Abigail Santamaria Profile picture
NEH Public Scholar; Biographer of Madeleine L'Engle (FSG, forthcoming) & Joy Davidman (HMH, 2015); Co-founder, https://t.co/1zUQtfq9Y6
Feb 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Thinking lots about @MadeleineLEngle's "time series," born of her Cold War anxieties. "I look at the children, the budding trees, the sky, the tiny purple violets," she wrote in her journal in spring of 1959... (1/6) (cont.) "And I think: how can anyone wantonly contemplate destroying all this?"Nuclear annihilation permeated her dreams: "Last night I dreamed that I had written a letter to Eisenhower with the solution to the Berlin problem, to all international problems... (2/6)