Abdullah Sameer (Friendly Exmuslim) Profile picture
Sep 6, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
All because Muhammad wanted to sleep with Zaynab... In case you don't know, the reason why adoption is haram is because Muhammad wanted to marry his adopted son's ex-wife, so he changed the law so that adopted children dont take the family name and are not considered actual 'children'. Sad but true.
Aug 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
'Murtad' (apostate) and 'Kafir' (disbeliever) is meant to dehumanize and belittle, just like the use of the n-word towards blacks. Muslims use these words to put us down and abuse us. We are the minority with no power that they want to stomp on and silence. Dehumanizing is the first step on the path to evil. This is what the Nazis did to the Jews. They made them 'the other'. They accused them of spoiling their society and values and ruining their culture. Then they boycotted them and eventually started murdering them.
Aug 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The reason I dont agree with what David Wood did is not because the Quran or its pages as sacred or I'm sympathetic to Islam. Its because I think it is counterproductive. It leads to a constant spiral of tit-for-tats. It doesn't achieve anything. Those Muslims thinking this is some sign I am going to convert back to Islam are wrong. I really do not hold Muhammad or the Quran to any sort of high moral value. The Quran is really an awful book with terrible teachings and it belongs in the 7th century not in our modern world
Aug 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The reason why David Wood ate the Quran is because of this. Because of Mohammed Hijab's veiled tweet about sexually humiliating Ridvan's wife. This is what happened right before David ate the page of the Quran. @ApostateProphet The backdrop of this is Muhammad Hijab has been saying vile things about @XGONDALX & wife, Ridvan & wife, me & wife. Even David's wife. That's what David was reacting to. I dont approve of such things. It's not my style. But who is behaving worse here? Hijab is.
Aug 12, 2020 16 tweets 5 min read
How to be a prophet in Islam

1. Pretend to get revelation from Allah
2. Get caught in a lie or forget a verse
3. Say Allah made you forget it! How to be a prophet in Islam

1. Pretend to get revelation from Allah
2. End up with a ruling that doesn't fit well such as confining accused cheating women to their homes
3. Change it and say Allah abrogated it! 🙄
Jul 6, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
I'm reading Dutton's paper on the seven ahruf. Here are some of my highlights

#QuranPreservation #YQGems The summary of the paper is that the Quran in its early stages was more flexible in the earliest days of Islam. The initial allowance was reduced by later Caliphs under the direction of scholars. The Quran is seen as a multiform oral text with a degree of accepted variability
Jun 3, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
Wow. I got banned from commenting on @SCDawah's stream on the "Call in Live - Is Atheism Rational?" So much for challenging atheists 😂Apparently never-moose white atheists are safe but I'm too dangerous or something?

I tried joining the studio and they keep kicking me out. Hilarious
May 17, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Trying to understand the Quran on it's own without the seerah literature is extremely difficult. Most of the interpretations we have a projection of the seerah literature that comes no earlier than 60 years after Muhammad's death. But the seerah literature is full of holes... The seerah literature is a construction intended to portray Muhammad in a certain light, sometimes borrowing from Biblical themes:
May 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This tweet went viral. Muslims are calling me a hedonist, worshipper of productivity, etc. Thing is, I'm all for spirituality, for taking time off and smelling the flowers, for meditating or voluntary fasting. Problem is Ramadan is obligatory.... You are threatened with punishment from Allah and censure from the Muslim community. Kids have to fast too with no food/water for 30 days from puberty onwards. This is downright cruelty if not abuse. Nobody should be forced to fast, especially not a child.
Apr 6, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
If I could go back in time and restart my life, there are so many things I would change, but the one thing I would not change is leaving Islam. This one change opened up the doors for me to freedom... Leaving Islam gave me the ability to live my life the way I wanted to live it, not the way the muftis and molvis and scholars determined it should be.
Mar 28, 2020 22 tweets 10 min read
Examples from Sunni Hadith where Muhammad taught unsanitary or unclean practices *Keep in mind that water is a limited resource, but nowhere do we find Muhammad saying "Because we are short on water...". Not to mention that if the water was dirty he could have allowed them to do tayamum (dry ablutions). Instead he just keeps telling them go ahead!
Mar 15, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Commentary on covid19 by a Pakistani (thread)

The Corona virus has left houses of idolatry empty, the Ka'bah is desolate, Karbala is so deserted that it is reciting a Noha for itself. Vatican city is silent. The places of worship in Jerusalem are forlorn. The Mullahs who used to suggest Wudhu as a cure for Coronavirus disease are now washing the Kabaa with germicides instead of Zamzam water. The Pandits, who prescribed cow urine as the medicine for every illness, are now hiding their faces.
Mar 4, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I get asked questions like "A friend is being forced to do this religious thing in Pakistan, how can she run away and leave the country?"

