Alex Sayf Cummings 🌹 Profile picture
I’m a historian, Libyan, WV-born. Author of DEMOCRACY OF SOUND @OxUniPress BRAIN MAGNET @ColumbiaUP, ed. @tropicsm 🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧ 🇱🇾 🇵🇸 she/her
Feb 21, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
There are really not that many people in academia who come from poor or working class backgrounds for a million reasons. It really strikes me in a way that’s hard to explain that my peers really don’t know what it is to be poor. How it shapes how you think. They really don’t know I don’t like that this has to turn into a social media posturing thing. I’m really just talking about something real. If you really don’t have any real idea of what it means to be homeless and/or not able to eat, you will see things differently
Dec 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Robin Williams's death was one that got to me more than most famous people passings. Maybe it's just that I grew up with him. But there always seemed to be a sadness behind the comedy and acting that he did It's no secret that many of the @tropicsm crew love the movie Good Will Hunting. Most of us are #firstgen college grads and Robin Williams's character seemed a lot like the kind, caring, humble teacher we all knew who wanted to help us to get through things
Dec 16, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Such an emotional day - almost nothing can contain the fanatical devotion I feel toward the place where I work. It's a beautiful thing and something worth believing in Over the Summer I felt devastated as we were reckoning with how to deal with COVID and it seemed like they were throwing us overboard. But they honestly did their best to manage this and in any case, the school's sum total is more than just a few bureaucrats
Dec 16, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
I moved to Georgia in August 2010. Somehow we made it through 10+ years in GA, facing endless political disappointments, but the state ended up supporting Biden. It has been a long, exhausting and difficult road. But we’ve begun to change this place There are hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers like me and my friends who went door to door, phonebanked, and etc., but nothing can compare to the vision @staceyabrams had to make it all possible. She saw the problem, she made the plan, and it worked
Dec 15, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Democrats have never had the backbone to do this... to set recognition of an election outcome as the minimum condition, as if they're doing you a favor by acknowledging the obvious and then you start negotiating from there. The GOP wants it more… As Herman Blume said, you can donate $500 million to Jon Ossoff, but "you can't buy backbone"
Dec 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Lupita Nyong’o should absolutely have gotten the Oscar for Us. It’s so sad that this movie didn’t get the attention it deserved One of my favorite moments in cinematic history is when the dad in Us asks, “who are you people,” and Red says, “We are... Americans...”
Dec 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I am intrigued by your Triple Treat Box, sir… You can't truly trust anyone who doesn't like fast food. This is wisdom for the left
Dec 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Ex Machina is such a brilliant allegory about how social media companies (and tech in general) turn people into patsies by making them feel important with the most minimal effort possible ImageImageImage Ex Machina is my favorite teen movie Image
Aug 10, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
It took exactly one sociopath president and one plague to reveal America's "global leadership" for what it is: nothing. Or worse than nothing. The rot was already there after 30 years of Reaganism, wildly irresponsible foreign policy (esp. after 9/11), the spreading lunacy of religious fanatics, collapsing infrastructure, and a stagnating economy under a gild of Silicon coolness
Jan 17, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
I’m finally watching the 7 Up movies. I first heard about them maybe 15 years ago but never took the time to watch. Basically the idea is that a documentary filmmaker checks in w/ the lives of a group of UK children from different socioeconomic backgrounds every 7 years It’s like the actual real version of Linklater’s film Boyhood, except done as a longitudinal study of tiny young people and how their lives unfold (presumably) as a result of their class or cultural background
Sep 2, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
It’s Labor Day - that very intentionally least-understood of US holidays. The fact that it’s in September and not on May 1st is, in itself, a fuck you to the Left. Today, it is quite possible that the average young American doesn’t exactly know what a union is We are in a time when the long and vicious right-wing campaign - from Lochner and Taft-Hartley to Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Janus - has gotten #organizedlabor almost small enough to drown in a small bathtub 🛀 . But we persist nonetheless
Mar 11, 2019 22 tweets 5 min read
I usually try never to go in for the latest tempest-in-a-teapot media outrage hashtag-o-rama, but, yes, please #FireTuckerCarlson. What a nasty misogynistic little piece of shit. He's always been a piece of shit but now they've "got" something on him. You're cancelled dude No big surprises here. A huge chunk of what passes for "conservatism" is just raw and unmitigated contempt for women, dressed up as an ideology or philosophy we're supposed to take seriously
