How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App this scenario, Xi would retain state president and CMC Chairman positions and Li would be General Secretary. Out of the three, GS is the one with the most power. I can't imagine this would be Xi's preferred outcome. efforts to "discredit" &/or "misrepresent" it. I'm sure you'd agree that its perfectly legitimate & natural for the veracity of any research to be challenged. But when we say that others are trying to "discredit/misrepresent", then correct me if I'm wrong, that implies... high time that both Beijing and Canberra reflect on the cycle of retaliation and escalation that is causing relations to deteriorate to the lowest point since the establishment of diplomatic relations bw Australia and PRC... private sector, it also, in my opinion hails new ways that the Party is approaching United Front work. Up to this point, united front work is categorised according to their targets (minor parties, non-party aligned elite, minority, religious people etc)... UF theories/debates since the early 2000s, its overwhelming internally focused. Its about how to cement support for party domestically in an environment of rapid social and economic changes, including with the rise of so-called new social stratas. his case is different. Xi by going after Ren is sending a clear message to princelings in the lead up to 5th plenum that dissent will be punished. Whereas princelings feel that they have the sole right to criticize the system because China is their realm 江山... of Australia's political, media and analytical community are doing their best to try stigmatise people's connections to the PRC. said to mirror Beijing's talking points. Also me and my staff have positions with so-deemed "UF linked" groups. My photos have been taken with visiting UF cadres. Nick McKenzie exposes me to the world as a lackey of Beijing. Do you think this is fair? @china_neican @yun_aus On Tiktok, we look at the two main options: divestment and ban. VT wants to apply a standard in judging the journalistic behaviour of others then that standard should be consistently regardless of whether the issue is FLG or CCP influence.大凡初时聚精会神,没有一事不用心,没有一人不卖力,也许那时艰难困苦,只能从万死中觅取一生。既而环境渐渐好转了,精神也就渐渐放下了。有的因为历时长久,自然地惰性发作,由少数演为多数,到风气养成,虽有大力,无法扭转,并且无法补救……