Krishna K Agrawal Profile picture
Associate Professor,Internal Medicine Nephrologist NSMC Class of 2020
Aug 15, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
😇Acidosis in DKA: Why the Gap⁉️
Hello, #nephtwitter, hope you enjoyed the latest blog post…
Let’s talk all about
⚡Diabetic Ketoacidosis⚡………
⚡Are you ready⁉️
💥#Tweetorial #DKA #Acidosis #Aniongap @TheSkeletonKG #NSMC @podkopiluwak💥 Image 2a/💢 Let’s consider a 44 yo M presents with altered mentation🧠. ✨He has a fruity odor on his breath. Glucose was 1000 with serum bicarb of 10.
✨Urine dipstick was negative for ketones. Is this patient in DKA❓