Abraham Gutman Profile picture
Civil courts reporter @PhillyInquirer. Immigrant assimilating to Philly sports. עדיין סובל מהפועל תל אביב.
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Sep 3, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
I’m going to try answer this to the best of my ability, because I had people in my personal life ask me this question.

The “why” is the key to the rage now.

The answer is about two things: the Israeli political process and composition of the anti-Netanyahu opposition.

🧵 Starting with practicalities. How would Israelis oust Netanyahu?

The prime minister in Israel is the head of a coalition of Knesset parties. The Knesset has 120 seats. You need 61 on your side to be PM.

To collapse a government you need the inverse — 61 against you.
Mar 19, 2024 30 tweets 10 min read
Today marks 80 years to the Nazi occupation of Hungary.

It is one of the most dramatic moment of the Holocaust. The consequences of decisions made in the months to follow echo to this day.

I’ve been obsessing over this period for a long time now. I want to share why.

🧵 I’m going to assume that you’ve seen this photo, or ones like it.

This is how many of us imagine Planet Auschwitz-Birkenau. With a railroad leading all the way to the gas chamber and crematoria.

But this ramp, the 3rd iteration, was built specifically for Hungary’s Jewry. Ramp in Birkenau
Dec 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It’s a decision that affected my life in more ways than I can explain, but never once I regretted my choice to refuse IDF service as an Israeli teen.

I wish I could go back in time and tell that awkward 17 year old that it’s the right choice. That I’ll forever be proud of him. And teens like Tal who are taking a stance today, in such a public way during a time that is so much more difficulty than when I was in high school — they are the future. They should give us all hope.
Oct 14, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
On the eve of an unprecedented catastrophe in Gaza, I am thinking of the words of this 19 year old Israeli who survived the massacre in Be’eri.

I translated her remarks. I want to share some parts with you.

“Those who talk about revenge —shame on you.”

“We were abandoned. This is where it comes to. This wasn’t new, just worse. And it’s not the only thing that isn’t new but just worse in this war. And I’m trying to find the words because honestly they are a bit hard to find with all the anger and grief that’s inside of me now.”
Dec 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
.@elonmusk, yes or no — do Weiss and Taibbi have access to users’ DMs? It would be good to get clear explanation about this screen and yes/no answer to this straightforward question. New head of trust & safety at Twitter with a clear answer: “We did not give this access to reporters and no, reporters were not accessing user DMs.” Good that this is on the record. Now I’m confused on how they knew to request specific screenshots from this internal system.
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
“Was ‘secretly’ vetting”

I’m losing my mind.

According to Taibbi the files were marked “Baker.” The person in legal who dealt with them was Jim.

Weiss found out the full name by… asking!

Jim Baker’s employment at Twitter as deputy general counsel was no secret. ImageImage What annoys me about this sensationalism, turning everything to a watergate level scoop uncovering a massive conspiracy, is that there are real and serious issues here.

I think it’s totally fair game to ask why does twitter hire an ex-FBI guy! That’s a super important question.
Apr 5, 2022 31 tweets 12 min read
Kurt Cobain died 28 years ago today.

Nearly every obituary or writing on his legacy mentions drug.

Nearly none mention the ways that US drugs laws and stigma failed him — pushing him to treatment that didn't work.

The same forces fail others today.

inquirer.com/news/kurt-coba… Everything Cobain did was different — even his drug use.

Around age 19, the workers at grocery store next to his Aberdeen, Washington apartment went on strike. He didn't want to cross the picket line but he also didn't want to drive to buy beer. He used LSD instead.

Solidarity. Image