ACT UP NY Profile picture
ACT UP is a diverse non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis. #ACTUP, #FightBack, #FightAIDS!
Jul 19 6 tweets 1 min read
Since the beginning, ACT UP has firmly believed in fighting institutions not individuals. 🧵Thread on navigating care in the fight against HIV and COVID-19. In the age of COVID-19, this framework is more important than ever. An individual cannot prevent themselves from getting COVID in perpetuity. We are all in this fight together. Without institutional intervention, we all have COVID in our future.
Jun 27 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵THREAD: ACT UP NY firmly stands against any legislative action banning masks, including State Assembly bill A10057, State Senate bill S9687, & any as-of-yet proposals. Proponents of these bills say immunocompromised people shouldn't be gathering in large crowds at a protest.
pink triangle on black background with white text saying immunocompromised people have the right to protest
act up die in with members laying on the street holding tombstones reading "1987-1988 never had a chance" and "i got the placebo rip" and more
ACT UP NY begs to differ. Our entire organization & our entire movement is predicated on immunocompromised and HIV+ people standing up in protest against a government that abandoned us. Our masks allow us to gather as safely as possible.