Arturas Rozenas Profile picture
Associate Professor @NYUpolitics. I study comparative politics, w/ focus on violence, propaganda, historical legacies, Ukraine, Russia.
Aug 25, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Six tips to academics who want to do original takes on how US/NATO/West is responsible for Russia invading Ukraine: 1. Always cite the venerable and long-dead Kennan instead of Tucker Carlson who is alive and says basically the same thing.
Mar 26, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Among many narratives used by Russia’s apologists, a persistent one is that Ukraine is corrupt; as if this somehow justifies the war. This 🧵lists some facts about this narrative.
cc: @PopovaProf, @j_a_tucker, @brik_t, @TomilaLankina, @SergeySanovich, @sgehlbach, @oonuch Ukraine scores poorly on corruption, but let's be clear: Ukraine is not being invaded by Denmark. Here is how public sector corruption in Ukraine and Russia look like historically (data from @vdeminstitute).