Whitney Webb Profile picture
Contributing editor of https://t.co/i6XvCQ62PW, author of One Nation Under Blackmail. Follow me on Nostr + other Twitter alternatives (see link tree below)
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Mar 17 4 tweets 2 min read
The director of Shanahan's foundation is simultaneously part of Open Philanthropy, which financed Event 201, a pandemic simulation RFK Jr has routinely criticized, and is mainly funded by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz biaecho.org/project/cloe-c…
on Open Philanthropy and Event 201 -

Open Philanthropy was also tied to the FTX scandal through SBF's ties to the group via "effective altruism"centerforhealthsecurity.org/2019/johns-hop…
Feb 24 5 tweets 1 min read
What a lot of people don't realize is that Palestinians are routinely used as a testbed for tyrannical surveillance tech and next gen weapons of war. What's happening in Gaza won't just stay in Gaza. Companies like Palantir, aiding the slaughter in Gaza, are also aiding the destruction in the Ukraine conflict and are the engine of the coming war on domestic terror in the US. AI enabled slaughter can now happen anywhere. Your online activity determines if you're a target.
Nov 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I covered the CTI League in depth over 3 years ago and Shellenberger barely scratches the surface about why they are so sinister and also seems to downplay how it was chiefly created by an Israeli intel operative. unlimitedhangout.com/2020/08/invest…
CTIL got into "misinformation" as a side gig. The bigger problem is this spook parade has had access to the critical systems of major US hospitals and critical infrastructure including water systems in the US for years. It was founded by a FOREIGN spy!
Aug 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Have you guys figured that it's a big game of good cop (Elon who "loves" free speech) and bad cop (Linda who wants to censor based on vague terms) to keep the frogs in the pot just long enough that people don't notice that they are turning it into American WeChat? All of the changes being phased in at Twitter "X" are a slippery slope. ID verification, banking and tying it all to your social media/Twitter posts is the plan. The problem w a slippery slope is that the farther you go down, the harder it is to get back up and off the slope.
Aug 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Disappointed in the anti-digital id/cbdc types who are subscribing to be part of Twitter's new revenue model for "creators." You are helping create the everything app + turning this site into a dystopian bank. Your "resistance" to this agenda is hollow and you are a sell out For ppl confused about this, Musk has said he intends to turn this site into a Wechat equivalent and try to make it roughly half of the US financial system. Wechat facilitates China's CBDC and its parent company has strong business links to Musk

Jul 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
For much of the last 3 years, I was in a relationship w an abusive narcissist who mistreated both me + my daughter and has been lying about me in private while publicly pretending we are still together bc he thinks that association helps his career. I’ve had enough. Prior to leaving Chile, he told me that our relationship, for him, had been his "chance to make it in indie media". He was abusive and controlling and tried to take control of my media project. I am tired of being used, lied about and bullied for someone else's material gain.
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
With JPMorgan's ties to Jeffrey Epstein under scrutiny, an Unlimited Hangout investigation has revealed that the rise of the bank's CEO Jamie Dimon was thanks to the same network of closely connected people who enabled Jeffrey Epstein.
rokfin.com/post/134886/Ja… Part 1: unlimitedhangout.com/2023/03/invest…
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I don't get this. I talk about the oligarchy and corporate power in numerous articles and make it clear in interviews and the book and organized crime-intelligence and corporate power are the main power nexus I write about. Apparently this guy's beef is that I'm not promoting the same specific political ideology that he agrees with. I avoid telling people to support "capitalism" or "communism" bc it's not my place, my work is about exposing power structures, not telling you which "team" to side with
Apr 5, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
For 4 years, Ryan Dawson has smeared me and has tried to take credit for my research on the Jeffrey Epstein case. Today, I’m setting the record straight because 4 years is far too long to deal with this crap. In 2019, when numerous journalists covered Epstein after his arrest, Dawson falsely accused me of “plagiarism” after the success of my MintPress series on the case. He has never stated what I supposedly plagiarized or provided any evidence.
Dec 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Yes, Twitter censors people + has close ties to the National Security State.

However, now people are not focusing on how SBF is about to get away with a billion dollar Ponzi or how the WHO is about to establish a global biosecurity authority, etc. People, including myself, @VanessaBeeley and @AlanRMacLeod , have been reporting on the cozy relationship between social media and the US govt long before the "Twitter files."

