alaphiah Profile picture
Believer & Conservative. There is right and wrong. Your earthly assignment is to discern between the two! #MAGA #KAG ❌ Banned Since September 2020❌
Jul 25 5 tweets 1 min read
Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden ran this winter to get the vote of the people across the United States to, in Trump’s case became the official nominee and in Biden’s case to become the presumptive nominee. Kamala Harris did not do that! Democrats are again changing (cont’ing) (cont’d) the rules. Delegate votes given at both political conventions are directly attached to the votes candidates collect during their winter campaigns. Both Trump and Biden received these votes. But Harris has no votes. Per Democratic National Committee rules, a (cont’ing)
Jul 14 5 tweets 1 min read
This day Sunday the day after July 13th, the day Democrats’ words fomented an attempted assassination attempt. Will Democrats from all spheres, from the White House, to the media, to their Antifa allies in the streets take a step back and examine their hate speech, (cont’ing) (cont’d) their hate projection and their divisive hate campaign to fundamentally transform this constitutional republic into a sniper filled, chaotic street riot, propaganda laden “Democracy”? Remember we pledge our allegiance to, “the Republic” not to a Democracy! (cont’ing)
Jul 13 4 tweets 1 min read
Saying the quiet part out loud: Anti-Biden Democrats, mostly veterans of the Obama and Clinton administrations, are plotting hourly to get Biden to withdraw.
These are the saboteurs of the Trump administration and now they are hell bent on ousting Biden. Who are (cont’ing) (cont’d) these clandestine political assassins? They are the ones who orchestrated or had a hand in the unlawful spying on President-elect Trump, the bogus Mueller Investigation, the two phony impeachments, the frivolous law suits and the sham indictments of President (cont’ing)
Jul 3 4 tweets 1 min read
(Cont’ing) (you know about 50% of the U.S. population), The United States is racist and should be erased, Children should be sexualized (sold into sexual bondage) , receive gender affirming care (sex changes) and exposed to LGBTQII++ messaging. And the sun should be (cont’d) (Cont’ing) dimmed for the sake of “Climate change”. These, and much more, are the delusional realities of the Left. So when the Supreme Court confirms that Donald Trump has immunity from their bogus law persecutions like every other President before him of course
Jul 3 5 tweets 1 min read
Men can be women, but they don’t know what a woman is, men can have babies but only women can kill babies, they are for inclusion except for White sis gendered males, Christians, Catholics, Conservatives, Republicans, Patriots, Capitalists, (cont’d) (Cont’ing) (you know about 50% of the U.S. population), The United States is racist and should be erased, Children should be sexualized (sold into sexual bondage) , receive gender affirming care (sex changes) and exposed to LGBTQII++ messaging. And the sun should be (cont’d)
Jun 29 5 tweets 1 min read
Have you noticed that Democrats have moved from the “Me Too” phase of childhood to the “You Too” phase of adolescence. Allow me explain, Jon Stewart Left wing comedic political hack was recently brought out of retirement to bolster the failing Leftwing anti-Trump (cont’d) (Cont’ing) narrative. You know to lie on President Trump, Orangeman bad, Trump is a liar, Trump is immoral, etc.
When a Democrat is caught doing wrong immediately the narrative is, “Republicans do it too” that’s the “You Too” phase of the Democrat strategy. In Stewart’s (cont’d)
Jun 27 6 tweets 1 min read
So the CNN event is happening tonight, note I didn’t say debate, Here are some tips for President Trump:
(1) Do not attempt to reason with Biden.
•Biden is completely scripted he will not be able to respond logically
(2) Do not ask Biden a question.
• Biden has (cont’d) (Cont’ing) canned responses so throw him a curse. Any question ask it and then answer it yourself.
(3) Don’t answer any of Biden’s questions.
•Instead answer the question Biden should have asked
(4) Be prepared to bring up the 51 Intel agents that interfered in the 2020 (cont’d)
Jun 21 5 tweets 1 min read
Mass Formation Psychosis is when the Masses’ thoughts or how they perceive the world are abnormal. Such people may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not. Plainly stated MFP is mass hysteria or mass delusion or the “hive mind”.
So how doesn’t someone (cont’d) (Cont’ing) decouple from the “MFP hive”?
Simply stop pretending!
Stop pretending:
Anything that Democrats and the Left promotes, believes, or mandates has a basis in reality. Everything the Left supports is wrong or a lie.
Everything they said about Covid, everything (cont’d)
Jun 19 6 tweets 1 min read
No matter the outcome Biden will lose the CNN, hosted debate slated for June 27 in Atlanta, here’s why!
1) CNN is known as fake news and anti-Trump. Viewers will have this bias on top of mind.
2) CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the debate. Both are (cont’d) (Cont’ing) open TDS liars. Viewers will have thier hatred on top of mind.
3) CNN purposely rigged the debate rules to favor Biden (rigged elections anyone?) Viewers will have this unfairness on top of mind
4) Joe Biden’s sever cognitive and alertness swings will be (cont’d)
Jun 19 4 tweets 1 min read
Find the solution to win!
