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Psychotherapist/Counselor. Lakers fan. Activism/politics, science interests.
Mar 6, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
@cody84887998 @MackayIM Also worth noting the # of hospitalized/ICU cases. Was ~20% hospitalized (5% ICU) in China.

Even if 1/4 that, 5% hospitalized of 66 million is 3.3 million. We have 1 million hospital beds in US.

And high initial CFR in Wuhan was bc of lack of definive care. @cody84887998 @MackayIM Biggest problem of COVID19 isn't what happens to people who get it in functioning medical systems (though that's bad enough). It's the fact that it will overwhelm healthcare system. We don't have enough respirators, ECMO machines, beds, doctors. Small fraction of capacity we need