How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App said, Cockroach has been pretty clear about their intentions all along. I’m honestly surprised Bryan and team were willing to use it at all, if what they needed was a component they wanted to embed. They were already BSL - they told you it was about them, not you. read on it is pretty straightforward. Hashicorp had two main drivers of revenue afaik, Terraform and Vault. IPO to today they're down from $85.70 to $23.97 before the announcement. Absolute bottom was $19.68, I think? if scarcity causes the free rider problem, and we need to create scarcity to feed ourselves, how do we build a company that both creates massive wealth over time *and* avoids the free rider problem? without money, we can't have the other things we want in our life - like food, or shelter, or coffee (blessed, sainted coffee.) This is where the "your" part of the FSL comes back into play. The software exists to generate wealth for the creators. you stored the data in two datacenters physically distant from one another, and fronted them with a CDN for edge delivery (which you probably will in both cases) - you'll be more than fine in reality. I have so much news for you on how most of the internet (still!) works. does Red Hat do differently? First - they trust in the power of collaborative communities. They open source everything, not just some things. What's good for the upstream is good for them. Kelsey used Ruby, I will too. The Attributes subsystem in Chef is one of the most complex parts of the code base (people love to talk shit about how complex, and if you want to crawl into my mentions to do that, fuck off in advance, as its not the point)