How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App issue with standard errors when using OLS to model a binary outcome with categorical predictors (which is a key assumption in this paper) is that the errors are subject to groupwise heteroskedasticity, which can result in either upward or downward bias in the SEs. (2 / 8) question of bias in the standard errors is addressed using robust standard errors. In other words, it is addressed in the calculation of the SEs, but it is not addressed as part of the simulations. (2 / 5) is tempting to want to describe this as history vs. economics, but I don't think that particular framing lends itself to good faith intellectual engagement. I would urge interested parties to do two thing... people seem to want to interpret the results of the logit version of the survey to mean that the prevalence of odds ratios in the context of logistic regression have destroyed our understanding of what it means for something to be more likely.