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Aug 1, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Prior to illegal immigration becoming a pet issue for Democrats (with the assent of big labor unions), labor economists were much more honest & less political in their analysis of illegal immigration.

Only the politics, not the underlying market mechanisms, have changed. Image “... there is no debate that the magnitude of illegal entry is substantial & that the direction of change is toward increasing numbers…

…the vast proportion of illegal aliens come to the US to work. The impact on the labor force of the nation, therefore, must be substantial.” Image
Jul 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
“…the Popes recognize the existence & the great power of a "lawful love of one's fatherland & a sentiment of due piety towards one's own nation", as a "great & noble sentiment, productive of many virtues".”

Rev. John J Wright, National Patriotism in Papal Teaching, (1912).
Image “…the national society therefore represents a true good for the individual, one which he utilizes for the "well-being of his soul", and which exercises its claims on his affections and his loyalties…” Image
Jul 5, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Of all types of relational violence, emotional & psychological abuse are the most devastating. They do the most long term damage, are the most difficult to recover from, and unlike a black eye or broken arm, you don’t even have any objective evidence that any of it is even real. Physical abuse is now relatively rare and universally condemned. We know what to look for. We have a social script, and a vocabulary to communicate with one another about it, tonnes of resources, and a million and one services to help alleviate that problem.
Jan 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
A “micro aggression” is a term for the constant psychological abrasions experienced by a narcissist in the presence of any person who is effectively individuated from them & refuses to pander to them, yield to them, mirror their emotions or become hostage to their manipulations. Ie. if you have strong boundaries & don’t let your existence become subsumed to their control, the narc can’t experience you as extension of themselves, any reminder of you—outside their control—is grating. The only way they can relate is by NOT actually relating to you AS you.
Jan 26, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Will Stancil has no problem with race and race science, so long as it indicts white people, and serves the demographic replacement interests of the left.

Receipts below 👇
Jan 16, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Found this amazing book review in the fourth issue of National Review (1957), “Integration is Communisation” by Richard M Weaver—he saw gay race communism’s for what it was, from the very beginning.

Thread 🧵
“The Supreme Court's extraordinary dictate to the public schools promises to keep race relations inflamed for an indefinite period. It is therefore to be expected that there will be a continuing spate of books from "liberal" sources, filled with self-righteousness and preaching the funeral of what is pejoratively called "discrimination."Image
May 24, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
"The unhinged Manhattan college professor who went viral for cursing out anti-abortion students shockingly held a machete to a Post reporter’s neck Tuesday — and made wild threats that she was going to “chop” him up"… I don't ever what to hear a leftist utter the phrase "having a normal one" ever again. They are all batshit crazy.
May 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Can someone who understands us con law better than I do please help me understand wtf he is talking about? I don't understand which aspect of the 14th amendment gives Biden authority to override the congressional slap fight over the debt ceiling? wtf is he talking about? Image
May 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you are caught shoplifting you can have the implied consent to enter a certain retail premises revoked by the retailer. This revocation means that should you enter the premises, you are trespassing & you can be charged & arrested. Start doing this with subway menaces. Simple. Also you should ban begging & busking in subways. It's coercive & intimidating because people have nowhere to go and no way to get away from them. This isn't actually complicated. You cannot just impose your stupid performances on people in public spaces & demand they pay you.
May 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
"The whole system failed him" say absent father (who allowed Neely to grow up in a single parent home where his mothers boyfriend murdered her and dumped her body in a suitcase), and aunt who did fuck all to help him after his mother's brutal death.

His FAMILY SYSTEM failed him. ImageImageImageImage Then the libs consumed his mothers brutal death as true crime entertainment on television at night after work, while Neely was shucking and jiving for them on the way to and from the office in the subway. I guess his absent father was too busy to pay attention or care. ImageImage
May 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
At the core of the leftist delusion is a vulgar materialist proposition, ie. that man does violent things only due to a lack of material resources & thus material resources alone are posited as the solution to complex human problems BUT only when perpetrator is a democrat client. When a black person, a transsexual, a liberal college educated woman, a white BLM activist etc. is brutal, deceitful, cruel or malicious, it's because WE deprived or failed them. We denied them resources or affirmation or whatever the fuck.
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The bait & switch here is absurd.

