Pureblood, father, Christian, MAGA, Searching for Truth, learning every day. Let's take down the cabal, central banks, globalists, and deep state together!
Dec 26, 2022 • 26 tweets • 6 min read
Brunson v. Adams - Conspiracy Theory or Controlled Demolition?
Thread 1) Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, we've seen virtually every conspiracy theory regarding Govt. involvement in censorship labeled misinformation by the MSM proven true. Musk himself recently said as much.
2) However, a much bigger one exists that very few discuss. For those of us riding aboard this train, we understand that something is off about the current state of Govt. We know about Trump's EOs, Devolution, Reconstitution, and his infamous meeting with his Generals on 12/18/20
Dec 10, 2022 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Brunson v. Adams: The Rightful Cure
Thread 1) If you've read my previous two threads on this case in front of SCOTUS, you will understand how it got there, why it got there, and the potential ramifications of decertifying 385 Congressional Members.
2) This case askes SCOTUS to not only remove these 385 Congressional Members and the former VP, but also the current VP and POTUS. However, we must look back at what went down in December of 2020, and also what is likely to happen in the upcoming Moore v. Harper case.
Dec 9, 2022 • 26 tweets • 6 min read
Brunson v. Adams - The Fallout and Reconstitution of The United States
Thread 1) This case sits on the docket at SCOTUS (22-4007) and will be heard in Conference on J6 2022. If you read my previous thread you will see how it got there and a general overview of the Complaint
2) To summarize, if SCOTUS votes to take it to hearing, it could remove the Certification of 385 Congressmen along with Pence and the current admin. This thread will outline what this court is all about, and why it wants this case - bottom line, this Court is about Reconstitution
Nov 30, 2022 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
Thread 1) Brunson v. Adams - The Master Plan to Drain the Swamp. "We are going to stage a comeback the likes of which nobody has ever seen!" President Donald J. Trump. This is how it will go down... @realDonaldTrump@elonmusk#brunsonvadams2) By now, most have heard about this case (Docket 22-4007) that has reached its way to SCOTUS. The crux of this Complaint states that Congress violated it's oath of office by not investigating 100+ Congressional complaints regarding voter fraud on J6.