Aashis Joshi Profile picture
Doing a PhD on climate change but I think broadly about decolonization, overshoot & collapse 🇵🇸 🌏 When faced with our own destruction, we act against reason
Oct 1, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
“I wish a Gandhi would emerge from the Palestinian people & inspire a peaceful liberation movement.”

I’ve heard such a statement from Western colleagues a couple of times. Each time, I’ve asked, “Why is the burden to produce such a figure always on the colonized?”

The people who made such statements are from a European nation that got rich off imperial violence & plunder & which supports Israel’s genocide of Palestinians today. What worldview leads them to fantasize about the colonized producing messiahs of peace to save themselves?

Sep 17, 2024 19 tweets 3 min read
I urge degrowth & other climate action researchers to keep in mind that all extraction adds damages to people & ecosystems somewhere, & challenge them to rise above techno-modernist ideology to envision radical alternative ways of organizing our lives & societies.

Before advocating for each household to have appliances & gadgets that have only proliferated in recent decades, please think of how we could greatly reduce our dependence on such technologies.

Here are two low-tech alternatives for the basic tasks of washing & cooking.

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Sep 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
When I criticize modernity I think in terms of the material and energy flows and the distribution of the harms and risks involved in sustaining it, especially when it comes to technologies and systems whose proliferation has coincided with...

... the acceleration of extraction and ecocide in recent decades.

With 8 billion people, sustaining our techno-modernity even at a smaller scale still keeps adding extractive damages to ecosystems and people.

Aug 5, 2024 13 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday I came across a piece that inadvertently exposes the claim that the “green” energy transition will entail less material extraction than fossil fuels as a blatant lie.

It’s by none other than the capitalist techno-solutionist @_HannahRitchie from @OurWorldInData.

1/ Image As we’d expect, she is trying to reassure her readers that the large-scale renewable energy transition she advocates for will need less mining than fossil fuels, even after adjusting for the amount of rock that needs to be processed to obtain metals & minerals.

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Aug 4, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
A barrage of dire news & research findings that came out just this past week shows we’re on the verge of catastrophic climate & ecological breakdown.

Massive social upheavals are imminent, & we must realign our priorities & plans with what is realistically possible.

Yet most climate action folks cling to actions & approaches based on modern techno-industrial systems, whose existence depends on stable climate, ecological & social-political conditions that will soon no longer exist in the first place.

Aug 3, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
A torrent of dire news & research findings that came out just this past week shows we’re on the verge of catastrophic climate & ecological breakdown.

Massive social upheavals are imminent, & we must realign our priorities & plans with what is realistically possible.

Yet most scholars & others with influence cling to actions & approaches based on modern techno-industrial systems, whose existence depends on stable climate, ecological & social-political conditions that will soon no longer exist in the first place.

Jul 28, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
A new paper by degrowth scholars @jasonhickel & Dylan Sullivan suggests we can ensure public luxury & techno-scientific advancement for all with the right policies.

But it ignores the already visible & accelerating impacts of climate & ecological breakdown on such ambitions.

1/ Image The authors want to inform a reduction of our materials & energy consumption while meeting people’s needs globally.

Unfortunately their analysis isn’t grounded in biophysical reality as it doesn’t account for the unprecedented social upheavals that are imminent & inevitable.

Jul 26, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The world is an extremely complex system that often behaves in unexpected ways.

For example, did you know that the Greenland ice sheet melting will actually lower the sea level in its vicinity, around northern Europe & Canada, & only cause sea level to rise far away?

The effect is due to the gravitational pull of the ice sheet on the surrounding water. As ice sheets melt they lose mass while the ocean gains it. The gravitational attraction of the ice sheets on the ocean diminishes & the water retreats, lowering sea level in the vicinity.

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Jul 17, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
I call upon Global South scholars & researchers to reconsider our presence in Western academia.

By now it is abundantly clear that Western nations & institutions incl. universities are fully committed to maintaining their colonialist domination over the world, at any cost.

In this light, I increasingly wonder whether we Global South scholars are helping legitimize Western institutions & their “superiority” (consider the impression that world university rankings give, for example) by participating in them.

Jul 12, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
It appears to me that the US-led West has escalated their policy of perpetual war to that of perpetual genocide.

Their political, military & propaganda apparatus is fully behind Israel’s relentless slaughter of Palestinians, & perhaps they don't intend to end it at all.