A lifelong criminal with a warrant out for his arrest, who is assaulting & terrorising passengers on train is not “someone in distress”. He is CAUSING distress!

Steve suggests incentivising violent criminals like him by PAYING them $100!? 🤡 “Just throw hundred dollar bills at problems and they go away! Let the hired help take care of them!”
Apr 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
From shitlib perspective, Trump indictment doesn’t even need to have plausible legal basis, let alone likelihood of guilty verdict. The mere fact of it creates a level of resistance to his candidacy within squishy faction of his own party, which helps Biden divide and conquer. That’s the actual purpose of it - prevent gop rallying behind one clear frontrunner, create doubt re DJT, increase “risk” for risk averse corporate donors & make rallying behind former president (with most ever gop votes) much more complicated than it would otherwise be.

Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
If you raise your kids right, you won’t need to violate their boundaries by going through their phone to spy on them. Your daughter (at 14) is not an extension of your ego, she’s a whole person, and by conducting yourself this way, you are destroying her ability to trust you. Then again, given that she’s suicidal, in therapy yet her dad is posting about it online & giving podcast interviews, she’d be right not to trust him, bc he’s almost certainly a narcissist, which would also explain her suicidal ideation (very common in kids of cluster b parents).
Apr 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The reason they prevented people attending Biden’s inauguration was to preserve illusion of authority & grandiosity ie. avoid embarrassment of a low turn out that would make them look smaller and weaker than Trump. Hence fake & gay flags on display in lieu of living human beings. Image This is what everything is with narcissists. The Other doesn’t exist to them. Inanimate flags spiked into the lawn are as real to them as American citizens are. All that matters is appearance & that their narrative is maintained for their inner party brethren.
Apr 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Joost A. M. Meerloo M.D.
American Journal of Psychiatry - 1967

“ Those patients seen by me who
wanted to change their genital status were all borderline psychotics who also wanted other parts of their body altered. . . . . . They wanted plastic surgery for their faces & noses & entertained other self-destructive fantasies. Their need for sexual alteration lay rooted in a deep-seated depression and a psychotic denial of self.

What about our medical responsibility and ethics?
Mar 31, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
This is why Soros “reform” prosecutors continually persecute people who defend themselves against violent attackers. Sends message to their lumpenscum footsoldier army, that they are above the law while teaching normies not to defend themselves. They want you servile & obedient. 👆That tweet is the most important one I’ve made in a long time. You really need to understand what the left is trying to do to the US population. St Louis DA Kimberley Gardner who prosecuted the McCloskeys was Soros Backed.
Mar 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
While you are saying the left has gone “too far”, the entrepreneurial leftist content creators are pushing the new line, that the left got “co-opted” + *hasn’t gone far enough*. Step out of that facile double-bind. This is where their ideas lead.

Therefore their ideas are wrong. My problem with the left isn’t that they’ve gone “too far”. It’s that the fundamental axioms on which their politics turn are morally repugnant. They are spiritually bankrupt. They want power at any price, and there is no threshold of depravity that they won’t cross.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Liberal psychologists are enablers. The only useful shrink is a socially conservative one, and they’re an increasingly rare commodity. M Scott Peck, Theodore Dalrymple and Thomas Szasz are good. Most of them are ridiculous.
Mar 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Stop calling social & spiritual pathologies “mental illness” as if they’re something wrong inside a persons brain that just needs medication. That’s not what’s happening with school shooters. They’re violent homicidal maniacs who are often radicalised or abused by shrinks. The last thing most of them need is more psychological bullshit from liberal freaks, especially the trans ones. They need moral norms, boundaries, limits, punishment, constraints, and to be pulled into line by real men, not dipshits with a copy of DSM V and a prescription pad.
Mar 29, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
As much as there are many slimeballs who are intentional vassals, tools of the powerful, there are also just as many “crazy making” cluster-b types in the media, who are as dumb as dirt, & effectively act as useful idiots for the powerful, by being dumb narcissists.