Aki Heikkinen Profile picture
Mostly in Finglish | Russia | fuckcancer | RTs, following≠endorsements | ❤️ @KatiHeikkinen1 | @akihheikkinen.bsky.social | #fella of sorts
Feb 20 4 tweets 2 min read
Finnish EPPGroup MEP, european parliament Foreign Affairs committee member and EPP EUDS coordinator Mika Aaltola:

"The United States has given us three weeks to agree on terms for Ukraine's surrender. If we don't, the United States will withdraw from Europe."

(in Finnish) Now it's on HS, the largest Finnish newspaper and no paywall:

Aaltola "has heard from several NATO and EU sources that the United States would give Europe three weeks to agree to peace* terms or else the United States would withdraw from Europe."

* see next post in thread

Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Alarms [of powder letters] have come in the morning from a total of 18 out of 21 county administrative boards around the country"

3 in hospital as of now, unclear if as precaution or exposure to something dangerous.

Helvete. svt.se/nyheter/lokalt… Powder letters found so far dn.se/sverige/larm-o…

(sure tastes like psyop)
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Finnish Ministry of Defence under DDoS attack, site down. Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs too but no official presser yet.
Mar 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Russian agricultural machinery manufacturers facing sudden logistical hurdles as cargo companies say railway carts are now in military use.

"Ъ": производители сельхозтехники столкнулись с дефицитом ж/д платформ для ее вывоза tass.ru/ekonomika/1101… Disruptions are apparently serious as even Ministry of Agriculture stepped in to request flatbeds from Ministy of Transport as timely delivery of agricultural machinery is essential for seasonal field work (ie plowing and sowing).

continued >>
Sep 24, 2018 34 tweets 16 min read
#AiristonHelmi raids aftermath thread below: 1 Russian citizen detained. 1 person with unknown nationality detained.

17 properties were searched.

Possible imprisonments will be decided by Tuesday. uusisuomi.fi/kotimaa/259534…
Sep 22, 2018 24 tweets 11 min read
No-Fly Zone declared to Finnish archipelago area.

National Bureau of Investigation jointly with other authorities conducting multiple searches of unnamed company's properties over financial crimes. map image: hs.fi (outzoomed) Locals and boaters reporting non-stop presence of Finnish Border Guard's helicopters and planes. hs.fi/kotimaa/art-20…
Aug 12, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Many Finnish gov sites and e services are currently down. Including many ministries, police and customs.

Reason currently unknown, all possibilities from tech breakdown to hacking remain open.

#serious Valtori (ICT services for the central government) CEO Lehmus says it's distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Started approx 16.30 local time targeting Valtori. Says that currently it's beaten, services are being restored.

Jul 10, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Russian Western Military District special forces paradropped to an unprepared spot in isle of Gogland (Suursaari), Gulf of Finland. After touchdown, hid parachutes and proceeded to destroy targets before heli extracted from ad hoc site. > > Jump executed from Mi-8AMTSH, height 2,5km and 3km away. All special forces operators who participated have done at least 100 jumps.