Alan Graham Is Beginning to Wind Down Here. Profile picture
Founder of OCL with @RupertHine. 30+ years technologist, designer, author, producer, DLT/Cryptography, artist advocate. Worked with Sonos, Apple, Discovery.
Oct 20, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
I'm very concerned with what might happen in America, especially with LGBTQ, bigotry, and reproductive rights. I'm going to show you how you could use our DiiD platform combined with something like @signalapp to keep people informed yet protected. First thing first, what is DiiD? It is a platform that allows you to create things like biolinks and landing sites, but in a format that can be captured as an app. We let you connect with your audience and use push notifications without accounts, usernames, passwords, or PII.
May 30, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Put the music biz on the blockchain you say, and use smart contracts to magically handle every scenario. Allow me to show you how complex this is (& why you won't solve it) by showing a DLT tool we built years ago to be able to automate rights/payments, & handle visual assets. This screen shows a smart contact-like scenario & requirements necessary to create a single UGC Tx, including all parties involved, including the SDK/APIs necessary to make it work, the asset data, who gets paid, and further passable rights to the next party.
May 30, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
This may be controversial as an artist advocate, but I 100% want @Spotify to succeed. Many of the issues that put them at crosshairs with creators aren't actually at the core created by them. They are structural remnants combined with the monopolistic powers of major labels. Spotify & other DSPs make great products that people love. Spotify innovated in areas that other platforms didn't see & deserve credit for that. They have incredible customer satisfaction & this puts them in a unique position to align themselves & fans closer to creators.
May 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
This is dumb:

"Musk committed to rolling out self-driving cars next year. Processing music transaction would be a walk in the park for him. Transaction costs, which have been flagged as a concern, can be reduced by simply moving to a low-cost, reliable, green blockchain." Uh, no they don't:

"Music companies have demanded that Twitter license music fully.
But, as the platform’s potential new owner, Elon Musk won’t play the music industry’s game – instead, the music industry must play his."

This is not how music rights work at all.
May 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"A former classmate of Texas school gunman Salvador Ramos has said he was bullied at school because of his clothes and that his family was poor".

We can't just talk guns, we also have the talk about the culture of bullying. I was bullied severely as a teen. After my mom died, I went from living in LA to the small farm town she was from, and I was instantly known as the "fag from LA". Three years of abuse that drove me to the point I considered self harm. I was medicated for depression...
May 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Let's get serious here a second. If there's anything I can impart as hard learned knowledge, it is that life is about mitigating risks. I'm not saying don't take them, but you want a backup plan for everything. If you buy NFTs, you likely aren't insured. Dangerous. Fire, theft, homeowners, renters, jewelry/valuables. You need to take the time and spend the money to protect them. One time I let a policy lapse for just a week while I switched to a new one, and during that time we lost something of high value and had to eat it. Don't be me.
May 25, 2022 14 tweets 8 min read
Someone texted my wife saying I was mentioned on the latest @PivotPod by @karaswisher & @profgalloway. I've listened to it, I have some comments. It's fine, but the characterization of me "yelling" at Kara is unfair. I was respectful and measured. I didn't resort to name calling, yet I was called "dramatic" for being disappointed in the they chose to read on the podcast for a crypto IRA, that allows people to invest in some very sketchy offerings, like Axies Infinity.…
May 24, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
The "crypto is like the early Internet" fallacy.
In the mid 90s I had a successful computer company, and one day I had to drive to an ISP to get an internet account so someone could email me a software patch. Utility. I immediately knew this is what I wanted to work on.
👇🧵 After returning from working on the Internet overseas, I had difficulty explaining to my grandparents what I did for a living. So, in 1996 I bought my grandpa a WebTV because it was the perfect UX for someone who never owned a computer.
May 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
So this works. You can use our platform for long-form tweets. People can read it "on Twitter" or you have the chance they might want to read it in your very own MiniApp you made in 20 minutes. Now you have a privacy focused direct connection to your audience. In testing we've seen conversion rates of around 15% on the low end and over 90% on the high end, of people capturing your MiniApp. We've also seen CTR performance rates on Push 25X+ that of email. On the low end you'd have to send 70k emails to match 1k push notifications.
May 5, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
The strength of any system has to be judged on its weakest point. For crypto and blockchain that's private key management. Here's why I think it will take down crypto, blockchain, and NFTs, in plain English.🧵 Cryptography is how we handle a lot of security, and it works really well because you can generate an infinite amount of keys to sign an infinite amount of situations, while ensuring there will be only one private key. Those private keys are the "key" to everything.
Apr 2, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
A few trolls are attempting to say that this wasn't a failure of blockchain or DLTs, but a failure of project management or planning. Anyone who has worked on a large project knows that's not how it works. Ethereum & Bitcoin are struggling with this now. Let's dispel: When you have the idea for a solution to a problem, the first thing is to sketch out the idea, talk with others to see if it resonates, and then keep working out the steps. You might (should) spend months on this part before you write a single line of code.
Apr 1, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Let me tell you about my expensive lesson in designing and programming a platform based on a distributed ledger, attempting to bring blockchain/NFT ideas into a marketplace (pre-NFTs), and why I learned it was unworkable. Not long after the blockchain hype started in 2015, while I was skeptical of the tech, I decided we'd try it since there were very interesting ideas.

