yue 🪷 Profile picture
yuebings on tumblr • cdramas, misc • currently watching 神隐/the last immortal
Back at it again with the gusu lan Profile picture Yuu Profile picture Emmiesnow Profile picture Seth Profile picture alemireth Profile picture 5 subscribed
Oct 5, 2022 63 tweets 11 min read
a loose howl’s moving castle wangxian au: nhs as howl, wwx as calcifer, and lwj as a fallen star who followed his soulmate down to earth 💫 wwx falls to earth in a star shower on the darkest night of winter, and on his way down he figures that there are two possible ends for him:

1) quick and merciful
2) horrible and painful

he has his own opinions on which of the two he deserves, but leaves it up to fate.
Dec 31, 2021 30 tweets 5 min read
wangxian new year's eve threadfic!!

when wwx—after a full year of sideways glances and brushing hands and secret blushes—first found himself attending the same NYE party as lwj, it felt as if they had reached the light at the end of a very long, excruciatingly slow-burn tunnel. or, at least, wwx had hoped lwj also felt that way.
when he had stepped over the threshold of the house at 8pm, wwx had briefly entertained every single one of his silly little fantasies in a speedy montage that flashed through his mind, rom-com style:
Dec 25, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
wangxian au where they have a first date and instead of being endeared by e/o at first sight, they totally misunderstand the other’s character and come out of the whole thing like “wow that was the worst. good thing i’m never seeing him again!”

famous last words. the day after his worst ever first date, wwx’s new neighbor moves into the apartment unit next door, and he goes over w a plate of food to welcome them

the door opens. it’s lwj.
Jun 1, 2021 62 tweets 10 min read
wangxian modern au: while on the same bus tour, wwx and lwj both get accidentally left behind at a rest stop, and join forces to make it back to their luggage! 🚌 let’s gooo! (yet another meet-awkward story from me...yue meet-awkward cinematic universe. ymacu)
May 31, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
making an shl watching thread so u can mute if u don’t want to see those tweets! miss thigh tattoo just appeared on screen for the first time and i literally shouted OH BABY
May 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
new modern wangxian au where they actually meet through a matchmaking granny who knows “the son of a friend’s cousin, a very nice young man, handsome too, here a-zhan i have his wechat contact” but wwx’s wechat icon isnt of him, it’s one of those horrible yiling laozu drawings and because lan zhan is a good boy he still messages this weirdo on wechat but then he’s pleasantly surprised at how good the convo is going
Apr 26, 2021 56 tweets 9 min read
wangxian ghost au: lwj’s backyard is haunted by a spirit from centuries past. he tries to set it free, with complications 👻💕 their first encounter is on a humid sunday afternoon, three days after lwj first moves into his new house.
Feb 2, 2021 57 tweets 8 min read
wangxian au: lwj is a wind deity. wwx is a tree spirit. somehow, their story remains the same.

(or, 5 times lwj breaks a rule, and 1 time he does not.) 1. do not say one thing and mean another.
Jan 5, 2021 27 tweets 4 min read
wangxian au where lwj is in a mall photobooth to take his passport photos and wwx accidentally barges in because he thought it was unoccupied and needed a place to hide 😳📸 lwj is minding his own business, all settled down in this tiny little booth, expression calm and poker-faced for his passport photos.

he’s set the timer, and the countdown is ticking down for the first picture—

Jan 2, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
wangxian rainy-day meetcute......... theres nothing going on in my brain i just think rainy day meetcutes are top tier
Dec 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
okay i just read ‘the lottery’ because em mentioned it and i. I— O K A Y me, softly: what the fuck
Dec 20, 2020 41 tweets 6 min read
what if. wangxian au where they meet in college because lwj wakes up at 5am and wwx goes to sleep at 5am and they keep bumping into each other in the hallway the first time they meet they both decide to greet the other rando in the hall bc they’re both good boys at heart

(speaking simultaneously)
wwx: haha, late night, huh—
lwj: good morning—

and then a second where they stare at each other like ImageImage
Dec 20, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
can i do top 10 works 😔 (not in order)
1. never let me go by @tothedeaths
2. this river runs to you by @hyacinthsuns
3. not all roots by @varnesbutworse
4. when i have fears by nicasio_silang
5. the soft animal by @bee_off_main 6. from the other side of sorrow (series) by Sour_Idealist
7. the earth remembered me by @shrikemp3
8. resolutions (series) by incendir
9. it’s only time by @sanlanglovemail
10. the absolutely true story of the yiling patriarch by @aubrey_li
Nov 14, 2020 47 tweets 8 min read
it’s getting colder every day, so have a wangxian meet-funny: wwx wipes out on an icy sidewalk. so do his would-be saviors, lwj and lxc wwx is exactly the type of person to not watch where theyre stepping while walking around in the winter. halfway out the door of the building, he slips on a patch of ice and goes down, knocking the back of his head as he does
Nov 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
watched this video about how deep humans have dug into the earth’s crust n now im thinking about wei wuxian and the awful possibilities of bring buried alive yeah he didnt get a proper burial but imagine if he did. and yeah people don’t reincarnate into the same body they had in their first life but imagine if he did
Oct 31, 2020 42 tweets 6 min read
happy halloween! imagine wwx as 白骨精 (baigujing/the skeleton demon from ‘journey to the west’) and lwj as the courageous traveler who comes to defeat him lwj: i have come to slay the great evil. begone, hideous demon
wwx: sir im just bones
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
waiting on my yesstyle order to arrive like it’s the only good thing to happen to me this month...retail therapy
(´;ω;`) have been trying to switch to sustainable/ethically produced fashion but there is only so much i can afford;;;;
Sep 23, 2020 80 tweets 12 min read
ok...wangxian spirited away au but instead of chihiro + haku, wwx is a random bath-house worker and lwj is the polluted river spirit yeah im sorry i dont have a proper mdzsww to offer this week but i watched spirited away last night n cant stop thinking abt it so have a threadfic instead!
Sep 22, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
man forget school i just wanna watch spirited away 😭 yay i found it for free on fb
Sep 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
thread fics / threads of ideas! silly coffeeshop au :)
Sep 21, 2020 39 tweets 6 min read
wangxian college au but wei ying is nearsighted 🧐👀 it’s cool i can see fine don’t worry abt it, says wwx, and then spends 10 min staring at the little brown beetle outside his apt window and waiting for it to move before realizing it’s just a nail in the roof tile