I think Western nations are trying to get their people used to genocides because genocide is how they intend to control resources around the world to maintain their wealth & power in a world facing rising scarcities & climate & ecological breakdown.

Jul 7, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The education system & media have together rendered the public woefully unaware of the scale & severity of the climate & ecological polycrisis & its rapidly intensifying consequences on ecosystems & societies.

1/ latitude.plos.org/2024/06/facing…
Image At the same time we have lost our political agency under the neoliberal capitalist system, including in electoral democracies.

We’ve been conditioned to think that credentialed experts & technocrats of the system will find solutions, largely technological ones, ...

Jul 1, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
The speed at which the impacts of climate and ecological breakdown are playing out far exceeds what scientists had anticipated.

The public, however, is still woefully unaware of how quickly and irreversibly the biophysical basis of our lives and societies is unraveling.

1/ Image How much of the public understands that the root cause of ecological overshoot is the modern industrial capitalist organization of our societies which regards economic growth as prosperity?

Jun 26, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Three recent pieces of research show that climate change has gone beyond any hope for control. Ecosystems are facing utter ruin & with them, our societies & civilization. We need to be aware to prepare ourselves, at least psychologically, at least to some extent.

A short 🧵:

First, global heating is driving an exponential rise in the incidence of extreme wildfires. “The rise in the huge fires [threatens] to create a ‘scary’ feedback loop, in which the vast carbon emissions released by the fires cause more global heating, which causes more fires.”

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Jun 13, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
The rhetoric of rich Western nations on climate action, human rights, rules-based order, etc. at international institutions & conferences is nothing more than distraction & psychological operations as they ramp up the technological basis of their world domination.

In reality they’re investing in & intensifying their violent colonialist apparatus to gain control over the resources they need to maintain their wealth & power in a world facing increasing scarcities & social-ecological upheavals.

Jun 5, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This article asks, “What will it take for political leaders to start taking climate change seriously?”

We’ve got to realize that this is the wrong question to ask.

theconversation.com/an-intergenera… It keeps us in the trap of thinking that we can convince our leaders when we should really be thinking about how to replace them & the world-destroying industrial capitalist system they helm.

Jun 2, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The ruling class of the West & Global North knows that food & resource scarcities & unlivable conditions leading to mass migrations & geopolitical turmoil are inevitable & imminent. They know full well that there is no way...

... to address climate & ecological breakdown & live with their consequences in a fair way that doesn’t involve redressing global power imbalances, i.e. without ending their economic & geopolitical hegemony.

May 6, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
This is a deceptive piece on our climate situation riddled with inaccurate information. It serves to keep the public unaware of the severity & scale of the climate & ecological crises & their root causes, to help maintain the status quo of exploitative, ecocidal capitalism...
Image ... underpinned by geopolitical & class power imbalances.

It pays lip service to “climatism”, which means to neglect the broader social & ecological context of climate change action, but goes on to downplay the massive ecological devastation we continue to cause...
Apr 27, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Many people in the climate action realm avoid discussing overpopulation as among the root causes of our environmental devastation. They say that overconsumption, especially by wealthy Global North nations & also wealthy people in poorer nations, is what drives...

... climate breakdown & not overpopulation per se. That discussing overpopulation could open the doors to racist & eco-fascist policies, including forced sterilizations & genocide.

This is indeed a real danger, but it doesn’t mean overpopulation isn’t a real problem.

Apr 17, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
Much of modern education is about conditioning to uphold the techno-industrial status quo rather than questioning it & imagining better alternatives.

The joint master’s program I did several years ago in 3 different European universities...

... focused on renewable energy systems, but the course completely ignored the critical matter of what their manufacturing, deployment, maintenance & disposal entailed.

Apr 7, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
The map is not the territory.

Discussing only carbon emissions (carbon tunnel vision) & global average temperature rise (temperature tunnel vision) is some climate researchers' & communicators' reductionist attempt to shape the climate narrative...

... around just a couple of metrics so that it appears a far less daunting challenge for the techno-industrial capitalist system to deal with, especially in the public's perception.

Apr 1, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Within the span of decades we, modern industrial humankind, have destroyed the lives, habitats & relationships of innumerable living beings.

That ecological illiteracy, which facilitates disregard for & dismissal of nature & devotion to techno-industrial capitalism, is...
1/ ... the norm in an age where universities & research institutes dedicate vast amounts of resources–human, material & energy–to tech R&D shows where academia’s priorities & allegiance lie.