Adam Townsend Profile picture
Investor. Extreme salesman. Philanthropy, politics and policy
104 subscribers
Sep 14, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🔥 Flashback to 2019: Regime apparatchiks did everything in their immense power to 🤫 suppress the plight of the residents of Baltimore.

🤐 Now they will deploy this same brute force strategy to DEplatform Springfield Ohio and nearby towns. 🐀 watch this clip 👀 July 2019 - when the regime went into full cover-up mode to DEplatform Baltimore, do you remember?
Mar 25, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🎯 Read this thread from April 1, 2020, it went viral and got me mass reported.
😷 "Journalists" insisted it be taken down by Twitter 🤷‍♂️

👀 Read it, it aged amazingly well. Tweet 1 👇
Image tweets 2, 3, 4, 5 Image
Dec 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🤯@VivekGRamaswamy I found the missing minutes

😱 Did the GOP fear offending 💵Ken Griffin?
🗣️“...earliest private funders of international vaccine development efforts and supported important research in the early months of the pandemic across academic and medical institutions"
🧐 Ken Griffin of Citadel capital, Florida resident and mega GOP donor
“I’m proud of how my partners at Citadel and I moved quickly and with conviction to find and fund solutions during the early days of COVID-19,”

“Because of the way public, private, academic and philanthropic sectors came together, we were able to immunize tens of millions of Americans faster than anyone thought possible.”

May 3, 2023 72 tweets 27 min read
😷💉 1/ Thread on calling Covid 🐂💩 (that's an emoji of bull and shit in case you dunno)

I recognized China and CCP as a leading indicator of where we were going. We had a different route but same destination 🗓️ 2/ As a reminder - on January 23/24 2020 these tweets were going viral, inauthentic activity that found human devotees
May 2, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
🔥Thread 1/ I hate to interrupt my friend @JordanSchachtel vigorous debate but I disagree

AI & robotics is techno communism that kills emotional & economic productivity

Perhaps a real solution is people having zero tolerance for AI/Robots that displace humans in the job market 2/ Who will mediate this conflict between humans, ai?

Do humans have a union?
Who is the shop steward of the 'human union'
Apr 2, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🔥 1/ I disagree & think it's a dangerous mythology.

Millennials never knew anything but the biggest bull market - perhaps - in all of history & certainly the broadest in wealth distribution

In terms of business... 2/ A) I Started a company in 1994. Cost me +$1million in cash. All risk carried by me, not a VC fund, was no such thing
B) Had to pay salaries, not equity
C) Had to have w2 employees, not contractors
D) Had to have office, furniture, etc. We didn't have WeWork

More? Ok...
Apr 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"Human beings are funny. I remember a patient who insisted that her AIDS be treated as a disease like any other, but who also made sure we never forgot that she had contracted it voluntarily by deliberately injecting herself with the blood of a friend with AIDS... She was not suicidal, at least not in the sense that she wanted to die there and then, or anytime soon. Rather, she had a Byronic notion of the disease, a romantic conception of it as a badge of superior sensibility, which is to say that those who suffered from it were...
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I am against the ban of TikTok.
I'm anti CCP, written about China for years and TikTok going back to it's Yiming/Toutiao days.

Your being bullshitted.

Odd that we can't stop fentanyl, we have a record trade deficit with China, but TikTok is a thing, eh? this in 2018, you should read it, it's excellent…
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's be serious for a moment. What's up with you White women 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes I look at my sister, or my wife, or our friends, and I say "what's up with that?!'
Mar 26, 2023 9 tweets 8 min read
@joekent16jan19 @jontalotta @RepMTG That's a whole bunch of issues:
Out of control debt/spending is definitely an issue, right now we're still in good shape relative to china, etc and a bad GDP yield from dollars sunk in Infrastructure bill, defense industry and social service/ wealth transfer schemes @joekent16jan19 @jontalotta @RepMTG 2/ manufacturing base can be measured using new patents filed, another being job creation and so on.
The strong dollar and failure to do any intervention is a real problem that crushes indigenous industry and you can't buy your way out of being noncompetitive...
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🤥 When James Vasquez tweeted this & I saw some of the bonkers and bot replies, I blocked every account that liked the tweet, at that time around 25k - using a chrome extension

