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Feb 24 5 tweets 2 min read
Data from hospitals in India since 2020 show that 50% of heart attack patients are adults below the age of 40. “Heart attack cases more than doubled after the Covid pandemic. People are suffering fatal heart attacks as early as their 30s.”

They’re so close… 50% of heart attack cases since 2020 among adults below 40 Job insecurity and poor work-life balance significantly contributing to cardiovascular diseases and rise in cardiac arrests among working professionals in the country, doctors warn  Ashish Srivastava  Updated:25th Feb, 2025 at 12:42 AM  Man in a light blue golf shirt holding his chest to symbolize heart attack. Data since 2020. Data since the Pandemic started.

Probably sedentary lifestyles and alcohol.
Feb 20 4 tweets 2 min read
"Some people say I have Long COVID, they say that I have autoimmune issues, but no one really knows why I ended up losing my eye.”

The mystery illness that has its silver linings. Losing Half Your Vision to a Mysterious Illness Still Has Its Silver Linings  By Genevieve Farrell Published on Feb 20, 2025 at 12:00 PM Nothing new really. Growing undiagnosed tumors that push your eyeball out of your face, requiring immunotherapy and eyeball removal, is just a new name for an old condition.
Feb 7 4 tweets 1 min read
With multiple players sick ahead of the Super Bowl due to ‘nasty illness,’ other players and team officials on the Philadelphia Eagles are now wearing masks ahead of Sunday’s game. REPORT: Multiple Philadelphia Eagles Players Are Battling Nasty Illness Just Days Before The Super Bowl   February 7, 2025, 10:18am EST  With the flu-related illness being passed around, many Philadelphia Eagles officials have been wearing masks in the lead-up to the Super Bowl in New Orleans. amp.marca.com/en/nfl/super-b…
Jan 29 6 tweets 3 min read
Senator Todd Young of Indiana (R) reminds us that COVID is not over despite the prior administration claiming mission accomplished, and that millions of Americans are living with LongCOVID, which after 5 years still lacks proper clinical trials and approved treatments. It’s amazing how Bernie had a simple layup with this topic and how Dems simply can’t do things like this when they’re in control and now it’s a political football with this guy potentially in charge. I am however grateful Todd Young addressed it.
Jan 26 4 tweets 1 min read
So the “CIA” is saying COVID was a lab leak and people are back to the bioweapon theory.

Cool! So you’re going to start masking again or just keep getting infected by a bioweapon over and over? It’s really been a fascinating sight seeing people twist themselves into knots saying this is a “bioweapon” unleashed by the elites they worship, while it’s designed to kill us all, while it’s also a cold, while it’s something they’re simultaneously immune to.
Jan 25 4 tweets 2 min read
“I’m not overly concerned about my youngest kids getting COVID.”

“Also, my one year old was in the ER with COVID and 2 other viruses.” I've never been overly concerned about my youngest kids getting Covid. No more concerned about Covid than RSV or flu. Actually I was quite a bit less concerned about my youngest kids getting Covid than I was about them getting a bad influenza or RSV infection. Was so grateful for Beyfortus. (They both have RSV at this very moment)
My one year old was in respiratory distress early this week Brought him to ER Tested him on a 14-plex test He was positive for not 1, not 2, but 3 viruses **RSV + Rhinovirus + COVID** He's better now (thank you oral steroids) A Crazy respiratory season (to shut down info)
“As for anyone else whose kids got COVID as a result of my stupidity, well, they were probably going to die one day anyways.”
Jan 23 5 tweets 2 min read
Does everyone remember when an Infectious Disease Specialist renown for her work in HIV said that the damage SARS-CoV-2 causes and LongCOVID are eerily similar to HIV and then we did nothing about it? In Cleveland and beyond researchers begin to unravel the mystery of long  COVID-19 Updated: Feb. 08, 2024, 4:48 p.m. | Published: Oct. 22,  2022, 5:41 a.m.  "HIV patients don't die from the virus itself. They die from immune activation - from the high levels of inflammation that causes cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney disease," she said. "The only reason we cannot cure HIV is because the virus hides where the HIV drugs can't go in. So it continues to fuel this high “McComsey, who has spent the last two decades studying HIV, said that the data they have found so far paints a picture that is eerily familiar.”

“Now I just look at it, and I’m like gosh, it’s like a déjà vu.”
Jan 17 8 tweets 3 min read
Every last trace of a Pandemic is being dismantled. Good luck.

“OSHA is now terminating the rulemaking via this rule because the public health emergency is over & any ongoing risk by COVID-19 by healthcare workers would be better by addressing infectious diseases more broadly.” OSHA Terminates COVID-19 Rulemaking By Guy Burdick, EHS Daily Advisor Jan 17, 2025 Chemicals, COVID-19, Enforcement and Inspection, Injuries and Illness, Personnel Safety  Updated: Jan 17, 2025  On January 15, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) terminated its healthcare COVID-19 rulemaking (90 Fed. Reg. 3665). Here’s the memo. Just remember this occurred under the Biden administration for those that keep complaining about the next admin deregulating things.

Jan 15 7 tweets 3 min read
American Airlines has rescinded a policy protecting flight attendants from a points deduction system for missing work with COVID and will require them to provide a certificate from a healthcare provider or essentially work while infected. AMERICAN AIRLINES  American Airlines Flight Attendants Now Face Being Terminated If They Catch COVID-19 Under Harsh New Attendance Rules “A positive COVID-19 test will not, however, be enough evidence to apply for a leave of absence, and flight attendants will need to seek out a professional certificate from a healthcare provider.”

What a disaster.
Dec 23, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh, ok. Mild is really getting a work out now.