Sep 22, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Today, Volume 1 of my book One Nation Under Blackmail comes out!
Unfortunately, due to publisher error, the very important Acknowledgements page was left out. I am sharing it here (It will be included in future printings). The book would not have happened if not for these people! Image Huge thank you, first and foremost, to the amazing @EBBerger, a parapolitical research genius. Please support Ed via his Patreon (see previous tweet).
Also a big thanks to @StarBeLit @TrinedayKris @JohnnyVedmore @MnarMuh @MintPressNews !!
Sep 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
New article by myself + @_InThisTogether - We explore how the UN SDGs utilise a model of IMF/WB debt slavery to entrap nations in a what they describe as a new system of "global financial governance" and to facilitate land grabs in the developing world.
unlimitedhangout.com/2022/09/invest… This is the 1st article in our series on the SDGs - much more to come. However, this is an introduction as to how debt specifically is central to the SDGs and will be used to force adoption of a new global financial system backed by the UN and designed by Wall St
May 8, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Unfortunately, Maria Farmer is currently claiming that I released our interview two years ago without her consent or permission. That is categorically false, as the audio clip I posted on my Telegram channel shows.
t.me/unlimitedhango… This is happening because I declined to promote a male friend of Maria's, as I could not verify his story and canceled a planned interview where Maria only wanted to talk about this person and not herself or the Epstein case. Records of my attempts to verify are below:
May 2, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Now that the Disinformation Governance Board is a hot topic, I would like to remind you that the govt actually announced this was the plan in 2020 and it is just part of a larger, much worse than you think, plan.

See this thread and here for more: unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/invest… In addition to this new "anti-disinfo" board, DHS is developing "digital literacy" programs for a domestic American audience. It's not just about censoring alleged "disinfo", it's about DHS, an intelligence agency, formally establishing what is "true."
Jan 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The targeting of @NassMeryl is extremely sinister, with the Maine medical board forcing her to undergo psych evaluation and revoking her license. Dr. Nass is not spreading "misinfo", as she's been accused, but she is a threat to the official narrative. You can listen to my recent podcast with Meryl and see for yourself why they are going after her. Please consider supporting her legal defense by donating to Children's Health Defense.

Oct 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The transition from using COVID to using Climate Change as the justification for implementing the 4th industrial revolution and the "digital transformation" of the economy + society is well underway. Efforts have already been made to repurpose lockdowns from one to the other.

Oct 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Before COVID-19, Moderna was in danger of hemorrhaging investors, as major, persistent issues w its mRNA delivery system threatened its entire pipeline. Part 1 of this new 2-part series looks at just how desperate + close to collapse Moderna was pre-COVID

unlimitedhangout.com/2021/10/invest… This is a long-ish read, but it's really worth your time. Moderna is so similar to Theranos in many ways and they were forced to abandon any product req more than 1 dose due to toxicity issues. This should be a key part of the COVID booster dose discussion, but it isn't - Why?
Oct 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
WELL WELL WELL if it isn't Facebook promoting the shit I wrote about they would do in July. Facebook is a part of the GCA, which itself is part of the WEF Partnership Against Cybercrime:

unlimitedhangout.com/2021/07/invest… Contrary to what a lot have said about Cyber Polygon, the WEF's main agenda is to create a global organization aimed at gutting even the possibility of anonymity online. The US, UK, and Israeli govts are all on board. Please read if you haven't already:

Aug 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Really tired of the person who snipes at and lies about @DBrozeLiveFree, TLAV + me. Apparently I can't be taken seriously because I didn't cover graphene and nano-sensors in a podcast specifically about the Green New Deal,New Deal for Nature + finance. Get over yourself, please! This person also implies that @elleprovocateur , who was my podcast guest, didn't discuss certain topics because she was appearing on my show. Cory has been through hell this year and still does the most incredible job. These attacks are divisive and unbecoming.
Aug 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Resharing an old article I wrote on Afghanistan so people can familiarize themselves w the real reasons the US invaded in 2001:
1. The Taliban turned sour on the UNOCAL pipeline deal 2. The Taliban fatwa banning opium cultivation
It was about drugs + oil
mintpressnews.com/us-afghanistan… The US supported the Taliban, hoping to create a "second Saudi Arabia" in Afghanistan and offered them covert support for years. The Taliban dumped UNOCAL (now part of Chevron) + started to favor a non-US oil company for a major pipeline in '98 and that's when things turned sour.
Jul 28, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The team-up between PayPal and the ADL is insane for many reasons. Reason 1: The ADL spied on the NAACP, Greenpeace, the Arab-American Democratic Club and the ACLU (among others) on behalf of Mossad and S Africa's apartheid regime.
counterpunch.org/2013/06/12/adl… The ADL has well known documented ties to foreign governments and intelligence agencies and have spied on US civil/human rights organizations whose political views they disagreed with. Now they are telling PayPal who to deplatform. This is complete insanity!