We built a DLT platform (& SDK) allowing you to write a contract in natural language that would apply rules to creative assets.
Mar 30, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
@tim_cook as a developer, customer, and citizen, given the situation with Russia, I’d like to point out some things I’m not sure the EU is aware of that give me a great deal of concern when it comes to the issue of sideloading apps, safety, and security that could be disasterous. While the intention of the EU might be good, the concern for me is that if sideloading is required by the EU, it opens the possibility of nation states launching their own App Stores to bypass sanctions or force their citizens to use them. This has a tremendous amount of risk.
Feb 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just a point about NFTs & the theft of artwork. While everyone is talking about © and DMCA, remember that platforms like @opensea are not publishers/social. They are a marketplace allowing the sale of stolen goods. This is fraud. If @opensea thinks hiding behind DMCA takedowns is sufficient, I'll remind you, as a market they allow things that are stolen to be sold on their platform, they take a Tx fee, and then facilitate the transfer of ownership...whoo boy that's bad...
Jan 6, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Someone tried to have an argument with me regarding me saying that NFTs are the new DRM. "But you can right click and save the photo".🙄 Yes well NFTs aren't photos, they are "providence".

It doesn't take a genius to see where NFTs are going, let's spell it out for the slow. If an NFT is "proof of ownership", then it stands to reason that they can be used to restrict access to purchased assets, because of course you'd want to do this. I buy something, I hold the keys, I get to access what I purchased and no one else can. It is a reverse DRM.
Jan 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Art community, think hard about this. The world of the NFT is a class system where patrons don’t just fund your work, but they can lock it up. The whole “collectible” idea sounds good, but the end game is all art is private and for those who can afford it. Samsung offering to sell & make NFTs viewable on their TVs is a perfect example of a society where the have nots are once again the peasants who have no ability to purchase or view art. It isn’t just a new version of DRM, it will cause great societal harm…
Jan 5, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
@profgalloway I wish you would be extra cautious as to how you discuss issues of crypto & NFTs. Companies like @opensea are helping to foster the IP theft of massive amounts of art from artists because they perform no KYC and have no methods of handling the scale of this problem. These artists do not have the resources to file hundreds of takedown notices or hire lawyers to fight this. It is actually not simple infringement but theft, allowing NFTs to be minted on art that they don’t own. Please please don’t give this more oxygen without context.
Jan 4, 2022 18 tweets 12 min read
A lot of people have done 2020 lists. Here's not just what I loved, but what I learned through 2020. First, I invested in buying physical media again, and topped out at 100 records and 30 CDs. I also invested in a proper turntable and stereo to get the most out of it. Vinyl + tubes sound great.
Oct 15, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Okay let me discuss NFTs a sec. As with ideas like blockchain, in principle I'm not against any of these ideas. I'm against grifters who prey on artists at a time when artists and their livelihoods are at the risk of collapse.

So are there actual legit uses for NFTs?🧵 The NFT is basically rehashing an idea of a collectable, however to be clear the NFT is not the art, it's supposedly the providence of the art itself. The idea is you can use the NFT to prove you own the digital art because you posses a private key. Then come added layers.
Aug 31, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
User-centric payments in streaming, where monthly payments get split up to exactly what you listened to is a great idea, but there’s another model we developed that could work even better for all parties. I call it a Facilitator model, or user-based licensing. #brokenrecord We waste hundreds of millions in existing/potential revenue through the process of licensing platforms like Spotify. And existing models means we also make it impossible for any other player to compete unless they have massive capitalization. Let’s examine our facilitator model
Jan 17, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
In February we are launching Portes, a protocol/app that can verify your status to a third party (human, age, parent, student, exclusive) with zero personal information collected or shared. We're done with the Google surveillance state. Unlike ReCaptcha, our solution is not hostile to sites, apps, businesses, or users. It is accessible for those with disabilities. Our privacy policy is under 40 words long. We do not request nor collect any personal or device identifiers. We cannot track or profile you.