British Airways flight from London to Egypt diverted to Venice after 3 crew members and passenger developed “mild neurological symptoms” mid-flight. The precise cause of the symptoms remains unclear. British Airways  BA Euroflyer Airbus A320 diverts to Venice after four people report mid-flight illness Mild neurological symptoms and dizziness. Enough to divert the flight. Got it.
Oct 29, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
“We might be done with COVID, but COVID is not done with us. It’s always going to be here now, my goal is just to catch it less often.”

This is how it’s done. ‘COVID Dystopia,’ award-winning, animated short film about the ongoing Pandemic.
filmfreeway.com/COVID380 “Every day during the pandemic, Thorspecken painted a new piece depicting his disgust, anger and horror with what he saw from the public and the government.”
Oct 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
We’re getting SO close to saying it now.

The World’s Top Ranked tennis player, Jannik Sinner withdraws from Paris Masters with a ‘viral illness.’ He’ll try to compete again in 2 weeks.
skysports.com/amp/tennis/new…Jannik Sinner: World No 1 withdraws from Paris Masters after confirming viral illness Sinner isn’t doing so well. Multiple health issues since a COVID infection. Last October he even puked into a trash bin at the China Open. H/t: @justaneighsayer
Oct 4, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
42 year old man got COVID, developed debilitating Long COVID and an angiogram revealed that his infection caused 3 blocked arteries requiring immediate surgery. His heart had become a ‘ticking time bomb.’

How many ticking time bombs are walking around?
tpr.org/podcast/petrie…Petrie Dish: When COVID targets the heart, danger can linger “When COVID targets the heart.” It’s a vascular disease and you don’t really get a choice. Repeated infections increase your risk of LongCOVID and developing severe long term effects while professional minimizers like Jha say that it’s an inconvenience.
Sep 29, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The airline industry, with help of the CDC has permanently sabotaged public health.

“Airlines were eager to remove restrictions that were not only difficult to enforce but also contributed to the negative perception of air travel.”
COVID NUMBERS RISING BUT NO MASKS ON PLANES THIS TIME AROUND “Regardless of a rise in cases, airlines would point to the CDC’s own findings in a lack of mask efficacy as well as a drop in severity either due to herd immunity, vaccinations, or generally better hygiene practices.”
Sep 28, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Hey “liberals”… when Republicans said COVID is no big deal and masks don’t work, you got mad but when Dems said it, you went along with it.

Why? I have seen a “blue crew” member floating around this app stating that the previous President is responsible for 1.4M deaths due to COVID.

Do you know how fcuking disturbing this revisionist, minimizing behavior is? It’s LITERALLY not possible.

440K deaths of 1.2M ⬇️⬇️ Cumulative deaths from covid under each president.  440K at the time of Biden taking office, approximately 1.2M year to date - CDC.
Aug 31, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Can I introduce everyone to the psychological warfare being used on the public regarding COVID? Look at the key words we see the media and people now repeating.

This should concern everyone because it’s working. On both sides.

They’re everywhere and unless you’ve kept up with the science and what’s going on, or experienced first hand what this virus can do, the people behind these chaos agents are winning. This includes the talking heads on TV, who smile while the bodies stack up.
Aug 25, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m sorry but the people who ignored science and believe a pandemic magically ended, who then passed the virus to drivers, restaurant servers, hotel staff & everyone on their flights, creating a whole new wave within itself, don’t deserve to be coddled.

Whose life did they ruin? It will be year 6 of this shit.

It’s not getting any better, it’s getting worse. The people who are in denial are the aggressors and are literally ruining things for the rest of us.

They’ve been radicalized by their own government and media. They’re not our friends. Sorry.
Jul 14, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Oh look, the U.S. summer COVID surge has reached levels of last winter, and experts think travel may be contributing.

“26 states are now seeing ‘substantial’ Emergency Room visits by COVID-19 patients.”
COVID cases are climbing in the U.S. amid summer travel.   Picture of doctor in blue scrubs and green respirator tending to hospital patient.   Ediz Tiyansan  Ediz Tiyansan@Ediz99 So many people are traveling all over the place right now, not a care in the world, certainly not wearing a high quality mask and they don’t know that it may be the last time they travel for leisure.

The lack of messaging and people’s own denial have worked together beautifully.
Jun 23, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
Did everyone know that the Democrats laid out a plan for Declaring Victory over COVID in 2022, simply because it’s what people wanted to hear?

Then Hundreds of Thousands Died while Millions more became disabled, as they continue to pretend it’s over.
February 24, 2024.   Impact Research email - Democrats Taking the Win over COVID 19. Not long after writing this post, do we hear the same lie being told on TV.
Jun 8, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
COVID Positivity rate in Madrid 43.2%. The highest recorded in the entire Pandemic. Positivity rate in Mexico over 50%. The highest ever recorded Worldwide.

But we were told it’s over. Extrapolated, approximately 800K people currently positive. 10% may develop Long COVID.

Seems sustainable.
May 15, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
On Jan 4, 2024, when asked about masks, Joe Biden’s White House said it’s up to local cities & states and not something they get involved in.

Today, North Carolina made public mask wearing for health reasons, a CLASS 1 Misdemeanor.

This Administration has ruined Public Health.
When asked about masking - MS. JEAN-PIERRE: “That is — and we’ve been — always been very consistent on this. That is something that is localized or — that — or hospitals, communities, cities, states, they have to make their own decisions. That’s not something that we get involved in.”
White House Press Secretary when asked about masking: “We’re not going to — it is up to them. It is up to them, as it relates to masking, what individual Americans want to do. That is not something that we’re going to regulate.”
North Carolina and an eventual state near you, lost a personal choice right here.