Adam Nash Profile picture
CEO & Co-Founder @DaffyGiving 🦍 Helping people be more generous, more often. 🙏 Inevitably optimistic. Slightly amusing. Always talking.
Gilbert Bagaoisan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
One of the most surprising insights @DaffyGiving has been recognizing how beneficial donating stock & ETFs to charity can be from a tax perspective. 💸

Today, Daffy has released a new feature to help people calculate their potential tax savings. 💕… ... the calculator is simple to use. Just select a stock or ETF, enter your original purchase price, and see how much you can save in taxes over making a cash donation. 💯 Image
Dec 9, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
As we get close to the end of 2022, I thought I'd share a few tax tips that the wealthy typically get from their advisors & accountants, but many people don't know. 💵

And yes, they involve charitable giving. 🙏 1⃣ If you are going to owe taxes in 2022, look to charitable giving *now*. The charitable donation deduction is one of the most generous - you can deduct up to 30-50% of your adjusted gross income (!)

That's huge. It pays to be generous. 🙏
Sep 30, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
After more than a year in stealth, we're ready to announce what we've been working on at Silverback Ventures.

@DaffyGiving has a simple mission: help people be more generous, more often. Today we've launched an app to help making giving a habit.… ... When we teach our children about money, we often give them simple advice:

Don't spend all your money. Put aside some money for a rainy day, and make sure to put some aside for those less fortunate than yourself.

We tell them this, but as adults, we fall out of the habit.
Dec 16, 2020 20 tweets 6 min read
1/ Given that $BTC is over $20K today, and $BITW is over $130 and that I've tweeted about both in recent weeks, I want to remind anyone who cares how crypto does (or does not) make sense in a long term portfolio... 🧵 2/ For those who don't want to follow a thread, much of this material is covered in my Personal Finance class @Stanford. Slides from 2020 are online today.

For everyone else, onward! 😉…
Mar 16, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
Everyone has their own way of dealing with social distancing... ... kind of like how this is coming together.
Aug 21, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ How do you prioritize product features? A short thread. 2/ In my experience most teams fall into the trap of trying to find a single formula to rank all of their product ideas. My advice is to place your feature concepts into one of 3 buckets: metrics movers, customer requests, and delight.
Apr 1, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
Recent post by @awealthofcs cites the Fed research paper from 2017 that shows impressive risk/return stats for rental real estate vs. other asset classes over various time periods in Europe & the US.

A few thoughts...… ... (1) The data in the research paper is fairly compelling, but only because it is fairly unique. Most comparisons of real estate to other asset classes have historically only looked at capital gains, not rental income.