Dr Sara Rich Dorman Profile picture
Political Scientist, Edinburgh. Book: https://t.co/BKwZMEtw0d Co-Chair @jsas_editors Blog: https://t.co/Eqa46icbSN Personal Acct
Aug 3, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Top tip for effective writing: never start by saying 'this article will explore' or 'look at' or 'examine'. Say, 'this article will argue'. and then tell us how you argue it. 1/4 Not only does it help you structure your writing (you'll realise what you can leave out), but if people know your argument, they will read it more easily, because they'll follow your thoughts/argument through 2/4
May 29, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
It's that time of year, so here's some advice on how to write more effective essays/dissertations/journal articles:

1. In your intro give a clear account of your argument/RQ. Make sure the entire essay is focussed on answering that one RQ/making that argument. 2. Signpost your argument. Don’t say “I will look at” (or examine). Say “I will argue” and make sure everything in the essay contributes to you making this argument.
May 21, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
Why does Zimbabwe's electoral roll matter? Because it has been one of three consistent strategies used to tilt the playing field in ZANU's favour (the others are control of the media and violence - these are more easily 'observed'). @tawandachimhini @erczimbabwe 1/14 Zimbabwe has never had a a robust electoral register/voters' roll. In both 1985 and 1990 so many questions were raised about the roll that the Registrar-General allowed anyone to vote who had proof of citizenship and residence. 2/14