Adam McNamara Profile picture
Angel investor in deep tech for a better future, like nuclear micro-reactors, grid-scale batteries, and AI that designs new medications. Ex @Shopify
Jun 27, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
Hundreds of pages (and cups of coffee later), I finally understand the government's push to move Science Centre.

Hint: it's not about the building.

Let's explore: Moving Science Centre to Ontario Place seems to be about:

1. Making Ontario Place look less bad,
2. Filling buildings no one wants, and
3. Making Science Centre's Don Mills site available for private development.
Jun 23, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Fine, I'll pay ALL emergency remediation in the report.

Call my bluff.

You won't and here's why: On March 19, 2019, Aspen Ridge Homes - owned by the De Gasperis Family - purchased a 60 acre development site on the corner of Don Mills and Eglinton.

The same corner as the Ontario Science Centre.…