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Anti Fascist. Fiercely secular. Religious bigots, abuse=block. FoE is not to engage with bigots & idiots. Retweet=/ endorsement. Congress supporter
aayeff Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 13 8 tweets 2 min read
I don't know how exactly to put it across. Whether its the best or the worst thing to have happened to BJP.
Many believe Modi together with Shah shored up BJP's fortunes at the hustings. While we can't deny that Modi did win 3 times with a lot of help from media, electoral..1/n ..bonds, ED, CBI, IT, ECI, EVMs and compromised institutions, there is a flip side to this seeming "success".
They seem to have milked the whole "Hindutva" idea dry while allowing the takeover of India by cronies to stay in power. They completely lost sight of common people..2/n
Jul 3 4 tweets 1 min read
If shouting "Modi! Modi! Modi!" endlessly in Parliament when Modi enters is legitimate and within Parliamentary decency (which militates against Monarchy and Cults), then we've lost the very soul of democracy and Parliamentary process.
They're doing this not in a street or....1/n ..a railway platform. Its the Parliament, which is the temple of democracy. Democracy is a shorthand manner of describing human rights which includes liberty, freedom, free speech, equality and equally importantly banishment of Monarchy, discrimination and feudalism...2/n
Jun 17 5 tweets 1 min read
Pointers towards EVM fraud:
1. Mobile phones are banned in the counting area except for portal operator, returning officer & few ECI officials!
2. Apparently, EVMs can be unlocked by using mobile phones. This fact was not widely known, spoken about or acknowledged earlier...1/n ..This means tje unlocking mechanism is digital and can be easily misused in wrong hands.
3. FULL facts around this aspect should be made transparent and clarified about EVM locking, digital lock and controls around the mobile phone which can unlock EVM.
4. If EVM can be...2/n
Jun 13 12 tweets 3 min read
This reminds me of a marketing lesson few decades ago abt a dog food Co. The CEO repeatedly fires his marketing team, each time appnting a "better" & more expensive set of marketing professionals to improve sales. After many attempts & several quartrs..1/n
..later he discovers the sales remains flat. He calls a meeting. They have no answers.
A timid guy named Tom, unconnected with marketing at the end of the room raises his hand. The CEO barks "Yes Tom?". The timid Tom replies softly "Maybe the dogs don't like it?"
You can...2/n
Jun 8 17 tweets 3 min read
The results from the recent LS elections sets out quite clearly a few things:
1. People rejected Modi's style of authoritarian politics which ignores common citizens while favouring cronyism backed up with quid-pro-quo and Electoral Bonds.
2. Even though INDIA Bloc didn’t...1/n ..get majority, they achieved something really great. They've taken a strong step towards protecting the Indian Constitution. They changed India from being a single party majority to a country governed mainly by coalition politics with regional participation. They'll depend..2/n
May 20 18 tweets 3 min read
BJP picked the wrong person to attack. Rahul is stubborn warrior. A marathon runner, not a sprinter. He doesn't tire. This is evidenced by the way he remained true to his conviction that Indian society is founded in love and equality. Not hatred and divisions.
This belief..1/n ..kept him unfazed despite relentless attacks, manufactured narratives and adversities. It was amply reflected by Bharat Jodo Yatra and later the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra.
BJP spent considerable resources and energy trying to dent & destroy Rahul's reputation. Their plan...2/n
May 10 24 tweets 4 min read
Modi has converted BJP and their Parivaar to believe that politics & running a Govt means ONLY the following and nothing more :
1. Win elections or grab power by hook or crook at both Centre and States. That's everything! Nothing else is important!
2. What happens or doesn't..1/n ..happen in terms of governance between elections irrelevant. Governance affecting  1.4 biln indians after winning is completely inconsequential.
3. Not only Governance is of no consequence, no one must question the Govt. Not any opposition leader, ex-Prime Minister,..2/n
May 2 14 tweets 3 min read
Around 12 years ago, the likes of @BDUTT @sardesairajdeep @rahulkanwal etc. were admiring BJP for how quickly they adapted and used new IT tools to communicate with the masses. BJP used twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. These so-called journalists went gaga..1/n ..over BJP "new ways" and at the same time were critical of particularly INC for being slow & not adapting to changes.
These "journalists" forgot that in IT we  always have "Garbage in - Garbage Out". You can never push garbage in & get purified gold. Like the..2/n
Apr 24 9 tweets 2 min read
Several people express surprise and even shock over recent communal messages & speeches distorting facts by BJP leaders including Modi.
Some of these Modi critics include those who were long time supporters of Modi & BJP.
Actually, what's surprising is that these people..1/n ..are surprised!
We have seen these BJP leaders since 2002.  Actually even before that, since 1990 when LKA went on his rath yatra. That's now 34 years ago. Which is practically half of the post-independence period.
Look back into RSS-BJP (incl their forebears), it was...2/n
Apr 9 9 tweets 2 min read
If demonetisation was an error, to call it stupid is an understatement. Truth is, demonetization was an evil scheme to shift wealth from the common man to the wealthy.
In every way it was the opposite of what Modi claimed.
All cash is not black money &all black money is cash..1/n Modi fooled the public saying black money & counterfeit will end, economy will turn digital. Media pushed this nonsense daily. Nothing like this happened. Daily wage earners suffered. All cash returned, all black money got converted, it was a legalised crime...2/n
Apr 5 7 tweets 2 min read
Modi proudly admits that he is the author of electoral bond (EB) scheme. The scheme the FM's husband quite candidly characterised as the world's biggest scam.
