Aleksandra Profile picture
developer experience @edgedatabase • TypeScript, React, databases • prev. @hasurahq, @blitz_js • co-organiser @wroctypescript • she/her
Aug 15, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
🔥 Announcing @BLITZ_JS 2.0 BETA 🔥

✨ The Missing Fullstack Toolkit for Next.js ✨

✅ Blitz RPC — typesafe e2e API layer without fetch or res.send()
✅ Blitz Auth — battle-tested & more flexible than next-auth
✅ Conventions & Codegen — set up a full app in 2 mins Previously Blitz abstracted Next.js, but Blitz 2.0 is now a modular toolkit that plugs into any new or existing Next.js app.

Blitz picks up where Next.js leaves off, providing battle-tested libraries and conventions for shipping and scaling worldwide apps 🤯