Adam Lyttle Profile picture
I build & flip iOS apps… was homeless and $200k in debt— now living life on my own terms making and selling apps ✨
Jul 12, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Today I'm building a due date calculator for pregnant couples and obstetricians 👶

I've found a few interesting keywords that are underserved

It started looking at keywords to track IVF progress (some interesting keywords there!)…

Let's start: 💪 Ask ChatGPT what features should be included in the app and pick the features I want to include in v1.0:

– Due Date Calculation
– Gestational Age Determination
– Fetal Weight & Length Predictor
Jun 30, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
How I revived a dead app: 💀

A story 👇 In August 2021 I built Intermittent Fasting+ Tracker –

As the name suggests… it's an intermittent fasting app

But 12 months after release it was only producing $3.26 MRR on Google Play 😭
May 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Last month I shipped 9 new apps ✨

(a year of apps in a single month 🤯)

My secret?

⭐️ Boilerplate created by GPT-4(better results)
⭐️ Debugging with GPT-3.5(faster)
⭐️ Bigger bugs in GPT-4(smarter)
⭐️ Icons by Mid-Journey

Then: I polish clean it up and release it ✨ Image This is what my inbox looks like: 😂
Jan 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm trying to hunt down an issue that's causing a 4.64% crash rate 🤕

All roads are pointing to a faulty plugin. Hopefully the next version fixes the issue 🤞 Image I reached out to negative reviews asking them to contact me.

I’m very happy to report a user experiencing this crash has responded and I’m awaiting their feedback on the new version 🤞 Image
Jan 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This app was released 3 months ago (for free) and it's still growing!

It costs me nothing to make it, launch it, maintain it or market it

And once I monetize, it will generate more revenue than if I launched as a paid product…

The lesson?

Patience = king 👑 ImageImageImage Whenever I post updates like this I get an influx of dm's asking me how it's even possible.

Many people want me to make a course. But why? I have all the information on my twitter feed 😂

Here's my exact process:

Dec 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
On this day 3 years ago I was homeless—

My web design agency was insolvent, I was $200k in debt and going through divorce

With no backup plan, no support and no means to support myself I could either declare bankruptcy or work my arse off:

(Spoiler: I chose the second option) I knew the only way out was to start producing an income again. So I started mowing lawns.

Every morning I would wake up at the crack of dawn to mow lawns in my area. When I wasn't mowing I was knocking on doors to get more customers

Within a few weeks I had a full client list Image