Vater 👭 Archäologe ⛏️🏺 Wörterfreund ✒️ Europäer 🇪🇺 Hochschullehrer und Sammlungskustos 🎓🏛️ (Uni Tübingen, Antiken- & Abguss-Sammlung)
Dec 21, 2019 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
I give you a small thread on a, possibly overlooked, piece of #ClassicalReception in late 19th century Italy.
Some may have stumbled upon the notice of the rediscovery of an honorific shield for national hero Giuseppe #Garibaldi
The shield was kept at the Rome's Museo del Risorgimento from where it disappeared in 2000 and was now found in a private dwelling.