Adam Altmejd Profile picture
Economist working on inequality, education, and health. Researcher at @SOFI_su_se and @SHouseofFinance. Affiliate: @iza_bonn, @CESifoNetwork.
Feb 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Det är inte en självklar högeråsikt att vinstdrivnabolag ska ha rätt att erbjuda skola och vård för skattemedel. Rimligen motiveras åsikten ideologiskt av en (ofta riktig) tro att vinstincitament leder till högre effektivitet och mer innovation, som kan användas för att (1/8) effektivisera staten, minska dess storlek och förbättra kvaliteten på välfärdstjänster. Jag förstår absolut varför ett högerstyre skulle vilka införa denna typ av system på prov. Men om systemet uppfyller borgerliga värden eller ej är ju i grunden en empirisk fråga. (2/8)
Dec 17, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
NEW COVID GRAPH PREDICTION MODEL: Unfortunately, lots and lots of people are dying of Covid in Sweden, making the plot I made this spring relevant again. The "nowcast" I implemented then was never meant to be accurate, it was just interpolating historical lag. Instead, I wrote a paper together with @JoacimRocklov and @Jonas_Wallin where we made an attempt at building an accurate nowcasting model. The paper is available here:
Dec 6, 2019 10 tweets 4 min read
Happy to announce that our paper, "Predicting the replicability of social science lab experiments" is published in PLOS One (…). We study if replications can be predicted by an algorithm. What do you think? Better or worse than experts? (answer below) Replications are very costly. If we can accurately predict their outcome, we can focus scientific resources on replicating only certain papers. For example, a journal could use an algorithmic decision rule to decide which submissions need to be replicated before acceptance.