yellow afrikan Profile picture
librarian | Pan-Africanism or Perish | #YNWA
Apr 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Loaded my first roll of film into my konica Plus I been babysitting this propack of fuji pro 400h. I still can't believe it got discontinued 😩
Apr 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
First fight scene in and I can tell Mortal Kombat budget was less than $100 million How yall watch all this Marvel content then be ok with this made for TV cgi😩
Apr 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Malcolm X said revolution is like a forest fire. It burns everything in its path. One way to prevent forest fires is by doing a controlled burn. He viewed the civil rights movement as that controlled burn "...the Negro revolution is no revolution b/c it condemns the system and then asks the system that it has condemned to accept them into their system. That's not a revolution—a revolution changes the system, it destroys the system and replaces it with a better one."
Apr 22, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
I try to spend as much time outdoors away from the city as possible b/c it is scientifically proven to be good for our physical & mental well-being. Black folk have not only been dispossessed of land but we have also been systematically excluded from natural places #EarthDay2021 68% of Black folk live in nature-deprived areas. That means our communities "receive less of nature’s benefits, including air and water purification, climate mitigation, biodiversity and disease control, and opportunities for leisure and recreation."
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
We seeing in real time how corporations and elected officials have adjusted their language and strategies for addressing social justice issues. It's propaganda. And we're behind on educating ppl on how to analyze this messaging The anti-Blackness we see with these corporations & politicians isn't just a part of their history it is something they are actively participating in right now. They are literally fighting to uphold the very system that is inextricably linked to racism