Democrats are in a Gordians knot situation. They have elected a frail Elderly senile mentality incapable White man as President. In turn he has selected a DEI hire Indian Asian woman as his incompetent Vice President.
Because of their (cont’d) (Cont’ing) president’s and his VP’s obvious incompetence, Democrats now see the need to replace their picks for President and vice president. They’d like to do it with another White man or a White woman completely overstepping the incompetent Indian Asian VP.
How do (cont’d)
Jun 14 6 tweets 1 min read
Today is flag day: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God with liberty and Justice for all. But hold up! Stop pretending! We are no longer a nation that lives up to the ideas and the (cont’d) (Cont’ing) principles of that pledge.
Democrats tell us we are a Democracy not a Republic. They also say they are fighting for a Democracy. Also Democrats have separated God from the States. There is no longer any liberty or Justice for half of the country if Democrats (cont’d)
Jun 7 5 tweets 1 min read
As Donald Trump draws near to the Presidency you will see many call for him to take the high road. They will say, ‘Don’t got for revenge because you’ll be no better than the people who are trying to destroy you.’
Listen… In what reality do you knowingly and willingly (cont’d) (Cont’ing) coexist with evil? Look around. These people are attempting to destroy the country rather than let you and me elect who we want for President. They have proven they will not relent, they will not listen, they will not change. So what you are realty saying is (cont’d)
Jun 1 5 tweets 1 min read
This has to be said for all you whiny bitch MFers who claim to be for ‘doing what is right’. when Donald Trump is re-elected. It is not revenge, nor is it retribution when justice is serve for sedition and treason against the United States of America. So when all of these(cont’d) (Cont’ing) Judges, Senators, Congressmen, government deep state traitors, Media types, Tech moguls, foreign election and dark money election interferers are raided by the new FBI and the new DOJ indicts them and new Constitutional judges trying them for sedition and(cont’d)
May 30 7 tweets 1 min read
September 11, 2001
Stands singularly as perhaps the most infamous day in modern U.S. history because of what enemies of this country were attempting to accomplish. Via terrorists attacks by passenger laden American commercial jet airplanes enemies of the U.S. targeted (cont’d) (Cont’ing) three symbolic sites The Twin Towers: They symbolized globalization and America’s economic power and prosperity.
The Pentagon: A symbol of American military power.
U.S. Capitol: The legislative branch of the federal government.
Three strikes mean to hit the (cont’d)
May 23 7 tweets 1 min read
My open Amicus Curiae to the Supreme Court of the United States of America regarding Presidents’ Immunity
Heretofore all Presidents of the United States historically have enjoyed unchallenged immunity from political prosecution. That is not the question you are (cont’d) (Cont’ing) deciding.
The question before this court is, shall a political Party charge the President of the opposition Party with charges they believe are in violation of that Party’s own Political beliefs, yet are not criminal acts.
There is only one President in the (cont’d)
Jan 24, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
Twitter puts Impeachment in perspective:
Donald J. Trump came to D.C. vowing to drain the swamp. Democrat’s charges laid out in their impeachment articles are the swamp’s response. They are not draining quietly!
First to put it all in context there has been a total governmental effort to sabotage the Trump presidency made by Republicans and Democrats alike. All swamp creatures from Paul Ryan to Chuck Schumer have attacked this President from within and without. That combined to 24/7 media assaults and subversive domestic and foreign Intel
Jan 14, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Democrats accused Russia of interfering with the 2016 election in spite of Barack Obama’s chiding that U.S. elections could not be interfered with. Remember that?
Apparently Obama was wrong US elections can be interfered with. Democrats have been doing just that since 1/5 2016 continuing to this very day.
Democrats staged Russia Trump collusion, Democrat Deep State operatives spied on Trump and then launched an ongoing attempt to overthrow our government via Mueller investigation and subsequent Congressional subversion 2/5
Jan 2, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Americans may I be extremely frank with you all?
What I am about to say will be perceived as Partisan by those who are Partisan and Truth by those who seek truth.
There are powers using America’s Party system to deprave Americans of their God give Constitutional rights 1/12 How can these forces be detected? Do you know the Constitution? Not what it should mean but what it actual means?
In the coming days these forces will manipulate meaning and understand of what is real.
These force will interpret meanings that are not constitutional and 2/12
Oct 3, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Are you Christian? Today it is undeniably true that Christians are prosecuted world wide more than any other religious group.
Even in the United States a nation brought forth and conceived in Judeo-Christian traditions and values there are those in our Senate and Congress that have shown a strong anti-Christian hatred and bigotry every time someone who is openly Christian is nominated as a Judge or is selected to serve government in any capacity. You and I know that our Vice President is openly and repeatedly attacked because he is a professed
Sep 27, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Conservative Patriots May I speak to you? There is something happening in America we all can feel it. 63 million plus of you saw it and voted for the most unlikely of candidates.
May I tell you, you where right in your assessments and you where also correct in your choice for President. And because of what we did we are witnessing now unseen forces attempting to undo 2016. They are also attempting to prevent what they fear is coming in 2020.
We now know had Democrats won in 2016 the United States would have continued down a path that Obama