 12 years old when I watched this horror unfold on CBC news. I will never forget how terrified I felt. It was the moment when I realized that violence against women was my responsibility to combat, too.
Today I spoke at a high school about my work and one young woman asked me if there was anything in my career that "blindsided" me.
I was wowed by her question and have been thinking about it all day. I also want to know what others feel.
My answer is white feminism.
I am acutely aware that women are pitted against each other in this industry (media), which can be toxic.
Experiencing intentional non-allyship from more privileged women has been my reality. I have been accused of being "shouty", allegedly being the reason for tears etc.
Aug 27, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I am not in Ontario otherwise I would have like to be at the London Islamic Centre when Kadri bring the Stanley Cup.
As one of the few women Muslim sports journalists in the country is that whole I appreciate the timely attention to his journey but there is more.
It's a story that is rooted in struggle, family love, faith and community support. But there is a wider community that is rarely seen in media.