Ajit Singh Profile picture
Researcher and writer. Focused on imperialism and Washington's new Cold War.
Drew Shaw Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 10, 2022 29 tweets 10 min read
🧵During apartheid, the US sponsored South African media outlets to, in its own words, "counter the strong Marxist campaigns... in the black townships." Today, in partnership with private donors, the US has carved out a large sphere of influence in the country's media landscape: Image For decades, the struggle against apartheid in South Africa was stymied by Washington viewing the situation through the lens of the Cold War. The US considered the apartheid regime to be a strategic bulwark against the spread of socialism and Soviet influence on the continent.
May 27, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
In the first 5 months of 2020, US police have killed over 225 people.

In over a year of Hong Kong protests, during which protesters have taken journalists hostage, ganged up and beaten countless individuals, burned people alive, and murdered the elderly, HK police have killed 0. Lee Chi-cheung, a 57-year old construction worker, was set on fire by Hong Kong protesters after a disagreement, suffering second-degree burns to 28 percent of his body.
Mar 6, 2020 19 tweets 10 min read
THREAD: Meet the World Uyghur Congress—the US-backed, far-right regime change network that is the source of nearly all Western reporting on China's Uyghur Muslims. Working with Washington and Turkish fascists, the WUC's stated goal is "the fall of China"
thegrayzone.com/2020/03/05/wor… Posing as a grassroots human rights organization, the WUC is a US-funded and directed separatist network with 33 affiliates in 18 countries around the world. Since its founding in 2004, the WUC has received millions in US taxpayer dollars from the National Endowment for Democracy ImageImage