Tólma Profile picture
Our daring has forced a path to every land and sea, erecting timeless memorials to itself everywhere, for good and ill
TurkeyClubSandwich Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 10 19 tweets 3 min read
Notion of 'progress' appears most vividly in Leibniz. In his doctrine of the best of all possible worlds, God chose this world precisely because it would allow the most creation. That is, the most complexity, while at the same time still being ordered.

.. the most 'newness' as any order would still be able to bear. The most chaos, without things actually falling apart; "Chaosmos"

The ordering with the most potential for the infinite nature of God to unfold itself; this is the best of all possible worlds.
Jul 14, 2023 41 tweets 6 min read
Spirit of Marxism, some basic and not so neutral notes...

(thread) Image The struggle of life is displaced from a people against outside world, to class-struggle within a single people. It is premised on a loss of identity, a lived connection to a people, ...
Jun 30, 2023 41 tweets 7 min read
French Spiritualism: a lost current of thought?

[THREAD] Image When I say French philosophy; you might think of existentialism, phenomenology, structuralism, and, post-modernism/post-structuralism. But there is a different current of thought, to many unknown, ‘French spiritualism’
May 5, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Seeing a lot of strange talk lately about categorizing different types of women as animal; cats, birds, and what have you. But I trust none of you.

Here is what Semonides of Amorgos had to say. (short thread)

First, we have the sow Image Next up, the wicked vixen and the vicious bitch ImageImage
Mar 18, 2023 40 tweets 6 min read
Some notes on technology and man

Autonomy - techno-phobia/philia - Henry - Simondon - Nietzsche - Heidegger - AI - Trans-humanism

[THREAD] This idea of technology as something separate from man with an autonomous development, the "it is not me who wants this, it is only pure reason" of our time.

Technology is human, and the human is technological. Precisely this view is the protection against technocracy.
Jan 23, 2023 42 tweets 8 min read
Not all questions should be asked by everyone

Descartes / Nietzsche / Dostoevsky

[A THREAD] Descartes is known for his method of ‘universal doubt’, we doubt everything, and hopefully, we end up with what is absolutely certain, indubitable. But Descartes was often hesitant to recommend this method to everyone….
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
As a metaphor for living in a fake world/simulation, Plato's cave is much better than the oh so popular Matrix.

In the Matrix, Neo, a nerd, just has to swallow a pill and the real world ends up being this dystopian underground hellhole

1/ There is this oracle, black woman living in a shitty apartment. And then the last human city, Zion, far away from the sun, in a cave itself

Plato: a stranger comes and he violently drags you into the sunlight, the light hits your eyes, it burns, intense pain.

Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
In terms of 'depopulation' through bad products (vaccines, food, etc), one often points to how the specific biological actions of these things lead to for ex. infertility. Leading one to believe it is created for this end specifically. I don't know what to think, but I lean to 'they just throw shit together' combined with general stupidity as to the effects of certain things on the organism. Instead of intentionally creating stuff that causes infertility.
Nov 15, 2022 49 tweets 11 min read
Quod nescis quo modo fiat, id non facis
“Whatever you do not in any way know how to do, that you cannot do.”

The dark metaphysics of Arnold Geulincx

[A THREAD] A little known philosopher that fascinates me is Arnold Geulincx. Born in 1624 in Antwerp, Geulincx was influenced by the work of Descartes, and would come to be one the most important Cartesian philosophers of his time.
Nov 15, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
"Postmodern neo-marxism"

I do still think 'postmodernism' is a generally good term to designate a general stream of thought which has been destructive in many respects. Centred around the de-placement and eventual destruction of the subject, ...
the replacement of identity by difference in terms of values, the 'Other' becoming more important than the self, the ideal of autarchy replaced by the ideal of inter-connection and dependence.
Nov 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Doing some preparatory reading and will soon be starting series for subscribers on the substack, reading Descartes' 'The Search for Truth by means of the Natural Light.'

tolma.substack.com One thing that interests me and that I will be trying to think through is Descartes' method of 'making a clean slate'. He sees his philosophical project as something radically new, based on new principles, with new method. But to begin, he must thus first do away with tradition
Nov 2, 2022 100 tweets 19 min read
When it comes to how you are being poisoned in the name of health, one of my favourite topics is tobacco.


[A THREAD] This will be a long one. Going from the increasing poisoning of tobacco-products by governments and big-tobacco, to the spiritual significance of the plant, some of its healing properties, and the subversion of its spirit.
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Michel Henry's notion of 'life turning against Life' can be understood through Marx's notion of 'alienation'. The subject that wastes his essence(which is pure activity) away producing what is foreign to this essence. 1/ The worker does work that doesn't confirm to his essential being: he therefore "does not confirm himself in his work, but denies himself, does not develop free mental and physical energy, but mortifies his flesh and ruins his mind." 2/
Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There is something stupid to all critique on Descartes' dualism. "You separate mind and body but they are one!" In a way we are all dualists, we can't help but make this distinction between mind and body. All thought works on the basis of this distinction, all discourse does. 1/ At least in thought, you can make this distinction between mind and body. (And one could say that this is all that Descartes is saying). And in thought, you do make this distinction, everyone does. When you say 'exercise is not only good for the body, but also for the mind.' 2/
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Great book, recommend you read to learn all about the globalists' plan for a planetary poison diet, and the Raw Egg Nationalist's vision for an alternative Image Author: @Babygravy9
Oct 18, 2022 30 tweets 7 min read
"There is no culture of computers", says Michel Henry in 'la barbarie'(1987), his scathing critique of our modern techno-scientific culture.

[small thread] Image For Henry, all culture is a culture of life. In the double sense that in culture, life expresses itself, and life is what is expressed.

What is life? Don't think too hard about it, you feel what life is in the feeling that you have of being alive.

Oct 15, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Remind yourself, simply, that Platonic philosophy works with the ideal of the 'guardian.'

Not the mere contemplative, not the critical or creative thinker. The guardian.

1/ We guard that which we already possess, but which is simultaneously in danger of being taken. Taken by what? the enemy of philosophy: opinion.

What is our most prized possession, given to us with the duty to defend it?

Life itself, and the natural order it instills.
Oct 14, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read

Leibniz and the 'best of all possible worlds.'


1/ Always felt Leibniz' 'best of all possible worlds' not only to be a conclusion of his rationalism, but also related to this existential attitude of 'amor fati.' It is the best of all possible worlds, and any claim that it isn't so, is pure resentment.

Oct 13, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
We like to talk about the horrors of people wasting their time watching netflix or tiktok, but perhaps even worse is the rubbish books that people read. Go to amazon right now, look at the bestsellers, heads filled with garbage, days and days wasted consuming junk sold as gold
You have the 'informative' crap, Harari, Bill Gates' books on how to sanitize the world, all the bestsellers about how to become an 'anti-fascist' or make your child into a feminist. Very dangerous, for it gives the reader the false belief that he is learned
Oct 12, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Reading lots of weird critique about @Babygravy9 rise to fame, it being trivial, slonking eggs not going to save the world, etc.

Let me say this, REN points to the real core issue of all of it, that the human organism itself is degrading.

If you do not believe that vital individuals are of paramount importance for a healthy society, then you are perhaps already trapped in the globalist mindset, that the individual is irrelevant

Oct 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Nietzsche says that in a healthy culture, philosophy is empowering, life-affirming. In a diseased culture, philosophy is destructive, only a tool for a sick life to drag itself even deeper. This is important to keep in mind. Anyone who observes himself knows, that thought can be used to create, but it can also destroy, or simply prevent us from creating. What life is it that thinks? Most essential question.