How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, the story--that the operation was conducted by Valeriy Zaluzhniy, then Ukraine's most senior military officer, despite the fact the CIA got wind of the operation (from Dutch intelligence), and told President Zelensky to stop it, which he ordered Zaluzhniy to... Davies says he now believes that many people prioritise things other than economic growth; for example, on the left, equality, and on the right tradition and ethnic homogeneity. I think this is right, but it might be less apparent if there *was* economic growth. Since... first, whatever you think of their programme or their politics (and I am more concerned than most), Labour will be popular. All new governments enjoy a honeymoon period (even May got a short one), and the media and Civil Service will be delighted they're in power. first thing to understand is that there is very little room for a stereotypical Labour spending splurge. In fact, it's more likely that @RachelReevesMP will have to engage in serious austerity. Sovereign debt is near 100% of GDP, and the 2023/24 fiscal deficit was 4.4%. of power in the UK). This group of Tories (who have mostly accepted cultural defeat or were born into the post-defeat world and therefore know nothing different) cannot grasp why the 'Conservative' Party should be involved. I am sad to tell you that this faction... a democratic affront and, worse, a sign that it was amateur hour within the Tory Party. Further, there was *no* consensus candidate behind which the party could have swung, which would have necessitated another full blown leadership contest. Imagine the disgust of the...'s get some facts straight. The methods President Bukele used *were* extremely harsh. To achieve his goals, rights of association were suspended, as was the right to legal counsel. The period in which a suspect could be detained without charge was extended from 3... first argument Mr Shapiro uses is that when state pensions were introduced (in the US by FDR) life expectancy was *lower* than the pension age. In Britain, pensions for all through NI were introduced in 1946. Male life expectancy was indeed lower than the pension age...