In a recent interview to Thanthi TV Modi when asked whether the fall out of the Electoral Bonds was a setback,..1/n ..he made it appear as if it was a feather in.his cap.
He said "Tell me what have we done that I should see as a setback? I firmly believe that those dancing over the issue and taking pride in it are going to regret it,”
Note carefully he didn't welcome the SC decision..2/n
Mar 30 7 tweets 2 min read
They just took 10 yrs to convert a working democracy into an authoritarian, filthy pit of openly communal pigs, crooked businessmen, rogue journalists, criminals, sexual predators, molestors. Bribery and fraud abounds. Every arm of democracy has weaponised to do the...1/n ..the exact opposite of what's in public interest and India's interest.
Many ppl thought India cannot descend to this level & elections will ensure voters will self-correct the flaws which emerge.
Little did ppl imagine that the election system itself will be compromised..2/n
Mar 22 5 tweets 1 min read
The IT initiated appropriation of 200 crores from @INCIndia bank account  forcing bank officers to by pass banking norms against a 14 lakh demand raised years ago is nothing but highway robbery. Political parties don't pay income tax. BJP doesn't. All this is obviously done..1/n ..with the approval from PM and FM. This is unprecedented and evil. To say this is injustice would be a gross understatement.
A few things emerge:
1.  The deafening silence Indicates how corrupt the society, especially democratic institutions and MSM.
2. This step is..2/n
Feb 3 10 tweets 2 min read
Modi’s governance is a costume drama. Scenes are created and enacted.  Its all about performances. Performance before a camera, audience and aimed to evoke applause and encores.
To ensure this the exclusive balconies are filled with ministers, bureaucrats, industry leaders,..1/n ..filmstars, sportspersons all looking for protection from a vengeful regime.
They applaud every line, appreciative whistles regardless of whether the lines are inane, insane, insensitive or outright abusive. They goad every other person to join in the hysteria. As if every...2/n
Oct 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Karl Marx was probably right after all. It is the Capital that rules. I am not a votary of Marxism, but his take on Capitalism circa 150 years ago wasn't fully developed because it was still early days. If he has were to write DAS CAPITAL today, it would have run into..1/n ..several more volumes and would have been more aggressive analysing the ills of today's Political Economy.
Back then, there was no real globalisation except colonisation, there were no large transnational corporations like we have today, corporations had not yet exploited..2/n
Sep 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
There is the law of diminishing returns. It works in almost every sphere, even in news media. Godi  media is being paid handsomely for their propaganda. They are protected by those in power. They didn't quite realise that the "good times" will end sometime...1/n ..By poking @RahulGandhi constantly over the years with criticism & insults, they challenged the wrong person.
After BJY, his perception as a leader has undergone phenomenal growth. No matter how hard BJP it cell and troll ministers try, theyre unable to dent his image...2/n
Sep 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Why BJP leaders, IT cell enablers and their supporters circulate regularly info about how great Modi is or how more popular he is from suspect agencies?
The whole of India has been watching Modi's disastrous performance every day for the last 9.5 years. There is no need..1/n ..to get coached on evaluating Modi. We have first hand knowledge.
These thick heads must understand that India doesn't need a popular leader but one who can get a team to coordinate with States and work relentlessly work to ameliorate the problems India faces...2/n
Jul 21, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Who is the most accountable for the Manipur horror which has been unfolding since early May 2023? Remember Manipur has the enviable status of a "double-engine" sarkar. Modi at the Centre & Biren Singh in tje State. The facts:
1. The violence in Manipur erupted on 3rd May...1/n 2. The public stripping, molestation & rape of 2 women who was seem in the viral video happened on 4th May.
3. Over 100 people have been killed, over 7000 people are displaced over 400 churches were burnt.
4. The level of violence was obviously grave....2/n
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
* India Against Corruption simply vanished after installing Modi.
* Anna Hazare is nowhere to be seen.
* Where are those satellites of Anna Hazare today?
* Lok Pal - no one speaks about now.
* Anti-corruption is forgotten. Panama and Paradise papers came and went. Nothing..1/n ..happened!
* Black Money? What about it? Those who were screaming from roof tops about corruption have lost their voices! India got four set of Swiss bank account details under automatic info exchange framework. Nothing happened.
* Indian Money deposited in Swiss Bank....2/n
May 23, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Modi heavily depends on a manufactured image & manufactured perceptions. BJP floats these through a carefully created propaganda machinery into the public mind space. Millions of tax money spent on useless statues, luxury buildings, foreign jaunts w/o any favorable outcome...1/n ..for India. A fund in the name of PM whichdips into PSU tills but becomes a private fund to block transparency.
A lap dog mainstream media and an army of IT trolls who constantly distract attention away from every brewing crisis, troublesome situations or tricky questions...2/n
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The fraud extends beyond Indian Borders. A British Court finds sufficient cause to declare an international fraud in Jatin Mehta's casting doubts on behaviour of CBI in India for hurried closure report. Excerpts from the article:
punjabtodaytv.com/english/mehta/ 'Money advanced to the Winsome group was allegedly “misappropriated, laundered and concealed through multiple layers of corporate entities, with the vast majority of the proceeds said to have ended up in entities owned and/or controlled by the Mehta family in different...2/n