💰 It was just too much bs and grift and so on

🤥 I did the same w/Nance

🧠 We live in a psyop

🪖 This worked. Probably the easiest and won't cause Twitter API issues, but it does in batches so you have to press a few buttons.
Mar 24, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read
@jgreenhall All in swift reports and also IMF, I'll bookmark this and see if I can find some older stuff tomorrow.
I believe your assertions of this point is mistaken, lemme check my old notebooks also @jgreenhall 2008: after Great Financial Crisis (GFC) banks were cleaning up their mess, non banks were getting large dollar inflows chasing yield and lending $.
Corporate debt & securities are $ denominated.

Eu lessened $ weight, other markets were adding.
Mar 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I have been writing about TikTok and bytedance and it's founder and relationship to the CCP for 5 years and have all the receipts. On my blog site, even on the investor series.

Now everyone has an opinion on it, and it's mostly a stupid one for show that is poorly informed 2018, read the post it's amazing…
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It wasnt insolvency OR PAYROLLS:
"Despite the bank being in sound financial
condition prior to March 9, 2023, investors and depositors reacted by initiating withdrawals of $42 billion in deposits from the Bank on March 9, 2023, causing a run on the Bank" Withdrawing $42 billion dollars in a matter of hours wasn't done by some mom and pops at the ATM, not wa sit down by startups with a few mil lying around waiting to make payroll, it was done by a few handfuls of firms and oligarchs who did a run on the bank
Aug 17, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
our navy cant even keep our helicopters and planes from getting wrecked in peacetime and our boats rust free.
We ain't winning any wars, we got a few missiles left and they have been neglectfully maintained and horribly serviced.… An advanced fighter aircraft plunged into the Mediterranean Sea after being blown off the deck of an aircraft carrier during "unexpected heavy weather…
Apr 1, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Read his tl. Getting very Malcolm Nance'ian stolen Ukraine valor grift vibes. Dunno. Image Hmm. Dunno. Guy gotta be Wolverine.

Dec 12, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ not gonna do a thread, but some quick angry notes: Pensions = an interest of mine for 15+ years. NYS and NYC Controllers have all been friends, we've discussed. Each state/city has own particulars.
Shadiness at Cali/CalPERs has been chronicled by @nakedcapitalism for years. CalPERs paid almost 4b as performance fee for a 12b return, only disclosed after years of lawsuits. They also used vehicles to circumvent cap rules.
They are one of many that have bid up VC 'unicorns', many of which have gone thru repricings at Fidelity Blue Chip(i advise them)
Oct 25, 2019 30 tweets 8 min read
🔥 Kick a** thread about the VAT tax. And you.
"Edge of your seat excitement" - Tom Cruise. "Riveting" - Rex Reed

Let's begin... Medicare for All, free college and the Green New Deal, are conservatively estimated to cost more than +/-$45t over 10 years.... Image Chapter 1. The setup (scene from Survivor)
To fund this monstrosity, new tax schema have been proposed: A wealth tax, a 70% top tax rate and a financial transactions tax. All of this pain would only raise +/- $300b a year. An insurmountable hurdle of red…
Oct 4, 2019 47 tweets 13 min read
Thread updating you about China vs The US. You're about to become incredibly smart, wise, you’ll really really like yourself and you’ll wake up tomorrow with new kitchen skills.
Year-to-date, the U.S. goods deficit with China is at $199b, down 10.2% from the same time last year Image “Whatever must happen ultimately should happen immediately” Henry Kissinger
In August 2019, Trump implementation of new 10% tariffs on $300b worth of imports
Sept = 112b in clothing, footwear, textiles
Dec = 160b in consumer electronics, toys, Christmas ornaments
Mar 25, 2019 36 tweets 7 min read
🔥Thread. I'm gonna make you a "Health Care" berserker.
Pharma, hospital & insurance cartels appropriated the language of their adversaries. They have sent out an army of Terminators, programmed for reconnaissance, infiltration & a team of robot killer dogs. You can be our hero Image A survey was done by Commonwealth Fund, it compared health-care systems of 14 advanced countries. On the 20 measures of comparison, Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) performed well in 13, meh in two, and very poorly in five..