Andy Donohue Profile picture
deputy editor, projects @reveal
Sep 30, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ Yesterday we published an investigation into Amazon's massive misinformation campaign.

Naturally, we're now the *subject* of their misinformation campaign.

So let me show you how they operate ... 2/ After our story published, Amazon PR people sent an email to editors at partner publications who ran the story and reporters who wrote about the story.
Jun 6, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
This week San Diego banned the use of carotid restraint.

What they didn’t ban, apparently, was snatching a person off the street, chucking them into an unmarked minivan and threatening to shoot anyone who followed them. Update: SDPD says whatever the results of its internal investigation (after plainclothes officers threw a protester in an unmarked minivan and threatened to shoot anyone who follows them) those findings will be kept secret because “it is a personnel matter.”
Jun 5, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Is this OK w/ you, @Kevin_Faulconer? @Kevin_Faulconer In SDPD's own words, they did this because "A detective witnessed a woman step off of the sidewalk into the roadway and swing a cardboard sign at a passing SDPD motorcycle officer." (Via @KPBSnews)

A cardboard sign.

Stepped off the sidewalk.
May 5, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
BOOM! The @reveal team was named @PulitzerPrizes finalists today for exposing how Amazon treats its warehouse workers.

So many high-fives and hugs to a reporting team that was tenacious, creative and -- somehow still -- kind. Led by the ever-calm @willCIR ... Image @reveal @PulitzerPrizes @willCIR ... and with a great group of collaborating reporters: @raeoflion @ByardDuncan @iff_or @kmieszkowski and @HannahDotYoung.
Apr 29, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ THREAD: I’m now in my 7th week as an impromptu elementary school teacher. I’ve learned some things that I thought could be helpful for other parents in this situation.

So here are some scenes from my classroom. I hope they help ... 2/
Apr 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Today we found out we won the @IRE_NICAR award in the large radio/audio category for investigation into how Amazon warehouses have become injury mills. Image @IRE_NICAR Feels like an odd time to be celebrating awards, but also a perfect time to be re-upping this investigation.

Even more relevant right now as Amazon workers express deep concern about how the company is protecting them from the coronavirus.

And the way the company's responded.
Nov 25, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
We got the internal injury records from Amazon warehouses across the country.

They showed injuries are sky-high. Then we heard all kinds of crazy stories from former workers, safety managers and a gov't whistleblower.

@willCIR's new investigation:… @willCIR There's so much in here I'm having trouble picking what to tweet about.

Amazon bosses forcing people to work after a gas leak. Indiana whitewashing a worker death as it tried to win Amazon's HQ2.

The way robots appear to make things more dangerous. The human bodies destroyed.
Nov 7, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
The U visa is supposed to help protect immigrants and help solve crimes.

But, as @lauracmorel uncovers in our new investigation, law enforcement agencies across the country are undermining it.… @lauracmorel This is Nataly Alcantara. She was sleeping with her young kids when robbed at knife point. She did everything police asked and more -- even helping track down the suspect on her own.

Then she asked police to sign a form confirming that she helped.

They refused, w/o explanation Image
Jul 31, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
NEW: Last year North Carolina shut down New Horizons Group Home after just five months because of "imminent danger" to children.

Now, the US gov't has given it $4m to house immigrant children.

@lauracmorel + @PatrickMichels team up w/ @WRAL:… @lauracmorel @PatrickMichels @WRAL New Horizons is just one of many orgs getting $$$ to open new shelters as ORR expands its shelter network.

Our investigation shows that many of them have a history of trouble, aren't properly licensed, or don't have experience taking care of kids (or adults).
Jul 2, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
We created a way to locate cops who are members of hate groups.

Here's the full investigation:

Part 1:…

Part 2:…

Part 3:…

The list:… So far, 1 cop has been fired. Many departments don't seem to care.
Apr 29, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Investigative reporters:

What's your best trick for staying organized on a long project?

Doing training for the @reveal fellows. Feel like organization is one of the most important, but least talked about, skills in our biz. Also, I realize my own organizational system is deeply personal. Built around my own anxieties and ticks. So what works for me might not work for anyone else.
Apr 26, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
A year and a half after they first exposed the existence of rehab work camps, @amyjharris + @shoeshine keep methodically uncovering new, perverse ways patients get exploited.

This time: Some of the biggest names in corp. America benefit from the labor.… @amyjharris @shoeshine They also show how much the free labor ends up benefited the rehabs themselves.

Cenikor's CEO, Bill Bailey, earned $400k in 2017.

And there's this: Image
Feb 27, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ There's a bill in Sacramento that would make the California Public Records Act -- which is already pretty weak compared to many other states -- harder to enforce.… 2/ The author of the bill is state Sen. Ben Hueso of San Diego. I used to cover him. Here's some useful info about him I thought you should know ...
Feb 26, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Free story idea for California reporters:

You can get records on sexual harassment / abuse by public school teachers.

The records are public if the allegations are substantiated. @voiceofsandiego has done a series of stories based on these docs. Image You might think that personnel files aren’t accessible. You wouldn’t be wrong. Most of the time they are. Image
Dec 19, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
The president of @GonzagaU responded to our investigation -- into how abusive priests retired on campus -- w/ a letter to students, faculty + staff.

But it's contradictory and hard to follow. He wouldn't agree to an interview to clarify.… @GonzagaU Here's the original story:…
Dec 14, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
This week, reporters in Kentucky and Oklahoma did investigations that are the result of reporting networks we’ve build.

The goal: to give local reporters data, tips and tools to do meaningful investigations.

Here they are ... 1. @KentuckyCIR reporters showed how Louisville police makes it look like they’ve cleared rape cases even when they haven’t made an arrest.

This is based on data that was part of our investigation with @Newsy + @propublica.…
Nov 15, 2018 14 tweets 5 min read
Rape suspects are walking free.

Victims aren't getting justice.

And yet police are able to count these cases as successes in their crime stats, over and over again.

New investigation from us, @Newsy + @propublica:… @Newsy @propublica Here's how: Police can use something called exceptional clearance to clear cases, even no arrest gets made. No charges are filed.

They can do this if they say they can't close the case for reasons out of their control: the suspect dies, the victim won't cooperate.
Nov 5, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read

This spring, Elon Musk went on the offensive denying the findings of our April investigation into Tesla's worker safety.

As that was happening, @willCIR finds Tesla doubled down on its efforts to hide injuries from govt' + public.… @willCIR Two months after our original story, Tesla hired a new company, Access Omnicare, to run its factory health center.

It promised Tesla it could help reduce the number of recordable injuries and emergency room visits.…
Aug 30, 2018 15 tweets 6 min read
This week we learned that the fearless @amy_pyle is moving on to @USATODAY.

In her honor, a recap of some of the secrets the world now knows about thanks to the @reveal under her watch: @amy_pyle @USATODAY @reveal 1. A group of rehabs across the country have become little more than work camps for private industry.

A conspiracy of judges, big business and nonprofits:…
Aug 8, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Clay Dean Hill was a longshoreman.

He became a millionaire child care entrepreneur. His facilities have left a long trail of death and abuse.

After that was well known, immigration officials sent him $33 million to care for kids.… We've been investigating Hill's Shiloh Treatment Center, just one of scores of facilities used by ORR w/ serious allegations against them.

Here's what we've learned:
Jul 31, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
A judge says the Shiloh detention center must stop drugging children and move them into less restrictive housing.… Shiloh is the place we wrote about last month that was drugging children, against their will, without their parents' consent.…