To be or not to be Activist || Backup - @AdabHindustan
Aug 6, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Thread 🧵 (1/n)
Muslíms are better at satisfying girls. Híndoo girls like strong men and we are Heejde ~ Yati Narsinghanand
"When Híndu man goes to work in morning, everyone who visit after that is Muslím. Muslíms come as Plumber, Electrician, Doctor, Online Delevery Boy, Vendor etc and they séduce our women" 😭😭😭😭
Jul 15, 2021 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
Thread 🧵 on Malik Sehrawat
👉 R@pe thréats to Priyanka Gandhi & Sonia Gandhi & many more women
👉 Thr£atens to commit teππoπist àtt@ck on Friday prayers and broadcast it live
👉 D£àth thréat to Ravish Kumar. @DelhiPolice videos/proofs 👇
Here Malik Sehrawat thréatens to commit teππoπist átt@ck against M∆slims during Friday prayers and broadcast them live. He also ask H¡ndus to repeat the same everywhere. @DelhiPolice
Jul 12, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Shringi Yadav, close associate of Narsinghanand and the man who beaten up a Muslím boy for drinking water, was asking H!ndus to learn to make B0ẞMS and use them. @ghaziabadpolice (1/n)
'Drop B0MẞS on Aligarh Muslim University, Said Narsinghanand Saraswati on 5th July.
How can this be a concidence that both Guru and Chela are talking about B0ẞMS so often???
Jul 11, 2021 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
A person named Kunal Sharma from Ghaziabad is asking people to marry Muslím girls to sexúally exploít and r@pe them with others. He is also distributing list of phøne numbers of muslím girls among other people. @NCWIndia@ghaziabadpolice
In this photo he is standing with Shringi Yadav. Yes, same Shringi Yadav who was seen in a video thrashíng a Muslím boy for drinking water from a temple.
He attended the Mahapanchayat held in support of Asif's #lynchers
He calls M∆slims pigs and himself their jija in this video. Says that £ynchers of asif did great work 👇
He works for a Gau rakshak organisation of Faridabad. Look how they are doing work of providing weapons to Hindutva goons
This thread contains Leaked Call recordings from last year in which he confessed how he sexually exploited a Muslim woman working in his house and made MMS of it and proudly shared it on internet
TW: Abuses/islamophobia Ahead (1/n)
Last night on his yt "Liberal doge live" he live streamed in which he and @Keshu___10 were picking up the eid pictures of Muslim women and sexualizing them, abusing & making rapist vile comments.
But it turns out this harrasment was not new & not just limited to Online platform
May 13, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
How to be an Ally with the Palestanians by Thread 1/8
Use the correct terminology
May 12, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
From the past one week Israel was attacking Palestinians and mosque but as always centrist vulture chooses to wait until there is some retaliation in self defence from Palestine so that he can make his both side narrative 🤡