Like guys. Stop. Running away isn't going to solve everything. [thread] Leaving your country and becoming a refugee is no fucking joke. Don't take it lightly. If your situation is that bad, that you truly cannot cope, then you might want to throw it all to the wind and run. But otherwise, try to make it work. Talk to your parents.
Mar 1, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
When I first left Islam, I thought naively that if people know the truth they will leave Islam. That the simple facts that I have will be enough to sway people to leave Islam. That that's all it will take. Little did I know, that religion holds such a powerful sway on people. I didn't realize that more than simple truth, or the facts, religion and god has been evolved into our very minds. We are biased towards superstitious beliefs and groupthink. To sway people away from this is a very difficult process.
Jan 22, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
When Muhammad was "corrected" by Allah, what comes to mind? The most famous example is Surah Abasa

The list is actually a lot smaller than I thought and none of them really cost Muhammad anything. What comes to your mind? 2) After the battle of Badr, Muhammad wanted ransom money so decided to ransom his relatives for $$ as per Abu Bakrs advice, not take Umar's advice and kill them.
Dec 2, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
After discussing with a theist about evolution, I decided to take the conversation private because it was getting nowhere publicly. I repeatedly asked this individual what books he read on evolution. In reply he sent me Ahmadiyya videos. ... /1 What I was trying to understand is "On what basis did you come up to the conclusions that evolution is false? Is it mainly because of religious teachings? Have you ever picked up a book and studied it?" /2
Nov 21, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
A friend asked me "Have you discovered any really useful topics or methods to shake Muslims away from this belief?"

The answer? Different things appeal to different people.

@SecularDon Sometimes its Muhammad's morally questionable actions. Killing of Banu Qurayza including all boys who reached puberty. Involvement in slavery and his marriage to a child Aisha, marrying his adopted son's exwife Zainab, etc.
Apr 17, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
"The New Testament contains 27 books, written in Greek, by 15 or 16 different authors, who were addressing other Christian individuals or communities between the years 50 and 120 C.E. It is difficult to know whether any of these books was written by Jesus' own disciples." "The followers of Jesus were uneducated lower-class Aramaic-speaking Jews. The Gospels are not written by people like that. Their authors were highly educated, Greek-speaking Christians of a later generation. They probably wrote after Jesus’s disciples had all, or almost all died
Apr 1, 2019 12 tweets 2 min read
I feel confident I have made my position always clear: we cannot be bigoted, discriminate, or over-generalize Muslims. This is my personal and ethical responsibility. Words matter. I don’t want to contribute to the climate of fear and hate against Muslims. /1 If it makes you uncomfortable that I’m saying this, ask yourself why. Do you hate Muslims? /2
Mar 26, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Exmuslims have a special responsibility. Non-Muslims sometimes look to us for understanding what it's like to be a Muslim. Because we don't follow Islam, it's often assumed we are unbiased. So we have to be careful, choose our words responsibly. /1 When we say things like "I was taught to hate gays", we should also make it clear that not all Muslims grow up thinking this or people might assume otherwise. Many Muslims love and care for their non-Muslim friends and neighbours. /2
Mar 19, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
I hope this is a sincere moment of self reflection for activists like myself who speak about religions, often in a bad light. I hope that people will pause and think "Before I say this, what can the outcome be? Will it or can it be used to increase hate against a community?" /1 Let's continue to speak out and fight bad dogma, while at the same time ensuring that we aren't just throwing a "I love Muslims" or "I'm against bigotry" bone when we are accused of doing so. It needs to be a central part of your message. I support the rights of believers. /2