I shared some notes with the internal solana foundation team that are relevant more widely. Summary below.
Solana Fndn 2025 Marketing Memo
Internet Capital Markets and F.A.T. Protocol Engineering.
Solana’s promise is to allow anyone with an internet connection access to capital markets. Today, you can download a wallet or app, click a few buttons and participate in internet capital markets – a globally accessible ledger where entities, currencies, and cultures are tokenized.
Why is this important? This helps us create a world where anyone, anywhere can own assets if they have an internet connection. Everything from global companies to real estate, commodities, or even cultural expressions. It lays the foundation for universal basic ownership.
The performant L1 race isn't just to build a decentralized Nasdaq. It is to build an Internet-native successor to Nasdaq -- capital markets with better access, lower latency, and shared global liquidity.
2/ The opportunity is simple, but massive: ~15% of humans can participate in U.S. capital mkts today - the most liquid mkt in the world. Many global mkts are illiquid, expensive to access, and settlement is broken.
Crypto is both more accessible and more liquid than them. In peak periods, it has outranked NASDAQ/NYSE volumes.
We can build the best capital markets on the internet.
Jun 24, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
A case for why the Solana Phone may survive the hype and high expectations...
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ICYMI: the Solana phone is a crypto native hardware device powered by Solana Mobile Services in an Android environment... more here. Solanamobile.com
Jun 23, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Really pumped about this announcement later today🌶️🌶️🌶️
how about a vague but accurate clue? we can start with a quote...
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil for every one who is striking at the root."